
Windsor Fluent Registration - All types in an assembly

I wanted to use the fluent interface in Castle Windsor. Since this isn't available in the "release" binaries for .NET 2.0 I compiled from trunk, which is reported to be fairly stable. I compiled just: Castle.Core.dll Castle.DynamicProxy.dll Castle.MicroKernel.dll Castle.Windsor.dll This should be all that is necessary for what I need...

Using Google App Engine With My Dreamhost Registered Domain

Hi There, I have registered a domain using dreamhost, and currently have a standard wordpress blog set up on I'd like to have point to my Google Appengine application, but am having some difficulty doing so. At the moment, just points to my normal directory on the ...

Redirecting Wordpress's Login/Register page to a custom login/registration page

I have a website, with a user system. I want to integrate wordpress's user system into that website's, but I still want to use the website's register/login pages. I don't want anybody to be able to login or register using Wordpress's login or registration forms. Instead, when they're try to access the login/registration pages in Wordpres...

Registration form with profile's field

Hi at all, I have a simply question. This is my profile: class Profile(models.Model): user = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True) born = models.DateTimeField('born to') photo = models.ImageField(upload_to='profile_photo') I want to create a REGISTRATION FORM with this fields ( from User and Profile models ): username, first_name...

Provide API for my website

Hi, I'd like for anybody to be able to register to use my website's API (like facebook apps registration, to get the application key and secret) What 3rd party library can I use? (to be integrated into CakePHP and Restlet(java) preferably)? Thanks ...

Iphone: Is it allowed to make the user register seperatly from app store?

Hi.. Ive tried to contact Apple about this, but they refuse to give me any answers. Do any of you know if it`s allowed to make the user register with a username,password and phone number before they can use the the application they have already downloaded from app store? Thanks! ...

Full name while registration url(r'^accounts/register/$',register, {'form_class':RegForm},name='registration_register'), from registration.forms import * class RegForm(RegistrationForm): """ """ fullname = forms.RegexField(regex=r'^\w+$', max_length=30, widget=f...

how can i active my account,i send email to me use django-registration

Thank you for registering an account at To activate your registration, please visit the following page: This page will expire in 7 days. i click the url,but not active my account. why???? ...

why making a user registration must be regular?

hello, everyone. I'm programming a user registration. However, I found a charactor limiting to 'username' from sample codes, such as just '.', ''', '-' are accepted, no space or other blank, etc. Are those restrictions necessary? I'm using MySQL+PHP. If I adopt the following several ways: change the collation of the column to '...

Share login info between CMSs (Wordpress and phpBB)

Hi, Say I want to develop a site with some CMS embedded in it - e.g., a Wordpress blog and phpbb forum. What's the most convenient way to unify the log-in and sign-up process for my site? Letting users have a different registration process for each part of the site would probably scare any sane user away. EDIT I prefer generic solu...

Non-Admin registration of ActiveX Controls

Hi according to Non-Admin ActiveX Controls, it is possible to register activeX under current user (that will not require admin right during the installation). I have crated ATL project (VS2008, native) and added some ATL Control that does nothing. I created an inf file: [version] signature="$CHICAGO$" AdvancedINF=2.0 [Add...

Example of good login/registration integration with social networks and openid?

We are at the early stages of creating a new website, at the point where we need to build the login/registration module. I want to be looking forward to the future, so I want to allow my users to register and login using all sorts of accounts, such as OpenID, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, etc ... My users are not all tech savvy, do you have...

Android Jain Sip - Sip Registration?

Hi all, I'm currently using Jain Sip on Android and I'm trying to get a SIP registration working. I can put the registration SIP message together ok but after sending the message it seems to just get sent back to my application and my applications processRequest() method is run. Here is the code I'm using : public void init(TextView...

How does domain registration works?

I searched Google and Wiki a lot, but I could't find answers for these questions. 1) What exactly registrar company do? They update an root DNS and set there IP of my DNS? 2) How come the registrar can update records in the root DNS? How did they get this priviledge? How could I get this priviledge too? 3) What exactly we pay the regi...

how do I reregister with a sip server properly?

I currently have a SIP registration working proprly with Jain-SIP. I get the challenge, use MD5 on the nonce etc and send my reply. I then get the 200 OK message. So thats all fine. However I want to reregister automatically every X seconds depending on the expires time. To do this I have tried to use a timer to re run the code ever...

Installing Namespace Extension with Microsoft WIX

What is the best/easiest way to install a namespace extension using wix? Especially how do I install it on Windows 7 with enabled UAC. ...

Register DLL (ActiveX) for Non-Admin user

Hi I try to register dll (ActiveX) for non-admin user using MSI. To create registry settings I have register the dll in admin mode, then exported the relevant registry entries and renamed all HKLM to HKCU. When I install it for non-admin user all works fine. But when I use the same settings with admin user, there is a problem of discov...

iPhone Objective-C Placement of NSNotifications

I have a fairly complex iphone application that has many asynchronous processes occurring. To deal with this I'm making heavy use of NSNotification Center. My question is what is the "best practice", if such a thing exists", for registering the notifications? Right now they sprinkled through my code in a hap-hazard way. I'm about to ...

Hook into Drupal registration and validate user info against business logic

Hi, I want to hook into the registration module. I already have a database of 50000 users who use my old website. Now I am migrating to Drupal. I still haven't migrated the entries to drupal database. I will be checking against my old database. When a user tries to register in Drupal, I need to check whether the username he gave is al...

Easy-to-use django captcha or registration app with captcha?

Hello! I want to implement user registration using capctha in Django. The workflow of django-registration app is a great, but it doesn't have captcha=( What captcha would you recommend to use with it? Maybe, some other variants of registration+captcha or useful links on the topic? Oh, and this should work with Django-1.1 and don't be ...