
Is there anything like HTTP::Recorder for Python?

I really like Perl's HTTP::Recorder. Is there something like it for Python? ...

ORM and Active Record Pattern in PHP?

Hi, There are two things that seem to be popular nowadays and I was wondering what are the pros and cons of using something like this: ? Another thing is ORM (Doctrine for instance). What are the benefits of using these? ...

Delphi: Record constructor vs factory function

So what will be the preferred way of initializing records? With a 'factory function': TMyRecord = record valueX: integer; valueY: integer; end; function MyRecord(const AValueX, AValueY: integer): TMyRecord; begin result.valueX := AValueX; result.valueY := AValueY; end; var myrec: TMyRecord; begin myrec := MyRecord(1, 2); ...

Record video from browser to server

I'm looking to record video from a user's browser to the web server. We've already got a working Red5 server up. I'm in need of details how to configure the server to store the video somewhere on disk, as well as a browser frontend to complete this. Also, I'd like to have a way to update the mysql database when the recording is finished...

Is there a tool that can record Internet Explorer DOM events and record them into XML or TXT?

This tool have to record all (or filtred) DOM events of Internet Explorer and allow to record them into an XML File or a Text file. ...

no easy way with records in F# ?

In F# I can do this: type coord = float * float //Type for a 2D-float-tupple let myDepthCurve1 = { coords = [(1., 2.); (3., 4.)]; depth = 9.4 } but I can't do this: type coord = { longitude : float; latitude : float } //Type for a 2D-float-record let myDepthCurve1 = { coords = [(longitude = 1., latitude = 2.); (longitude = 3., latit...

Delphi: Strings in Records bigger than 255 chars.

Is there a way to get strings in records bigger than 255 chars? EDIT: I have something like the following: TQuery = Record Action: string[255]; Data: string; end; if I now say: Test: TQuery; Test.Data := 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMN...up to 255...AISDJIOAS'; //Shall be 255 chars It does not work and the compiler complains... How to fix th...

Data Structure to store billions of integers

What is the best data structure to store the million/billions of records (assume a record contain a name and integer) in memory(RAM). Best in terms of - minimum search time(1st priority), and memory efficient (2nd priority)? Is it patricia tree? any other better than this? The search key is integer (say a 32 bit random integer). And all...

Looking for a webcam recording widget

This may not exist, but if I was hoping someone was aware of a product (doesn't have to be free) that would allow you to embed a widget on a site where the user could create videos using their webcam. Then you would be able to get those videos via API. Like youtube's record from webcam feature ( but wit...

Record Audio and Upload as Wav or MP3 to server

Hi Guys Im not sure if Im asking the right place, but basically Im looking for advice on the best way to: Record Audio through a microphone on a website and Upload the audio as a Wav or MP3 file to the server Has anyone got extensive experience with flash, would this be difficult to do, is there anything on the market that currently d...

c# rtmp recorder

Hi Guys, I need to record an RTMP stream (video) from a remote server. I know the FluorineFX solution but it includes a flash slave that does publish to local host. Because the DLL will run on a production server I need this solution to be Pure c# Do you know how can I do it? I don't actually need code samples I just need a pointer to ...

subsonic . navigate among records ,view,query

hello everybody i'm some newbie in this matter of .net i'm trying understand this new paradigm i began with linq for SQl but i found this library, kind of framework of T4 more specifically: subsonic T4 i think it could be very usefull but the support docs outside are very scarce my first intention is use them in the very simple form...

OCaml: Check a list of records for membership

If I have defined the following types: type category = Noun | Verb | Adjective | Preposition;; type transformation = {start: category; fin: category};; What is the best way to answer the question "is the record where start = Noun in the list of type transformation? Sort of like let un = [{start= Noun; fin= Noun}; {start= Verb; fin= ...

OCaml: Leaving fields in records undefined?

I have this record type: type syllable = {onset: consonant list; nucleus: vowel list; coda: consonant list};; What if I want to instantiate a syllable where only the nucleus is defined? Can I give it a default value? Does it default to [] or something like that? ...

Is is possible to record my WPF control to a movie?

Hi, I have an application where it is possible to load new content through usercontrols. Some of these usercontrols have distinct features such as pulsing buttons and other kind of animations. What i want to do is provide the user with a small video that shows the usercontrol in action. The user adds usercontrols through an ASP.NEt MVC ...

Delphi -> Delphi prism, how to use array of records?

Hi there. I'm learning Delphi Prism, and i don't find how to write the following code with it : type TRapportItem = record Label : String; Value : Int16; AnomalieComment : String; end; type TRapportCategorie = record Label : String; CategoriesItems : Array of TRapportItem; end; type TRapportContent = reco...

How to check if mysql entry is empty in PhP?

Hello, here is the description variable I am echoing from my table: $description = mysql_result($result,$i,"description"); sometimes the $i'th record is empty and doesn't have any data in it/no description. What I want to do is echo "No description available" for records that are empty if (isset($description)){ echo "No description ...

Mark record inserted

I have table, which I am inserting records to another table. What is the best way to mark record inserted, so it will not be attemted to being inserted again? ...

How to record screen and save as gif animation?

Is there such a software? ...

How do I record video from a webcam in MATLAB?

I would like to know how I can record a video in MATLAB with my webcam. ...