
C# webbrowser sudden refresh

I use Visual studio 2008. In my form there is a System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser control. I have a custom header in the form just above the webBrowser control. In the webBrowser there is a form with a select/drop-down thing made with html. When I click the drop-list and it overlaps the custom header (because of the many options in it) The...

meta http-equiv="Refresh" and NSURLConnection

Hi all, I have a URL e.g. that contains a meta redirect as follows: However, - (void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection just returns the initial data from the first URL. Is it now my responsibility to parse the returned HTML file and pull out the meta url attribute and call NSURLConnection a...

WPF Refresh Model on binding

Hey, I was wondering if there was a way of calling a method or updating a property on my ViewModel object when WPF binds to the object ? The reason I want to do this is that when my viewModel objects get created their data model only contains an ID that is used to query data from the database when necessary. So when the user navigates t...

Stop Visual Studio Design mode from refreshing

Does anyone know how to stop Visual Studio from automatically refreshing the Design view everytime I modify the source file associated with a Form? I'm updating strings on a form that has about a million controls. I'm constantly going back and forth between the design and code for a form. The load time it takes to render the design ea...

PHP: Refresh my code

Hello i want to refresh my php every 3 sec this is what i have: <?php session_start(); include "../config.php"; $time = time(); $sql1 = "UPDATE login SET lastlogin = '" .$time. "' WHERE id = '" .$_SESSION['userid']. "'"; $res1 = mysql_query($sql1) or die(mysql_error()); $onlinetime = "10"; // 10 seconds $sql3 = "SELECT * FROM log...

[PHP/JavaScript]: How to refresh a Captcha?

I am showing Captcha in this way: <img src="ReturnCaptcha2.php" alt="CAPTCHA" width="100" height="50"> I have a hyperlink named "Reload" near it. I want to recall that PHP file without refreshing my page. Probably, AJAX is involved in it. Please assist. ...

What happens when we refresh a web page?

I was hoping if anyone can answer a fundamental question that I have regarding refreshing of a web page. I have a dotnet webform where a user fills in some details and clicks submit. The code behind of the webpage has about 20 functions to perform. Now assuming, when the user clicks the submit button the web page is executing the 5th ...

Jquery Loading problem on first load / hard refresh

hey everyone, here is the site SEE BELOW I have a slight jquery problem and I cant seem to figure out how to debug it. the strip of thumbnails is supposed to scroll when you hover over it. When the page loads, or it loads on a hard refresh, they dont scroll. If I refresh the page (normally, not a hard refresh), it works fine. Any ide...

C# Refresh Explorer

In my program I toggle the registry value of hidden files to tell explorer whether to hide or show them. However, since explorer doesn't refresh on it's own, I send the event SHChangeNotify(0x8000000, 0x1000, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); to refresh everything. However, it doesn't seem to be refreshing anything unfortunately. I see t...

IE8 is suddenly refreshing entire window on page change/refresh

After my Vista 64 was updated via Windows Update to include upgrades to .NET, graphics, etc. (basically, pieces of Windows 7, I believe) Internet Explorer 8 has been doing something very annoying on many web sites. It's very noticeable on some sites I've built. When the page is refreshed or another page - even from the same site - is l...

Document.Domain madness

I've spent probably a month researching the internet on this issue and have yet to find the answer to this. My code does the following (all Javascript). Let's say I have a test.html on Very first thing in head section i set document.domain = ''; Then, dynamically create iframe, set src to "subdomain.mydomain.c...

Refresh MKAnnotationView on a MKMapView

I'd like to a-synchronically load images for my custom MKAnnotationView; I'm already using the EGOImageView-framework (it goes very well with UITableViews), but I fail to make it work on MKMapView. Images seem to be loaded, but I cannot refresh them on the map - [myMap setNeedsDisplay] does nothing. ...

Ajax large screen refresh

Hi Guys,, I have an Ajax page where a chart and a graph are displayed on the page, say 50% of the page is updated. When the next request is sent off the chart and graph are redrawn and I am unable to find a way to make this look professional, especially on slower computers. I am using Fusion Charts for the chart, Ajax and jQuery. Any...

When is a cached stylesheet refreshed in Rails ?

In a Rails application, if I group several stylesheets into one using caching, will the resulting file be automatically refreshed when one of the stylesheets is updated ? stylesheet_link_tag "style1.css", "style2.css", :cache => "mystyles" And, if not, how can I expire the resulting file ? ...

ObjectContext.Refresh() ???

How to update ALL the dirty entities from the data store, and reset their changed values to the original store value? The method ObjectContext.Refresh requires as a parameter the entities to be refreshed. ...

Flex TileList control, image loading issue

I have a flex 3 TileList in wich a load several image (employee's headshot pictures). The image I'm loading in the TileList are stored in a DataBase (I use the ByteArray class and a Base 64 encoding to store the images in the DB). When I load the images in the TileList from the DB, there is no problem they are displayed correctly, but ...

Python won't refresh URL to receive new forex ticker data

Hello, I am trying to save updated Forex ticker data from this website: just hit refresh to update the ticker. when I use my little python script, it saves the text once, but if i run it again, it makes a new file with the same old data. How can I add a "cachebreaker" so that python...

Continuously redraw wxPython element

Hi, I have a chat client that continuously polls a server and fetches new messages. From my def __init__() I have: wx.CallAfter(self.pollServer) Which is defined: def pollServer(self): t = self.updateMessages() time.sleep(5) self.pollServer() Now printing the messages into the Terminal shows that it works but the GUI i...

HTML - input value kept after Refresh

Usually, when a refresh is made on an HTML page, the values for input fields are kept (unless you do Ctrl+F5). Is there a header or other type of setting than can change this behavior, without chaging anything on the form or input itself? I have a site where the input value is not kept after a page refresh in Production. However I do n...

jQuery, remove item from middle of list, then refresh list?

I have a ul list that is loaded by an included PHP file. Those items have a "Delete" link that removes them from the list and the database. When an item is removed from the center of the list using this code: $list.find('#city_' + $id).remove(); It leaves a space in the list like this: What can I do to refresh that list, without g...