
Best way to implement audio conference in Flash/Flex

Hi! I would like to develop public audio conference (some sort of personal radio). Now I am looking for the best solution to do this. I think, that there will be one, two, three, maybe 5 people who has right to talk. Others can only hear them. And, the leading man can give this possibility to talk or deny it. I see some ways, all of th...

How to build a Video Broadcaster, which can handle more than 20,000 viewers

I want to broadcast Video from a web cam, over internet. The problem is, the Video will be viewed live by more than 20,000 people (expected). I have a very little experience with Red5 Broadcasting. I did some broadcasting using Red5 and Flash. It works fine for 1 or 2 viewers i.e. it is great for personal chatting/ video conferencing app...

Flex video player Seeking with RTMP?

Am working in flex video player with RTMP. My Question is.. How to skip the video file to the middle of a video without having to download the whole file using RTMP. I have some basic questions in flex video player with RTMP. Where i want to put the Video file(FLV). Red5 server location or any other folder. Where i want to put the fl...

Stream relay with Red5 Media Server

Hello, I write an (Java-) application that streams a video from one peer to another. I use a library that is able to produce and consume an RTP stream (Xuggler that is). I thought about using Red5 Media Server to relay the stream. What I need next is to send and my video stream. The documentation I read so far always deals with recor...

How to serve MP3's using RED5 flash server

I have installed RED5 flash server and 12 hours after installing it, I still cannot serve a simple MP3 file. So far, If I have understood correctly, you need to create and compile a Java application to simply serve a file!?.... Which seems a little over-complicated to be honest. Never touched Java. I have used the oflademo however can...

Videoconference using Flash and SIP

The front-end will be Flash, to run in a browser and have access to the camera. I must use SIP to control the sessions. How could I do this? Will a Red5 server and a MjSip sever do the trick? As in i'd use MjSip to setup the session and warn users about calls, and Red5 to stream the video and audio? Any suggestions? Note: only 1-on-1 ...

how to make Red 5 to add to read pure FLV incoming stream?

So... I have FLV stream which can be broadcasted by some user. It vill be live, compressed flv stream. How to make Red 5 add it to list of broadcasting streams (BTW: I do not want Red5 to reencode or do anything with that data - just be able to share live data from it on requests.) Any Java class example to do this? or special lib? or ...

Flash AS3 - Dispatching Events from Parent Class to Child Class

I think this is a pretty simply problem but I do not seem to be able to pull it off. Basically I have a parent class A, and a child class B. Class A instantiates class B with addChild. There is a shared object which is being updated from a java server (red5) that has an event listener attached to it in class A. I have a function in c...

Casting an object using 'as' returns null: myObject = newObject as MyObject; // null

I am trying to create a custom object in AS3 to pass information to and from a server, which in this case will be Red5. In the below screenshots you will see that I am able to send a request for an object from as3, and receive it successfully from the java server. However, when I try to cast the received object to my defined objectType...

java: can't use constructors in abstract class

Hi. I created the following abstract class for job scheduler in red5: package; import com.demogames.demofacebook.MysqlDb; import org.red5.server.api.IClient; import org.red5.server.api.IConnection; import org.red5.server.api.IScope; import org.red5.server.api.scheduling.IScheduledJob; import

Java: addScheduledJobAfterDelay() - can I force a scheduled job to start ?

I'm developing a poker game. On the betting stage I create a scheduled job using Red5 iSchedulingService that will run every 8 seconds to forward to the next player to place a bet. Now if the user placed a bet before the 8 seconds are over, I want to manually force the next scheduled job to start. Is there a way to force the scheduled j...

Wireshark doesnt' recognises RTMP streams

Hello! I found on the web few samples on tracking RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol) with Wireshark, but it doesn't work for me. All RTMPT packets rendered as basic TCP packet like this: 149 14.324999 TCP macromedia-fcs > 54557 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1452 Win=69 Len=0 I'm using Wireshark 1.2.8 with all prot...

Please help me with Red5 server

hello, I have installed Red5 server successfully and also am able to run the demos fine. Now, I want to create a sample red5 server application. I created a sample project according to the specific directory structure that Red5 requires. But, now when i try to open this project in Netbeans 6.8, i am unable to because both have a differen...

Java: Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

I am trying to get the Red5 Flash Media Server working on my computer. I have installed it, but when I run the server I get this error Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/red5/server/Bootstrap Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.red5.server.Bootstrap at$

How to measure ping latency in flash/red5 mediaserver

Only thing I found is QoS statistic in, but it does not contain any kind of latency values. In red5 API "IConnection.getLastPingTime()" exists, is it accessible over standard Flex API or I need to poll it by RMI calls? ...

red5 1.0.0 rc1: configure logback to log errors from org.red5.server.service.ServiceInvoker

Hiya. This is my logback configuration file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <configuration> <contextName>xpofacebook</contextName> <appender name="ERROR" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender"> <File>log/xpofacebook-error.log</File> <Append>true</Append> <BufferedIO>false</BufferedIO> <ImmediateFlus...

Alternative to Rtmp and red5 for Iphone application

I am using red5 + rtmp in client-server flash application. There isnt audio/video streams in my applications, rtmp used for transfering messages from app to server and back. Now i need to develop application for Iphone and need help: 1) is there any rtmp implementation on Iphone ?? 2) If not, how could i solve this problem? Is there is...

Red5 cutting streams

Hi there, I have a flex app that was developed using wowza as media server. The purpose of the app is to record the microphone of the client. I have to switch over to red5 now, and so I set up a VM with red5. I had success in creating streams, but only a small part of the audio is saved correctly on the flv files under the stream/ folde...

Red5 Unable to Start Distribution.

I have installed subclipse, Ant, IvyDE, Red5 Plugin for eclipse, I added JAVA_HOME and JAVA_VERSION to environmental variables, I also added Java, and Ant to the windows path. I am attempting to create a Red5 Distribution by using eclipse, opening Build.xml right clicking dist [default] in the outline window and running as and selecting...

Red5 OflaDemo Missing Java App

Hi All. I'm trying to run an application on Red5 server. It has the same basic functionality as the bundled demo named OFLADemo. So I installed Red5 and was able to see the welcome screen. I installed an app and tried the demo flash and all went well... But when I tried to install that particular application from /installer I got stuck ...