
jQuery animate opacity, remove div and getting invalid argument error within ie8

Hey everyone, i got a list of logos, which have to be centered, so far so good. While accessing the page i've noticed that the pictures got an ugly jump while being positioned. So i've decided to set a div above those logos, drop opacity from 1 to 0 and finally remove it, so that their are clickable again. Works very nice in Firefox, O...

To remove duplicate word in a string in php

I want to remove duplicate words in a string. For example: $str="oneone"; (without spaces) I want to remove duplicates and display as one. Can anyone suggest me a solution? ...

WordPress remove <br/> separator from last item in wp_list_categories

Hi, I'm trying to remove the last separator (normally a <br/> tag but I changed it to "//") from the last link from wp_list_categories. Basically I want this: Category 1 // Category 2 // Category 3 // to look like this: Category 1 // Category 2 // Category 3 Here's the current code I'm using: <?php $cat_array = array(); $args=arra...

cygwin rm command fails with the following error

c:>rm -rf foldername rm: failed to get attributes of `/': No such file or directory Why does this fail? This happens on the Win XP OS. ...

How to find out if removed NSNetService is equal to already resolved NSNetService?

Hello, in my iPhone app I have a NSNetServiceBrowser looking for a specific service published via Bonjour. Once it finds a NSNetService I resolve this service (to get the name, IPs and port) and display a list of those found services. Now the problem/question: Once a service stops publishing via Bonjour the NSNetServiceBrowserDelegate ...

C++ delete file

When I compile and run my C++ program that deletes a file called example.txt (below) #include <stdio.h> int main () { if( remove( "example.txt" ) != 0 ) perror( "Error deleting file" ); else puts( "File successfully deleted" ); return 0; } It comes out like this... cd c:\Users\Mark\Desktop C:\Users\Mark\Desktop>app.e...

netbeans - remove subversion binding on mac os x

Im desperately trying to remove subversion bindings in my netbeans project but I cant work out how to. I've tried to copy the files to another directory but the original svn bindings stays intact from the original source. Its hopelessly annoying! Please help! Thanks! ...

bash: how to delete elements from an array based on a pattern

Say I have a bash array (e.g. the array of all parameters) and want to delete all parameters matching a certain pattern or alternatively copy all remaining elements to a new array. Alternatively, the other way round, keep elements matching a pattern. An example for illustration: x=(preffoo bar foo prefbaz baz prefbar) and I want to d...

How to remove a file from version control without deleting it?

If I run svn rm file, the file is removed from the local working copy. What I do now is: $ cp file file2 $ svn rm file $ svn ci $ mv file2 file How avoid svn to also delete the local file and let it just remove the file from the repository? ...

regex excel: how do i remove ALL numbers from a cell?

i cells that look like this: one per line: Duffy,John: 'Heritage: Civilization and the Jews'- Fanfare & Chorale,Symphonic Dances + Orchestral Suite. Bernstein,'On the Town' Dance Episodes. Royal Phil./R.Williams Lilien,Ignace 1897-1963: Songs,1920-1935. Anja van Wijk,mezzo & Frans van Ruth,piano Hindemith,Trauermusik. Purcell,'Fairy Que...

XLinq: Remove certain XElements from a xml file which are saved in a LIst<XElement>

Hello, I can not remove nodes while I iterate them thats ok.´ I have a List with Guid`s in it. I want to delete all XElements in that xml file where the XElement has a Guid of that List thats my xml file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Departments> <Department Id="2d55ba71-a2ab-44a1-a697-f57bbd238c7f" /> <Department Id=...

Android: remove notification from notification bar

Hi , I have creating an application and with an event I menage to add notification in android notification bar. Now I need sample how to remove that notification from notification bar on an event ?? ...

removeitematpath question...

Hello, I got this app that needs to be updated with a new database. I want to remove the old one and replace it with the new. This is the code I'm using: - (NSPersistentStoreCoordinator *)persistentStoreCoordinator { if (persistentStoreCoordinator != nil) { return persistentStoreCoordinator; } NSString...

How to update or reset a UIView with a custom subview?

Hey everyone, I have a UIView in a UIViewController to which I add a custom subview in the viewDidAppear method. MyView *myView = [[MyView alloc] initWithLabelText:text]; [self.view addSubview:myView]; [myView release]; The text variable is a string used on a label in myView. This text changes every time you come back to the current ...

CKEditor with CKFinder - disable FileBrowser, Keep Upload functionality

Hello! I am using CKFinder integrated in CKEditor. I want to keep the Upload feature active, but scrap the Browse Server option as I don't want users doing this. How can I do this? Thank you. ...

Remove XML node when child node meets certain requirements

Hello all I have the following xml: <listaGiros> <giro> <idGiro type="int">89</idGiro> <nombreGiro type="varchar">foo</nombreGiro> </giro> <giro> <idGiro type="int">78</idGiro> <nombreGiro type="varchar">apple</nombreGiro> </giro> <giro> <idGiro type="int">10</idGiro> ...

remove item from python path

I have added a path to the system pythonpath on linux and now i've broken it. How may i remove it ? [EDIT] Finally i solved it removing the script that added that path + installing something to rebuild the path. ...

Is it possible to load whole html page without iframe but using jQuery?

Suppose I have following html page. <html> <head> <link type="text/css" rel="Stylesheet" href="css/some.css" /> </head> <body> <input type="button" value="test" id="btnTest" name="btnTest"/> <!--Script Section start--> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery/jquery-1.4.1.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> functio...

Using jquery to append / remove divs for a form

I have an autocomplete input field, and right now, in order to store multiple values, you need to separate each one with a comma. I'm trying to add an "Add" button so that after each selected value, the user clicks on it and that value is removed from the input box and stored in another input field. So, for example, here are some poten...

CKEditor remove spaces/tabs from between headings

Hello! CKEditor does this whenever I add a heading tag: <h2> Mai 2010</h2> How can I remove the new line and spaces after the h2 starting tag, please? ...