
How to release a "PopUp" view"?

I have this class that shows a popup. I do a alloc-init on it and it comes up. DarkVader* darkPopUp = [[DarkVader alloc] init:theButton helpMessage:[theButton.titleLabel.text intValue] isADay:NO offset:0]; It shows itself and if the user presses Ok it disappears. When do I release this? I could do a [self release] in the class when ...

How do you export or release a Mac OS X program made in Xcode? Program does not load on other computers.

I made a program in Xcode, being a simple calculator that takes a first number, and a second number, and then either adds,subtracts,multiplies, or divides depending on the radio button. I build and run and the program comes up and works fine. When I went to show my friends on their macs, when you double click on the program the program p...

Unable to disable generation of sources JAR with maven-release-plugin

I am trying to release a web project using Maven 2.2.1 and the maven-release-plugin 2.0-beta-9, but it always fails when doing release:perform on generating the sources jar for the EAR project, which makes sense since the EAR project doesn't have any source. [INFO] [INFO] [source:jar {execution: attach-sources}] [INFO] [INFO] --------...

how to release android camera without surfaceDestroyed function?

hi guys i am working with android camera stuff.i am developing a software.i am taking photos and just after i took picture i wanna release the camera but i am having some problems.i am looking forward to hear your answers about how to solve it ...

User cannot run C# released app - "The application failed to init.properly"

Hi, I am desperate due to this problem: I have created and built app which works fine on mine and my colleagues PC. However, third user reports that with .NET 3.5 the app reports: "The application failed to init.properly" and with .NET 4.0 "Unable to find the version of runtime to run this application“. Could you please advice? It was bu...

Retain Count Question: Some Guidance, Please

[I'm sure this is not odd at all, but I need just a bit of help] I have two retain properties @property (nonatomic, retain) NSArray *listContent; @property (nonatomic, retain) NSArray *filteredListContent; and in the viewDidLoad method I set the second equal to the first (so now the retainCount is two, I think): self.filteredListCon...

How to keep iPhone app out of iPad store?

I have an iPhone app that I have started to turn into a universal app, however the process is not complete and I want to release an update to the iPhone version. I know that you can specify device capabilities in the Info.plist file to restrict your app to certain devices, but how can I do this to prevent the unfinished universal versio...

release array created from parameter

How can I release an array created from a parameter? I have function like -(NSMutableArray*)composePhrase:(NSString*) phraseLiteral{ ... NSArray* wordLiterals=[phraseLiteral componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"[]"]]; ... [wordLiterals release]; } and I always got probl...

App crashes only after second execution only in Release configuration

Hey all, i know this is probably not an easy question to answer, as it's hard to describe on my hand. I have an app that runs without problems on the device in Debug Configuration (also multiple times). Once I put it into Release Configuration (which I need before publishing?), the app starts without problems and I can proceed to the n...

detecting double free object, release or not release ...

Hello, If we have this code in our interface .h file: @interface CarModelSelectViewController : UITableViewController { NSString *fieldNameToStoreModel; NSFetchedResultsController *fetchedResultsController; NSManagedObjectContext *managedObjectContext; DataEntered *dataEntered; } @property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *fieldNameTo...

Core-Plot crash only in Release Configuration

Hey everyone, I really don't know a solution or even an idea to get around the following failure. It only happens in Release Configuration on the Device - Simulator and Debug Configuration work fine. It also only appears on the second launch. So if I have the phone connected to my mac, build the application and run it, everything wo...

Maven release bug fix versioning

I'm getting ready to deploy the first release of our software, version 1.0. Once it's out to our customer, inevitably, some bugs will be found. When I fix those bugs though, I'm not sure what "best practice" is for versioning it. When I release the fixes, would that be an entirely new version (in maven), such as 1.01 (or whatever the inc...

How to know a movieplayer release finished?

I aims to release a movieplayer (theMovie) and then start another action (so-called playButtonClicked) after it is completely released. I used performSelector to delay the "playButtonClicked" for 1 second and it works well. The code is: [theMovie release]; [self performSelector:@selector(playButtonClicked) withObject:nil afterDelay:1];...

BeginInvoke not invoking the target method in Release build

I have a method, which I wish to execute on the UI message pump and thus do the following: private void SomeMethod() { BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(MethodToInvoke)); } private void MethodToInvoke() { // This method contains code that I wish to execute on UI message pump. } Now, the above works just fine when I create a Debu...

NSMutableDictionary memory / address problem, release does not work?

I am trying to create a NSMutableDictionary(dictA) with objectA. When I try to view my dictionary(NSLog), each key is pointing to the same address. I have an objectA_1 which is type objectA and used to setup the dictionary. Also, if I try to getObject, I always get the last key/value that was added to the dictionary. I tried setValue...

Need to know when application is closing

Is there a way to monitor when an application that is using the dll closes? The DLL and the application are both C#, neither are Windows Forms. I can check when the main application is closing, but I would like for the DLL to see "hey the program is closing and releasing me, I should do this real quick before I die". Any way to do it? ...

Objective-C object release and allocation timing

The code for this question is too long to be of any use. But I'm pretty sure my problem has to do with releasing a class. I have a helper class, ConnectionHelper.h/.m, that handles a NSURLConnection for me. Basically, I give it the URL I want and it returns the data (it happens to do a quick json parse on it too). It has a delegate w...

Retain count = 0 in other function? memory-management problem?

Hey guys, I declared a NSMutableArray in the header-file with: NSMutableArray *myMuArr; and @property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *myMuArr; In the .m file I've got a delegate from an other class: -(void)didGrabData:(NSArray*)theArray { self.myMuArr = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:myMuArr]retain]; } If I want to...

Why Should I Use Retain With Convenience Methods?

Hi, I am using the this code in my iPhone application: UIButton * MyButton=[UIButton ButtonWithType:UIButtonTypeRoundRect]retain]; If I don't use this retain will my app crash? What is the function of this retain? ...

Why can't I release this object? iPhone dev w/ UITableView (Objective C)

Hello all - I am learning Obj-C but still occasionally have a difficult time wrapping my head around some of the mem management stuff. I am using custom cells with a UITableView, and implemented the cellForRowAtIndexPath method where I accidentally released the cell at the end. This obviously caused problems as the cell was also gettin...