I'm writing a plugin for emacs to compile and run a java source file with one keystroke.
Now I would like to find out the name of the main class or if there is none.
Anyone knows how to match a java main class name with regexp?
My first thought, in pseudo code regex is
find the first word preceded by "class " and succeeded by "{"....
I'm trying to modify my web page, which I currently use QueryStrings to display pages, and want to change website URLs to "search engine friendly" ones.
I'm a newbie in regular expressions and also in .htaccess file, and I want to change URLs from
I'm developing a XPCOM C++ component that have to use some RegExps functions
Does XPCOM C++ have build-in support for RegExps?
echo $language;
When I use Firefox to test this block of code, I get
When I use IE to test the block of code, I get
Is the value of
a string? How to determine whether the preferred language is Ch...
I Required a Regex for the below input string:
Input data - ANALYSE/xxxxxxxx:
In the string xxxxxx is any characters. Need a regex accordingly to figure it out
At the end the colon is there but i need to replace entire 'ANALYSE/xxxxxxxx:' with String.empty.
I want to replace the above string with String.empty
The regex which i used...
Hi all,
I am a newbie in Python. I want to write a regular expression for some name checking.
My input string can contain a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and ' _ ', but it should start with either a-z or A-Z (not 0-9 and ' _ '). I want to write a regular expression for this. I tried, but nothing was matching perfectly.
Once the input string follows th...
Hi guys,
First post here. I'm been trying to right a regular expression that checks if an email form field contains a free email address, with no luck.
Essentially i need to check if the email contains, hotmail, yahoo, gmail etc in the email field.
Any help much appreciated.
Using PHP/Drupal.
I have a function that I have used a bunch of times in various files which has a signature like:
Translate("English Message", "Spanish Message", "French Message")
and I am wanting to pull out the English, Spanish and French messages and then output them into a csv so that people who actually know these languages can tell me what I SHO...
See these url's:
Is there some way to search a list of all the pages of this format on the WWW?
So I'm new to python, (i wrote my first bit of code I it today)
(I'm relitivly experienced in C, and decent in C++, Java and assember - if abit out of practice)
I'm, making a program to automate the writing of some C code, (I'm writing to parse stigns into enumerations with the same name)
C's handleing of stings is, well it's not that gr...
I have a program that I need to be able to search a file with regex epressions and delete what regex has found. Here is the code I have been working on:
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include "time.h"
using namespace std;
class application{
I'm creating a calendar where users can set events and time in single line, for example:
"6pm supper" - event with start time only
"8:00 - 16:00 work" - event with time period
Regex I'm currently using to get times:
It works fine but I can't figure out how to filter out the unwanted o...
Ive thought i knew how to write basic regex. On my x64 pc in VS2008, C#, im writting the following regex:
private static readonly Regex TagRegex = new Regex(@"\{QTable\((?<key>(.*?))#(?<query>(.*?))#(?<columns>(.*?))#(?<heading>(.*?))#(?<tbl>(.*?))#(?<headers>(.*?))#(?<row>(.*?))\)\}", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline...
as opposed to regex:'foo.+bar'
i'm having some troubles with regular expressions in ruby. I need to categorize some files that have the first line followed by two newlines, like in this example:
Si scrivono miliardi di poesie
sulla terra ma in Giove è ben diverso.
Neppure una se ne scrive. E certo
la scienza dei gioviani è altra cosa.
Che cosa sia ...
I believe it is a simple question. :)
In my ASP.NET Web Form I have a multiline TextBox which should be validated with RegularExpression Validator. Text box should contain one ore more strings "a" (just 'a' char, nothing else).
So far I got these regular expressions for my RegularExpressionValidator object:
I'm trying to integrate CKEditor into Wordpress for a client. I'm not too familiar with it, it's the first time I use it.
The client wants to use CKEditor on a textarea that gets stored into a custom field and is displayed in the sidebar of a page.
I added support for this form of editing by adding meta boxes to the page edit window. I...
I've tried a number of different search patterns:
[^=]=[^=] works but only if = is not at the beginning/end and it also matches the sandwiching characters
=\@!==\@! seems like it should work because \@! matches nothing but requires a match, but it doesn't (see :help pattern-overview)
[^=]\@==[^=]\@= also doesn't but seems like it shoul...
The best way to explain my problem is to just show you.
Input String:
Regular Expression to get date and time parts:
preg_match('@/(\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d\d\d)/(\d\d):(\d\d)/@', $input, $matches);
PHP Matches Array:
[0] => /01-11-2010/12:45/
[1] => 01
[2] => 11
[3] => 2010
[4] => 12
I need to replace links in html:
<a href="http://example.com"></a>
To just plain-text url address:
UPD. Some clarification here, i need this to strip down html tags from text but preserve link locations. It's purely for internal use, so there won't be any crazy edge-case code.
Language is python in this ...