
Reload CoreData DB

Hello, In some part of my app I replace the db.sqlite file used by CoreData to store all my app data but the loaded data doesn't change. I noticed that the new data is only shown when I restart the app. Maybe someone can explain-me why this happens and how to solve it. Thank you very much, ...

problem with jqgrid..

my jqgrid doesnt seem to reload.. can anyone help me with this?.. $(function(){ $last_name = $("#search_last_name").val(); $first_name = $("#search_first_name").val(); }); $("#search").click(function(){ jQuery("#list2").jqGrid('setGridParam',{url:"http://localhost/bcb/index.php/bcb_c/grid"}); jQuery("#list2").trigger...

ExtJS: Combobox after reload store dont set value

Hello guys. I think I have a very popular problem, but not found answer for it now. :) I got 2 similar comboboxes - at first i set my value by id - comboT.setValue("22763"); and it properly set a text value linked with this id. At second combobox i at first reload store(jsonstore) and then set value - comboC.setValue("3"); But this com...

Reload single jqGrid row?

How can you reload a SINGLE jqGrid row? We know how to reload the entire grid - but we just want to update a single row when we know that the data in the row has changed. ...

js windows.location.replace not working with a hash in URL

Ok, I have an ajax call which takes care of some server side settings (I'm using this for log in, language switches...), if, and only if, server side settings are actually changed as a result of this call, I want to refresh the current page. ( without reposting POST form data, should we be on a page right after a POST). A simple JS in t...

when i reload supervisord the process under it control will stop or not?

I try to figure out when i use reload command to supervisord,dose it will stop the processing currently executing under it? so i use bellow steps: mlzboy@mlzboy-mac:~/my/ide/test$ pstree -p|grep super |-supervisord(6763) mlzboy@mlzboy-mac:~/my/ide/test$ supervisorctl daemon STARTING supervisor> relo...

hot reloading / swapping with Python

I want code changes to take effect immediately during development. How can I detect changed files and reload them in the running Python (2.7) application? Edit: After reading the pages linked by 'Ivo van der Wijk', I think it would be best to restart the web application when code changes - like Django does. So the actual question is: H...

Jquery. Reload SWF object with new parameter

Hi, i'm assigning new playlist to the SWF object. Then it needs to be reloaded it with new param: sections.change(function(){ var current = $(this).val(); var fextention = ".xml"; //show the loading bar showLoading(); //reloading player with relevant playlist: xmlplaylist.val("xml=playlists/"+current+fextentio...

On page reload, open to a specific accordion panel

From an accordion panel, I post some data and then reload the page. I'd like on the reload for the current panel to be open and focused on the screen rather than re-opening the first panel and moving me back to the top of the screen. I know which panel I want open, so I don't need code to figure out the panel, just how to display it. ...

How to JS function to catching Reload Button

How can i write JS function to catching a Reload Button (on browser) then i pressed on. I want to pop up alert something like that. etc. -> and back button too. Thank you. ...

Problem with PHP aplication updates because of the browser cache

Hi, We have an application in PHP. The problem comes when we make updates and changes in this application. Sometimes, the users don't get the last version of the application (HTML and javascript are mainly changed) because of the browser cache. Once we realized about it, we were able to include the next code in our application (We execut...

Problem with reloadComponent

I have a UIPickerView with 2 components. And I have 2 Core Data entities, where one has a relationship one-to-many to the second one. I've implemented this 4 delegate functions: - numberOfComponentsInPicker - numberOfRowsInComponent - titleForRow:forComponent - didSelectRow:inComponent where the last one is as: - (void)pickerView:(U...

the extjs component refresh problem

Hi: I have serveral extjs components in my page, the chart, gird ,formPanel and ect, and now I meet some problems about the refresh of them, take the gridPanle for exmaple: This is the grid codes: var myStore=new{ autoLoad:true, fields:['name','age'.....] }); var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({ stroe:myStore...

Reload/Refresh an ABPersonViewController

In my app, users can view and edit their Address Book contacts. Right now, I'm trying to support iOS 4 backgrounding. Here's my problem. If a user is viewing a contact, say "John Appleseed" in my app, the user can then switch to the iPhone Address Book, open "John Appleseed," and change his contact info. If the user then switches back t...

Outputting PDF with Django as attachment and reload

Hi there, I´m using django to generate a pdf and return the response as an attachment in the view. response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/pdf') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=somefilename.pdf' Similar to the way described in the doc (