
django apps for changing user email with verification ?

Hello, I already use django-registration : you can register with an email verification, you can reset password with an email confirmation but there is no way to change user's email with an email verification. Do you know a django application which gives the ability to change user's email address by sending to the new address a verifica...

Softrware Licensing / Registration component/framework?

We use a home-grown Registration System for our software but I'd like to update it fixing a number of things including adding the ability to remotely activate/deactivate it (to facilitate Saas). Feel free to suggest any good (in your opinion) VB6- compatible option. I can check out whether it meets our other criteria below. Required Fe...

Does Facebook Connect Increase registration

Is there data on whether or not facebook connect (or similar, friendconnect, openid) actually increase registration? One of my friends is adamant on it despite my misgivings, so I am looking for some hard data if available. Thanks! Edit: I understand this might vary depending on site audience, so let's just assume that my site's users...

How to automatically email customers registration keys?

I've written a bit of software that I'd like to share with others (a Mac Dashboard widget, specifically), but I'd also like to be compensated a bit for the time I spent on it. I've devised my own simple registration key algorithm, which takes a customer's email address and creates a 12-character alphanumeric key. The software itself is f...

Modal Registration Box using ExpressionEnine and jQuery

I'd like to create a modal style registration/login box for my ExpressionEngine site. What's the best way to handle registration on a modal box? Should I call a registration page using an iframe. Are there security concerns? ...

How to make registration in web applications userfriendly?

Hi everyone, I'm designing a new web application and I'm aware that the process of registration (creating a profile) is really frustrating for the users (also to me) - everywhere we go, people should register. Some may even stop using your site, if you force them to register. The problem is that, I really need my users to be registered ...

Simple user registration without captcha or e-mail verifiaction with

I want to create a simple user registration form with First / Last name, email, and password. We have used captcha and email verification in the past to ward off bots, but is there another way without using those techniques? I thought about encrypting the field ID names so that they aren’t names username, password, etc. we tried openID,...

Problems with Firefox plugin registration in MS Windows

Hi, I am trying to register firefox plugins in MS Windows using the information that is provided in this link Plug-ins I am installing my plugin in a folder other than {firefox}/plugins. I made a registry entry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software \MozillaPlugins. No...

Spaghetti Rails Routing and Invitation Coding Bolognese

I'm not really sure if there is a single problem here or I have approached this in the wrong way, but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! In the application when a user signs up they get privileges and their page gets set up, they can then invite colleagues by email. The email has an activation code tagged on the end. An exam...

Switching Android SensorManager speed. What's a good practice?

Hello stackoverflow! I'm interested to switch between different sensor orientation speeds over time to optimize the program ie.. battery life. The routine may be called very often. I'm looking for the right practice. sensorManager = (SensorManager)getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE); sensorManager.registerListener(s...

How to check misspelled email during user registration

I use an email registration and confirmation in my project (yes, I know about OpenID. In my counry, a main email service lacks it). Sometimes users misspell their email addresses. I know about this due to "message could not be delivered" letters in a mailbox. A misspelled address is absolutely correct, because I check it with a regular ...

Grails generate-registration without requestmap

I'm making a site thats using a static requestmap. I'm trying to add registration with generate-registration and i keep getting an error Warning, target causing name overwriting of name default Error executing script GenerateRegistration: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: groovy.util.ConfigObject.lastIndexOf() ...

Do I need to auto-login after account activation?

This is the standard scenario: User registers on the site User receives an account activation email, clicks link to activate Web site notifies the user that account is activated Now there are at least two pathways: User is taken to the login screen and asked to enter login details User is automatically logged in and taken to a welc...

Profile page getting acess to user object in Django

I have a requirement where I have to register users first via email. So, I went with django-registraton and I managed to integrate tat module into my django project. After a successful login, the page redirects to 'registration/profile.html'. I need to get access to the user object which was used in the authentication. I need this objec...

How to prevent external translation of a movieclip object on stage in AS3?

I have a MovieClip object, which is exported for actionscript (AS3) in an .swc file. When I place an instance of the clip on the stage without any modifications, it appears in the upper left corner, about half off stage (i.e. only the lower right quadrant of the object is visible). I understand that this is because the clip has a regist...

upload image during registration in

I am developing a student registration form in there are two tables viz std_registration and gallery(having pic_id and pic_url). During registration, before the click of submit button i want to retrieve pic_id from gallery table and then pass it to the insert query of registration table. image upload is an optional part. if no ...

WIX: COM unregistration when removing one of two programs

Hello, I am relatively new to WiX. It is a great tool, but I still need some time to learn it better. I have encountered a problem with registration and unregistration of a COM component. I have created installers for two applications, lets call them A and B. Both are using the same COM component. I have used the heat tool, as recommend...

Providing or Filtering assemblies when registering areas for an ASP.NET MVC 2.0 application

I have a large application that currently exists as a hybrid of WebForms and MVC 2.0. Startup of my application is dreadful, and the culprit is primarily because of the AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas call. More specifically, that it is using the System.Web. Compilation.BuildManager.GetReferencedAssemblies to enumerate all types in ass...

Invoking .Net COM assembly from Powerbuilder application (without registration)

We have a Powerbuilder 10 application that is using .Net COM assemblies. We are trying to embed the manifest in the PB application (to invoke COM assemblies without registration). The merged manifest file has added sections for dependecies on the .Net COM assemblies. We have tries various tools to inject the new manifest with different r...

Secure online registration form to capture credit card info

We have used Google form, Wufoo form to try to securely capture the info for IN-HOUSE processing. Google form is unreliable and often blocked behind firm's firewall. Wufoo does not allow storing CC info in their database What is service or other alternative for us to securely store the cc info. The purpose is to have people manually pr...