
this jquery remove function?

i have a problem with this jquery, in the success function call, its mean to remove the `support' button, and fade in the msg, this is my jquery code: $('.stats').delegate('.against', 'click', function(e) { //stop event e.preventDefault(); // cache a reference to the previous <li> element // since it is use...

How to remove sub view When clicks the UIBar Button in iPhone?

Hi Frieds, I am developing on iPhone application. I have created UIImage view, on clicks the image view, it navigates one custom view and loading a web view. In that view, i had one tool bar and one bar buttons in the tool bar. When clicks the bar button, it removes the custom view. My problem is some time the custom view doesn't remove...

Removing loaded jQuery AJAX element

I was working on a dialog with content loaded by AJAX, but I'm not able to remove it. A must was to have a multiple, php-supported, drag-able and close-able dialog. (.center() function present) $('a.event').click(function() { var url = this.href; var getrel = $(this).attr('rel'); var getid = $(this).attr('id'); var dialo...

Want to remain outside tags only.Check and remove all inside tags!

For some reasons My web page has some un-normal code structure.Just like this: <p> <strong> <strong>some word</strong> is here </strong> </p> ...... <p> <strong> <strong>I am </strong> here too. </strong> </p> and these code hap...

Symfony: impossible to remove from cache

Ok, so this is my issue. I have a page that lists a bunch of categories under a subdomain. I'm trying to clean the cache for that page if the user is logged in. In the action I'm using this: if ($this->getUser()->isAuthenticated()) { if($cache = $this->getContext()->getViewCacheManager()) { $cache->remove('category/index?subdoma...

Remove UITabBarItem

Hi everyone, How can I remove a UITabBarItem from a UITabBar? I haven't tried anything, because I haven't found anything from Google searches or the documentation for UITabBar, UITabBarController, or UITabBarItem. Thanks in advance! :) ...

Jquery remove table row not working

Basically is to click button to generate table row, then click minus button to remove row. I have tried it with a few ways below, non of it work. -.bind -normal way It seems like it is not working due to the table is generated dynamically. <script language="JavaScript" src="jquery-1.4.3.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> ...

Javascript: Remove different option-tags from a dropdown list depending on another dropdown?

Yeah, the title is a mess. Here's what i'm trying to do: I have one main dropdown list where i can choose between, let's say, two options. Option1, and Option2. If Option1 is selected, i don't want anything to happen. If Option2 is selected, i want to remove one option-tag from another dropdown list. <select name="main_dropdown"> <...

function remove doesn't work, please help

Hi, If someone here is willing to help me I would really appreciate the function removeInput() of javascript at below not work properly, what i should do? <script language="javascript"> fields = 0; function addInput() { if (fields != 10) { var htmlText = "<input type='text' name='friends[]' value='' size='auto' maxlength='...