
Strange Exc Bad Access when using Init, PushViewController, Release. Anything wrong with this code?

Maybe I've been looking at this for too long ;) My app has a NavigationController and several ViewControllers. From one of the ViewControllers two levels down (mainViewController), loaded from the rootViewController, I have the code below. After the PushViewController to the dataViewController and back (e.g. back Button pressed), the app...

When distributing an executable for MacOSX how do I know which versions it will work on? Are there any special build steps for release?

I just built my program for MacOSX using GCC i.e. (gcc main.c). Are there any special build steps I should go through before I distribute the executable, or will it automatically work on all Intel MacOSX systems? ...

How to make a release build in the VS Express 2010?

Or should I just copy all the files from bin\Release\ excluding .pdb? UPD: UPD 2: That is what I've found in the Advanced settings at the Build tab. Is it what I'm looking for? ...

How to correctly write a C++ DLL that will load in debug mode too without crashing

Hi, my problems deals with native C++ DLLs (Visual Studio 2005, if it matters) and how to write them in order to insure that: when the DLL is compiled in release mode, it will be correctly loaded by an EXE compiled in release or debug mode (first priority) when the DLL is compiled in debug mode, it will be correctly loaded by an EXE co...

Why should define('RELOCATE',true) be removed from wordpress config?

It seems that using the define('RELOCATE') command is a convenient tool to perform site development using a local database and webserver, then to upload into production. Otherwise, its necessary to perform SQL REPLACE commands to update all the URLs in the posts, media and other content. The Wordpress codex specifically states that i...

Releasing UIImage after use

I want to learn the right way to alloc an uiimage and release it for memory management. When i use the following code it crashes when deallocating, if i dont use [imager release]; program doesnt crash but it shows a leak for imager. Any ideas for solution? UIImage *imager = [[UIImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] ...

Rejecting an app that is Pending Developer Release

I have an update to my app that has been reviewed and is pending developer release. I have found a bug in this version and would actually like to reject this binary and keep my existing binary. Once I fix the bug, I would like to re-upload a new binary. Is this possible? ...

How is this object being prematurely released?

I received a crash report from Apple and I'm trying to determine what happened. I haven't been able to recreate the crash by following their steps and I haven't seen a similar crash in any of my testing. Here is the important parts of the crash report: 9 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00004838 objc_exception_throw + 64 10 CoreFoun...

Is ConditionalAttribute supposed to strip out entire lines, or just method calls?

According to the documentation on the ConditionalAttribute class: Applying ConditionalAttribute to a method indicates to compilers that a call to the method should not be compiled into Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) unless the conditional compilation symbol that is associated with ConditionalAttribute is defined. ...

When should I release my code?

I've been holding off on releasing a library I wrote because it is the first library which I'll be releasing publicly. Here are my concerns: The library isn't complete it is in a very usable state, I'd say it is version 0.3, however it still lacks a number of features which I would like to at some point implement, and control how they...

Creating a constant dictionary object

I would like to accomplish something like what is being done in this post: however, i would like to construct an NSDictionary. if i do something like: constants.h extern NSArray *const mFooKeys; extern NSArray *const mFooObjects; extern NSDictionary *const mFooDictionary; constants.m NSAr...

Do I have to use ->Release()?

I am working with a webbrowser host on c++, I managed to sink event and I am running this void on DISPID_DOCUMENTCOMPLETE: void DocumentComplete(LPDISPATCH pDisp, VARIANT *url) { READYSTATE rState; iBrowser->get_ReadyState(&rState); if(rState == READYSTATE_COMPLETE) { HRESULT hr; IDispatch *pHtmlDoc = N...

Crash when releasing object created using initFromFile method

Hi - I've created an object called 'DateTracker' which conforms to NSCoding, so it contains encodeWithCoder and initWithCoder methods. When I initialise it, I call the following: DateTracker *currentTracker = [[DateTracker alloc] initFromFile]; The initFromFile method looks like this: - (id)initFromFile { NSString *filePath = [s...

Best way for handling web releases using a staging enviroment?

I've been designing and developing websites for a number of years now, however, whenever I make changes to a website I take the bad approach of making a modification, replacing the orignal on the web server, testing in browser and making more changes as needed. I'm looking for a better way to do this. Alternatively sometimes I'll work on...

A better release management strategy?

I work for a company that makes a web based tool. As part of my job, I was given the task of release engineering for this product(something I had never done before). I've setup the following system using SVN(Sorry, we can't use another repository before someone suggests switching to GIT or perforce or one of the myriad of other options...

Exceptions not caught in release build (WinForm desktop app, C#, VS 2010)

I developed a desktop application, it's almost done but still contains some bugs which I'm eliminating. I use a general [try...catch] block wrapped around my application [STAThread] static void Main() { try { program = new Program(); // ... } catch (Exception x) { // ... MessageBox.Show( ...

iPhone NSMutableArray and NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithFile release oddity

I archive an array (NSMutableArray) of custom objects that implement the . Once i load it froma file to a retaining property @property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *buddies; the release count of the object is 2 (correct, it's 1of autorelease + 1 of retain of the property) but then noone releases it and the retain count becames 1, ...

OpenCV crashes trying to read a video with RELEASE build

Using VideoCapture vcc("someDir/someFile.avi"); as the first line in my code (OpenCV 2.x, Win7, VS2010), the execution for RELEASE crashes but the DEBUG works fine .. as slow as expected though. It only crashes when trying to read a video file which means passing a string to the constructor. The error looks like this: Unhandled ...

iphone app approved but bug found before release

Hi, I just got my app approved....but realised there is a bug that will need a small fix. I do not want to release this app with the bug. I am unsure how to get this fixed. If I submit another binary it will go through the review process again. I will also need to put a new version (1.1). If I still have to submit a new version, can ...

dealloc problem with instance variables

A problem happens when I was trying to release one of my instance variables and reassign it a new value. I would like to release the address that a instance variable points to, and re-assign a new value to it. The code look like this: The .h @interface MapPageController : UIViewController<MKMapViewDelegate> { AddressAnnotationManager...