
SSRS in Visual Studio 2008: Relative image paths?

I have a header image that needs to be repeated in the header of multiple reports. I am aware that you can add an image to a report and point to a path where the image file reside, like file://C:\path\to\Reports\Images\logo.gif, but that path can and will change when the app is deployed. I tried using a relative path like (assuming the ...

Page refreshing after the parameter selection in SSRS report

Hi, I have couple of parameters in my SSRS report. some are multivalued and some are regular with drop down list. each time while selecting a different parameter value the page is getting refreshed. Is there any way to avoid this page refreshment on each parameter selection. Thanks in advance. Maria ...

Reporting Services export to Excel with Multiple Worksheets

I'm currently building a MS Reporting Services Report that gets rendered to excel. I'm trying to figure out how to set up the report so that it creates multiple Worksheets (Tabs) of the data on the report. I understand that entering a page break in the report gives you a new worksheet, however, is there a way to name each tab instead of ...

How can I get TotalPages in SSRS Report body?

Hi Is there any way to get total pages in ssrs report body? I tried different metods but could not get page number in the report body ...

SQL2008: MSOLAP & SSRS Class not registered error with certain dimension.

Our product leverages Analysis Services combined with Reporting Services, we recently made some changed to add compatability for SQL2008. Everything works great except with certain dimensions, drillthroughs or measures added to a report we suddenly get this following error: Server: The operation has been cancelled. Errors in the hi...

SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 Licensing

Does the use of subscriptions in Reporting Services 2005 require special licensing? ...

Deploying Sql Server Reporting Services reports on production boxes

How to deploy Sql server reports on productions boxes? Locally it's not a problem, I just specify the url and then right click on project and say deploy which deploy on my local server. But it's not gonna be the case for the production server ...

Reporting Services Excel rendering extensions ?

Our company has a reporting solution utilizing Analysis services + Reporting Services, with excel reports being a priority. Everything's sort of fine, but several annoying things are bothering us: No ability to rename the sheets Embedded images stretch the containing cells vertically, thus making scrolling a pain Cross-sheet links are ...

How to get timezone value in SSRS

Hi, I have SSRS reports which displays the execution time each time while running the report. I would like to display the timezone value next to it . How do i get that. Thanks, Jaz ...

Report subscription for email delivery in SSRS

Hi, I have an SSRS report . I tried to create a subscription ansking an email delivery of the report to my mail account. but it fails giving this error message "The email address of one or more recepients is not valid". I am having a Browser role. Could any one tell me the reason. Thanks, Anna ...

Microsoft reports nested object datasource gives #Error

I am attempting to get nested objects to work in Microsoft reports. I downloaded example code from, and it runs correctly. I built the following little app based on a Windows Form and their code, and all that I ever get when I reference a nested object value is a "#Error" in th...

SQL Server Reporting Services Default Values From Query not working in deployed report

In order to populate a textbox in a page header I am setting up a parameter (as you cannot use Fields) and referencing this in the textbox. The parameter has the Default Value set to "From Query" and the Dataset and Value Field are set accordingly. This works a treat in developmentt in Visual Studio 2005. Once I have deployed the report ...

Microsoft.Reporting.* vs XML/XSLT

I would like to add reporting capabilities to a .NET application. My data source is just the data model of the application, i.e. a bunch of objects that may have been generated or loaded from anything (not necessarily from a database). The initial plan was to generate a report data XML file from these objects, and then use XSLT to trans...

How to specify an order for the columns in a matrix?

I'm working on a SQL Reporting Services report (in VS.Net 2005) which displays a count of different data in a matrix. The columns have a count on the amount of customers in a certain set. So I have several columns like these: "1 employer", "2-9 employers", "10-19 employers" and so on. The problem I have is that SQL Reporting Services so...

Reporting Services - Convert 2008 Report Format to the 2005 Format

Is there any way to convert the 2008 Report format back to a 2005 format? I don't think I got prompted about my upgrading my reports and now I think they are in the new format. Any way to save my changes and go back a version? ...

Automatically print SSRS report?

Is there a way to automatically print a SQL Server Reporting services (2005) report? EDIT: We needed to print a SSRS report at a network printer programmatically. Specifically, we wanted to fire this off from a stored procedure. We are currently using likeabanshee's method, and it is working. However, we would like something more manag...

Cell Format Strings for Reporting Services/Dundas Charts

Reporting services use format strings to auto format cell data. For example "c2" formats a cell to be displayed as currency with a decimal precision of 2. Does anyone know where I'd find a comprehensive list off all the different formats available? ...

SQL Reporting Services 2005 - Non-queried Report Parameters

I'm working on a report in Reporting Services and I can't figure out why I'm having trouble with Non-queried report parameters. I'm trying to get the current year and have tried: =YEAR(TODAY()) =DATEPART("yyyy",TODAY()) I have also tried TODAY instead of TODAY() All of these seem to break the Year dropdown on my report. I ...

Two datasets with same parameters in SSRS

Hi, I am trying to create two tables in my SSRS report. I have used 2 different packages with same parameters for the dataset creation. while executing the dataset2 (manually from data tab in the designer) it works fine and gives me field results. But while executing from report (clicking the view report) the second table , which uses ...

What reporting platform do you prefer?

Crystal Reports? SQL Server Reporting Services? A 3rd-party tool? ...