
Byte Stream Unit Test

I'm utilizing the Reporting Services web service to generate a report and allow the user to download it. This is occuring via PDF, Excel, XML, etc. and working just fine. I'm trying to create some seperation between my reporting class and the implementation, but am struggling with how I can can do this in a manor that is still testable...

'rsInvalidImageReference' Warning When Previewing a SSRS Report

In an SSRS report: I am specifying the footer's background image using an expression, so that the image on the first page is different from other pages. The images are stored as part of the project, and are displaying correctly, however I get this warning Build complete -- 0 errors, 0 warnings [rsInvalidImageReference] The Value for...

reporting services virtual directory

i have iis7 i had build the report using business intelligence studio but i cant able to deploy the has given the error that "you are not attached to the server" but i install the reporting services in my admin account only ...

Reporting services: grouping rows with color

Hello! I've got a table in SQL Server Reporting Services report. Several rows can have the same value in one of the columns and I'd like to mark such 'groups' of rows with alternating colors. How should I do that? ...

Reporting Services: Tablix RepeatColumnHeaders doesn't work on some reports

So I've got various reports that consist of a DataSet rendered in a Tablix... pretty garden variety stuff. There is a property for the Tablix control named RepeatColumnHeaders, which I have set to True for each report in question. The explanation for this property states “Indicates whether column headers are repeated on each page on whic...

User defined reports with SSRS

I have an web application which serves SQL reporting services reports via the reportviewer control. Because of the complexity of some of the reports I use rdlc reports attached to business objects. Now I would like to expand the system and allow some form of user-defined reports. Ideally I would like the users to connect their reports t...

Where does Reporting Services store its log files

The most relevant google result seems to indicate that in order to access the logs we have to depoly our own log tables to the database and make Reporting Services write to it. Simply put: surely there must be plain text log files for Reporting Services? If yes, where are these files stored? ...

SSRS 2008 and SSAS 2008 transport error

I am testing an upgrade to SSAS 2008 and verifying existing reports working properly. I am able to get some SSRS reports that are using SSAS as a datasource to run without any issues. They are simple and only have a single dataset. The reports that I am unable to get to work correctly against SSAS 2008 have multiple datasets and h...

Reporting Services - Determine Number of Columns Shown in Matrix

Is it possible to determine the number of columns displayed in a Reporting Services report, and use this within the Visibility expression of a separate textbox? I face the following scenario: My client has a Reporting Services 2005 report, containing a matrix, which displays a variable number of columns, depending on the parameters sel...

DIsplaying SSRS reports in SharePoint?

I have a series of reports served by SSRS. They are great and the users like them. That being the case, upper management wants to throw a wrench in the works and serve the reports from the Sharepoint server. Is there a realtively painless way to let users access the reports from sharepoint? How would somebody go about doing such ...

SQL - Query Cubes

So i just received a connection string to a Cube in our one of our SQL databases. I'm supposed to create a report that can be emailed to 30 something people off of this data. I would much rather write a stored procedure and just let SSRS send it out whenever its supposed to. The problem is that the database is extremely complex and I'm ...

Link/event to another report in sql server reporting services 2004

Hi all and thanks in advance. Is there a way to provide a link from one .rdl to another details report. I'm using .net 1.1 and I believe it's the first version of SSRS. ...

SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services - Pros and Cons

I am developing a web application using ASP .NET 2.0, VS 2008 and SQL Server 2005. I would like to Use SSRS 2005 for the various reports I need to build for this web application. I would like to convince the team that we should adopt SSRS as the main reporting platform for most internal and external web applications we have. What are t...

Reporting Services - Rendering to Excel in C# WinForm.

I have a WinForms application that can call for and display a number of reporting services reports. I can call the LocalReport.Render("Excel", null, out mimeType, out encoding, out filenameExtension, out streamids, out warnings); method - writing to a byte[] array, but it throws an exception "The source of the report definition has not b...

Reporting Service 2005: Dynamic Data Set

Hi there Let say I have query like this: SELECT column1, column2, column3, column4, column5, Qty, Amount FROM Source I want to make this dynamic, so the user will be able to select Column1 etc by using checkbox. If the user select Column2, Column3 the query will be : SELECT Column2, Column3, SUM(QTY), SUM(AMOUNT) FROM Source GROUP ...

Inheritance in Reporting Services

Is there any way you can implement inheritance in Reporting Services? I would like to have a master report, that contains the standard header and footer + some info in the beginning of the report, as well as containing some report parameters. Then I would like to create a new report that inherits the master reports design and then I co...

SSRS - broken/missing toggle images in html reports

SSRS version is SQL 2005 x64 sp2 on Windows 2003 x64 sp2 and IIS 6 Clients run IE 6 on a mixture of Win2k sp4 and WinXP sp3 reports are accessed through the standard SSRS html viewer As the title suggests my issue is that, in SSRS reports which use toggle buttons to control visibility of sections, the graphics for the toggle buttons w...

Single page display in HTML rendering : SSRS

Hi, I have a SSRS report. I am using grouping and my report is having n number of pages. Is it possible to have the html display of the report in a single page with out page break and the exported version( pdf, excel) have the page break). Any idea. Please share some thoughts. Thanks in advance Anna ...

SQL 2008 Reporting Services Authentication.

In SQL 2005 Reporting services we were able to spoof a user when calling a report. This doesn't seem to work in 2008 and the technet articles that appear relevant seem to be implying that you need to create a seperate security extension( Technet Article )if you're wanting to expose reports to the internet. Is this what people are using i...

Passing multiple values for a single parameter in Reporting Services

I have several Multi-Select parameters in my report. I am trying to find a way to pass in multiple values for a single parameter in the web query string? If I pass in a single value, it works fine. The report runs fine selecting multiple choices for a single param. My trouble lies in the web query string. ...