
A Simple Objective C xcode Memory Management Question

In the code below, will tapsLable.text be deallocated when tapsMessage is released or does the assignment operator somehow increment the retain count so that tapsLabel.text continues to be available? NSString *tapsMessage = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%d taps detected", numTaps]; tapsLabel.text = tapsMessage; // tapsLabel is a UI...

winsock: recvfrom does not receive in release build(VS 2010)

Hey... I wanted to build my client program in release mode and everything seemed to work fine. The client was able to send data, which have been received by the server. But the client never receives the answer sent by the server. The server is working correctly The data size is only up to 200 bytes sending works... I am using Visual S...

Releasing custom made NSObject class in iPhone App

Hi, I have a Class which I have created as an NSObject. This class has a number of properties of different types and methods etc. When I instantiate this class in my App (say in the main View Controller) I immediately send it a release call when I am finished using it. ie: MyObject *myObject = [[MyObject alloc] initWithParameters:pa...

The current way to release memory from a UIScrollview with many images

Dear Scholars. I am generating a simple scrollView with some images attached to buttons. This works fine apart from the fact that this scroll view is taking rather much memory. Since this scrollView is just a sub Menu allowing the user to pick an image and soon after I do not need it, I would like to free this heavy block from memory. ...

Can I leave logging in Release builds?

I've read this question which advocates taking NSLog statements out of Release builds. Is it acceptable to, instead of cluttering the main log up with junk, write it to Apple System Log instead, then it'd be hidden from the main log? Or am I just overcomplicating things? Are there any instances where logging has been useful to you in p...

can't compile for release, can for debug? [iphone]

Hi I'm trying to compile my project, containing cocos2d and standard UIKit part, i'm trying to do this for iphone 3g/3Gs. The problem is, when i'm building it for debug configuration, it goes like on butter (no errors). But, when i switch to release, i've got over 1300 errors, all of them are like: printscreen almost all of them conta...

Should be included in a tarball?

I have seen most tarballs does not include an file, but I have seen it in some tarballs. What is the rationale for including or not including in a tarball? ...

Force Maven clean

I have a project with 2 profiles, because UAT and PROD use different versions of the same jar. I have noticed that if i don't explicitly call mvn clean ... the deployed EAR will have BOTH UAT and PROD jars. Is there a way in the POM to specify that Maven should always clean before any building? ...

Freeing JavaScript's ActiveXObject()?

I'm calling a C# COM component using javascript: keystore = new ActiveXObject("RBCrypto.KeyStore");. I've noticed this instance stays around until I exit the browser. Is there anyway to "release" that object when the user leaves the page? Currently i'm using: window.onunload=function() //when a user leaves the page close the keystore { ...

Why I do not get line numbers in exception stack trace if I have PDB and symbols loaded?

Hello, I have a solution with several projects. The solution is in Release mode with no optimization and with pdb files generated. While running Unit Tests i get exceptions but the stack trace does not contains the line numbers. At the modules window I can see that the current assembly is not optimized and that it has symbols loaded. J...

How can I get an NSNumber without performing alloc on it, so it will respond to initWithInt?

My understanding is that a 'convenience' method such as [nsnumber initWithInt] should create a copy of the indicated class, initialized to the desired value. minutesLeft=[NSNumber initWithInt:((timeLeft)%60)]; Timeleft is an integer, so initWithInt should be working, and the result should be that minutesLeft (a property set to retain)...

Maven scm:checkin "Resource is out of sync with the file system:" error

I'm trying to get the Maven release plugin working with a source control system and Rational Application Developer (RAD, based on Eclipse), but I seem to have run into a catch-22 - I expect I've misunderstood something. So - I'm working on the command-line in the project directory that has the .pom file. I have to shut RAD down...

I am releasing a PHP application for a friend to use, should I copyright it?

I made a somewhat large PHP application to handle automated queries for any site (plugged into their existing site structure), it was more of a "challenge" with a reward in the end open to anyone. I put quite a few days into it, I don't want to be mean but I see all the time things like this copyrighted by people. What would be any bene...

Hudson and Maven. Packaging sources/resources to WEB-INF/src

Hi, We are working with Maven and Hudson for unit testing and war building. Copying sources (java and resources) to WEB-INF/src is required by our customer. There is a simple way to do this with maven? Thank you in advance. ...

Build mode is always debug

I have a ASP.NET application that I am trying to build in release mode, but upon inspection (Assembly Information) it is always showing up in debug mode. I've also changed the Web.config entry to specify that the compilation mode should not be debug, but still no luck. Does anyone have any ideas how to get my build into release mode? ...

Is it bad practice to leave commented-out code in production releases

I regularly see production code from developers (large companies and individuals) that contains code that has been commented out. Presumably this removes earlier attempts at achieving the functionality that didn't work for some reason. To my mind, this is messy, but potentially has some benefits e.g. on returning to refactor or extend...

boost::regex behaving differently on debug and release builds

boost::regex re("^\\s*([_\\w\\.]+)\\s*=\\s*([^\\s]+)$"); if(re.empty()){ std::cout<<"How is this possible?"<<std::endl; } That line prints in my release builds! (The debug builds are fine) Working with MSVC 2008 (vc 9.0) Compiler options for DEBUG: /Od /I "C:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_44_0" /I "C:\gtest-1.5.0\include" /I "includ...

How to properly release assigned object with no handle.

Instruments is pointing out that this is a memory leak, however I'm unsure how to release it properly, or when it should be released. Is there a better convention for assigning properties with new objects that are only needed inside a loop? The specific line is the "expense.addedDate = [NSDate new];". - (void) addObjects:(NSString *)it...

Best small web app release plan?

Hi, We are using Apache and Python, but that doesn't really matter. Basically, we have a Production version of our software that is running with clients depending on it being stable. Meanwhile, we are coding up the never version. Does anyone have a simple release plan they'd care to share? I've done the following on past projects,...

maven release plugin - wagon fails with ssh auth but snapshort and release deploy works - eh?

I'm baffled and would appreciate any help. My build machine can no longer use the maven release plugin. When I try it fails on auth during the deployment from the tag. However, this machine can release using the standard deploy method to snapshot and release repositories (which are on the same machine with nexus as intermediary). ...