
GWT refresh modifications

I'm new to GWT and therefore have a lot of "code and see how it behaves" going on. I'm wondering what are the minimal actions to take to load the modifications in my web browser. For example when I work on the xml I can just refresh my page. So when do I need to perform these and why: Refresh browser Reload web server Re build app ??? ...

Changes to markup files not getting picked up in wicket project

When I change a html file in my wicket project and reload the page the changes don't get automatically picked up. I have to republish to pick up the changes. Changes to java files get picked up without any problems. I am running a wicket 1.4 project on a websphere 6.1 server. So far I have tried the following steps Validated that relo...

Dynamic jQuery dialog after data append w/o reloading page. Possible?

Howdy, So I have a page with an enormous table in a CRUD interface of sorts. Each link within a span calls a jQuery UI Dialog Form which fetches it's content from another page. When the action taking place (in this case, a creation) has completed, it appends the resulting new data to the table and forces a resort of the table. This all ...

Full page reload on Post/Redirect/Get ignoring cache control

I have a page that loads a lot of images, css and javascript. I've added a far future Expires header and set Cache-Control to public on these external dependencies so they should be cached. But every time I do a Post/Redirect/Get chrome tries to load these again. This behavior is very similar to reloading the page. I've added ETags and h...

reloading a table view with an Iphone app

I am using a table view controller that makes a call to a web service and then parses the XML and display it in the table view. The problem is that the first time that I load it the XML apparently is not finished parsing before the view is shown. How can I reload the view after the XML is done parsing? ...

Tableview reload data problem iphone sdk

Hi all, I have a class A which is a subclass of uitableviewcontroller and one more class B which actually displays my tableview with its content is a subclass of A. There's an xml parser which parses my xml and stores the content in an nsmutablearray of application delegate. Now, I fetch this delegate array into a local nsmutablearray ...

Prevent the page to load elements in the page refresh ASP?

Hey, I have a page that add Items to RadioButtonList with this code : Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) RD.Read() RBQ1.Items.Add(RD.GetString(3)) RBQ1.Items.Add(RD.GetString(4)) RBQ1.Items.Add(RD.GetString(5)) RBQ1.Items.Add(RD.GetString(6)) End Sub When I click in any button...

How to clear/reload/refresh JQuery Async Treeview?

I've implemented the JQuery Async Treeview (in APS.NET MVC2) and it works fine, but the problem is when the user adds new nodes to a tree (via another interface), there is no way to reload the tree and reflect the new tree structure. The only way to see the changes in the tree is to shut down the browser (IE8). Trying .empty() on the t...

reload UIView content from a dynamic UIView

First, sorry for my bad english. I need help to reload a dynamic UIView with an UIViewController. In my UIViewController i have an function to build the View Elements like button,labels or other stuff. CGRect cgRct = CGRectMake(0, 40, 320, 380); //define size and position of view UIView *viewContainer = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:...

Possible to refresh Django connections on the fly?

Is it possible to add a new database connection to Django on the fly? I have an application that uses multiple databases (django 1.2.1), and while running, it's allowed to create new databases. I'd need to use this new database right away (django.db.connections[db_alias]). Is it possible without server restart? Using module reload here ...

Using session to reduce CPU load [PHP]

I have a page which performs following operations: Executes a query in a DB (More precisely, select u.user_uid, ut.user_metatada from users u, user_tag ut where u.uid=ut.uid. One user can have one or more metadatas) Generates an array of data based on result of the query Performs some complicated operation on these arrays (More about t...

iphone login view, how to reload controller

Hello, I am working on an application with a LoginViewController and a TabBarViewcontroller. When the application is ran, I add the LoginViewController as a subView of window in the delegate. Once the login is ok, I remove the LoginViewController (removeFromSuperView) and add the TabBarViewController instead as a subview of windows. T...

reloading table view works just by scrolling outside the visible area.

Hi, normally, the way to update a tableView is calling self.tableView reloadData (or setNeedsDisplay), but my (visible) tableView doesn't reload by calling this method. My context is, that I've got a Navigation-Bar and a TableView and by clicking a button on the Navigationbar, the method "aktualisieren" starts. This method also works ...

how to reload the UIpicker view data

Hello, I want to reload the data in the UIpicker view. actaully i have 2 picker on the view. and i want to fill the data in the second picker according to the previous selected picker value. is it possible? please suggest how i do this. ...

How to reload Bada application without restarting the emulator?

Is it possible, and if yes then please tell me how I can do it. ...

Which good ways exists to reload page by server for news popular website?

Hi, Which good ways exists to reload front page by server every time that new article placed by editor in front page for (news popular website like, Thanks ...

Ruby on Rails 3 - Reload lib directory for each request

Hey guys, I'm creating a new engine for a rails 3 application. As you can guess, this engine is in the lib directory of my application. However, i have some problems developing it. Indeed, I need to restart my server each time I change something in the engine. Is there a way to avoid this ? Can I force rails to completely reload the ...

Prevent cached iPhone webapp from reloading (scrolling to top)

I have an iPhone webapp that uses a cache manifest to work offline. I add the webapp to my home screen, use it (say scroll to a certain location on a page), then go back to homescreen. When I open the app again, for a brief moment I see where I used to be (at that scrolled location on that page), but then the app "reloads" and I get scro...

Why is returning false with onSubmit reloading?

I know this probably staring me in the face but: I have a basic for with a for header of: <form onSubmit="return validateClinicalReports();" name="clinicalreport" method="post" action="process.php" enctype="multipart/form-data"> the js looks at each input using: document.getElementById("name"). If it sees that the input is blank it c...

reload view controller when tab pressed

Hello, I have several tabs in my tab bar controller and only one (the first one) for which I would need an automated reload each time I select its tab (and also when the app come back to the foreground). I did not find how to do this, do I need to recreate the tab bar controller manually each time ? Do I need to add a new set of view c...