
java 1.4 -sql server 2000:not able to insert multiple records into table.

INSERT INTO UPLOAD_FILE_RECORD_FIELDS_DATA select ?,?,?,? union all select ?,?,?,? union all select ?,?,?,? I have to insert multiple records into one table.So i am using query as below.and setting parameter values. But i am getting error code 77.What is cause? No of records to be inserted are approx 70000.So i am inserting 100 ...

How to record to .wav from microphone after applying fast fourier transform and a high pass filter on it?

Hello, I receive input from the microphone and I apply the fft on it. After that, I put frequencies higher than 1KHz with zero (the high pass filter). I want to know how can I record the input from microphone after I passed it to fft and after the application of the high pass filter. I'm working with c#, what do I need to do? :P ...

Dynamic web record

Hi, im trying to build a simple app: Six colums with these values Nr, Name, checkbox 1, checkbox 2, checkbox 3, checkbox 4. The checkboxes are project stages, Im using Mysql to store the data and retrieving it to a webpage with php. My problem is on how to go updating the checkboxes, and also how to filter the results (display onl...

record feature to my drum Machine

Hi. I'm in the process of developing a drum machine application. We have added sound to the buttons and now we would like to add a record and play button but can't seem to figure out how to write the code. We were hoping you might be able to help us. Thanks ...

Javascript - How to access Arrays of Records

I have an array comprising records v = [{stringA, stringB, arr[{stringC,stringD}] When I try to extract the value of stringA and stringB, Javascript returns {Object, Object} I am trying to use strX = v[4].arr[2].stringC; (this approach works when extracting stringA and stringB, but not when extracting stringC) Please, does an...

Video recording without user interaction

Hi, I want to record video with new iPhone SDK available on 3GS without user interaction. I went through UIImagePickerController and UIImagePickerControllerDelegate class reference. But nothing important came up.I also tried to look at the sample code provided by Apple. I am still trying to figure out that is it really possible to recor...

C#: Record and Playback GUI Events

hi. how can i record and playback mouse and keybaord events. i need this to capture the user interactions with my application so that later on i can play to see what user did. ...

Why aren't F# records allowed to have AllowNullLiteralAttribute?

Is there a compiler implementation reason why records can't have the AllowNullLiteralAttribute attribute or is this a chosen constraint? I do see this constraint force cleaner code sometimes but not always. [<AllowNullLiteralAttribute>] type IBTreeNode = { mutable left : IBTreeNode; mutable right : IBTreeNode; mutable value : int} ...

delphi records and c structs

Task: Application written in Delphi accepts a structure (record in terms of Delphi) of three fields. I can send the pointer of this structure using SendMessage (Win32api) function. So a question is: How to maintain certain structure representation in memory for delphi in terms of delphi. It has type PWPModPostData = ^ TWPModPostDat...

QSqlTableModel.insertRecord() is very slow

Hello, I am using PyQt to insert records into a MySQL database. the code basically looks like self.table = QSqlTableModel() self.table.setTable('mytable') while True: rec = self.table.record() values = getValueDictionary() for k,v in values.items(): rec.setValue(k,QVariant(v)) self.table.insertRecord(-1,rec) The table curr...

Haskell record syntax and type classes

Suppose that I have two data types Foo and Bar. Foo has fields x and y. Bar has fields x and z. I want to be able to write a function that takes either a Foo or a Bar as a parameter, extracts the x value, performs some calculation on it, and then returns a new Foo or Bar with the x value set accordingly. Here is one approach: class ...

Returning different types of arrays from a lambda expression in F#

i have a List of records type Item = { Color : string; Size : int} let itemList = [{Color="Red"; Size=1}; {Color="Green"; Size=2}; {Color="Blue"; Size=3};] I am looking to get turn my list of records into an array of values like [|"Red";"Green";"Blue"|] or [|1;2;3|] I can sorta get there like this typ...

QuickGraph GraphvizRecord doesn't display in vertices

I'm trying to build a Graphviz graph containing record vertices using QuickGraph. So far, I have this: var algo = new GraphvizAlgorithm<Entity, EntityEdge>(this); algo.CommonVertexFormat.Shape = GraphvizVertexShape.Record; algo.CommonVertexFormat.Style = GraphvizVertexStyle.Filled; algo.FormatVertex += new FormatVertexEventHandler<Entit...

F# - Record-type recursive member functions and the "rec" keyword.

I've always believed that in F# we needed to use the rec keyword for every recursive function, for example: let rec factorial = function | 0 -> 1 | k when k > 0 -> k * (factorial (k - 1)) | failwith "oops!" Today I was playing around with F# and I came up with a code similar to the following: let MyRecordType = { Something :...

ocaml record type and null

I'm trying to define type like: type aaa = NULL | {a: int; b: int};; But the compiler does not allow to do it. I'm not sure of the reason why we can't mix record type with anything else. I need to match a value if it is the record type or null record and I'm tired of creating dummy record like {a = -999; b = -999}. is there a better ...

Adding a detail record in a master-detail window view

I'll preface with "Brand new to Cocoa" -- I have a master/detail page on my app: Students that may have one or several contacts (i.e. parents, relatives, etc). I have a Student entity and a Contact entity with a relationship field called "contact" in the Student entity and another relationship field called "student" in the Contact enti...

Recording video in C# and WPF from mediaElement

My application applies custom HLSL shader effects to a mediaElement using decorators. How can I record and save the modified video using the application itself in realtime? ...

MySQL: is there something like an internal record identifier for every record in a MySQL table?

I'm building a spreadsheet app using MySQL as storage, I need to identify records that are being updated client-side in order to save the changes. Is there a way, such as some kind of "internal record identifier" (internal as in used by the database engine itself), to uniquely identify records, so that I'll be able to update the correct...

Gwt-ext. Bean to record and record to bean.

I write a RIA application and my JPA beans must be decoded to push it in Store. My decisions are: Brute Force. If I have property 'aProp' in bean (and getter/setter for it) i create RecordDef, then Record, then Recrod.set('aProp', bean.getAProp()) and so on.. (it is terrible) I can write generator for creating a Factory of Records (it...

Is There a way to update/refresh only one record in delphi dbgrid?

Is it possible? How? ...