
What are the fast reporting solutions that work with .Net?

I'm looking for fast reporting services that are compatible with .Net (C# specifically). Additionally since many of these companies are coy about their pricing (e.g. Cognos) it would be helpful to know how expensive they tend to be. We are doing serial reporting to PDF and Excel from a SQL Server 2005 database. Specifically because of t...

SSRS Multi value parameters - appropriate layer for implmentation of the filter

When using multivalue parameters in sql reporting services is it more appropriate to implement the list filter using a filter on the dataset itself, the data region control or change the actual query that drives the dataset? SSRS will support any scenario, so then I ask, is there a reason beyond the obvious of why this should be done a...

Set a table's visibility to false when it has no rows (in reporting services)

Is there a way to set a table's visibility to false, if the table has no rows? I want to hide a table in Reporting Services when it has no rows. Setting NoRows to ="" isn't sufficient in this case as space is still left for the table, and some of the table's formatting is still visible. I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio / SQL Reportin...

Reporting services: Total and percentages for each row

I want a result to look like this (converting from a solution in Excel to reporting services): Campaigns Success Not Success Total Success % Not sucess % Campaign 1 1 4 5 20% 80% Campaign 2 4 4 8 50% 50% How do I a...

Microsoft reporting services trouble with subreport flow

Hi I have a subreport in a reporting services main report. The subreport starts approximately on the middle of the page in the main report. If i have few detail lines in the subreport so that all can be rendered on page one, everything is ok. However, if I have more detail lines in the subreport so that it's not possible to print all...

Best practice for running SQL Server reporting services. Should I run on the database or web server?

I am configuring a new environment to run several intranet web applications. I have 2 servers, one will be the SQL Server 2008 server, and the other will be the IIS server. I also need to install SQL Server Reporting Services. I am not sure whether it would be better to run reporting services on the database server, or web server. Is...

How to restrict download options on a single report in SSRS?

This question asks how to restrict for a whole server. I just want to do so for a single report. I found a code snippet but it doesn't provide any clues on how to implement: foreach (RenderingExtension extension in this.reportViewer.LocalReport.ListRenderingExtensions()) { if (extension.Name == "PDF") { ((Extension)(extensi...

Code not running when Field is NULL - SSRS 2005

I have a textbox in my SSRS 2005 report. The expresssion for this textbox is: =IIF(IsDBNull(Fields!fOrgID), Code.SetMyVar("null"), Code.SetMyVar(Fields!fOrgID.Value)) I have also tried IsNothing(Fields!fOrgID) and a few other variations of checking for nulls. I have modified the SetMyVar function for testing and it now looks like this...

How to control the target frame of reporting services (SSRS) drill down

I am using SQL 2005 reporting services (SSRS) with the web report viewer control. It is showing the report inside an IFRAME on the web page. If I implement a drill down functionality, by attaching a URL action to a chart elements, the navigation will happen only inside the IFRAME. I know how to set the target frame for navigation on a no...

SSRS 2008 Export to Microsoft Word does not include headers and footers

I have a report, which was recently converted from SSRS2005 to SSRS2208. The report header has a background, which is calculated depending on the page number. In the report footer there is an image and two text boxes, also calculated depending on page number. The report preview in the Business Intelligence Development Studio displays c...

Reporting Services 2008: Is there a way to change item properties, depending on how a report is being rendered?

I am writing a report, which exports nicely to PDF. However, it does not export to a Word document (.doc) properly. (Margins get ignored in the header area, which messes up pages breaks, footer text is missing, etc.) To work around this, I want to disable, enable and/or re-size a few items in my report depending on if it is rendered a...

Difference between two grouped values

Hi, I need your help, I have developed a comparative report like this:                     01:00     02:00 Desv              10         23 15/01/2009     20         22 16/01/2009     30         45 I have a dataset with values from two different dates every 15 minutes. I have a matrix which is grouped by row Date and grouped by column ...

SQL Reporting Services 2005 - Access by Active Directory Security Group

Is there a way to lock down the security of a SSRS report by AD group? I need to make it so "Group A" has access and "Group B" does not. The connection string to the database needs to remain a single SQL Server account. Any ideas? ...

Ramifications of changing the Web Service Identity for SQL Reporting Services 2005

Due to requirements of a piece of software I am planning on installing, I have to change the Identity the IIS Application Pool for SQL Reporting Services 2005 is running under. Unfortunately, I am unable to find any information of the ramifications of doing so. I was hoping someone here would be able to point me to some information o...

Exporting from SSRS to Excel with no headers

Is there a way to export to excel from an SSRS report so that the header that displays on the first page of the report is omitted only in the excel export? Currently, it adds a frozen frame to the top of the worksheet. ...

What are the generic ways to make Reporting Services faster.

While I understand this question is fairly vague since I'm not giving you all as much detail as I'd like to, I'm hoping for some general improvements that can be made to my generation code or the reports themselves to speed them up. I've asked for more hardware, but have been denied. public Stream GenerateReport(string reportName, strin...

Easy way to pdf a web report

We are trying to create a web reporting system, with the standard flash chart's, one of the major requirements is that this report must be emailed to customers on a regular schedule as a PDF file. Does anyone know of either An easy tool to point at the webpage and pdf it, including flash charts Another way of doing this? We have tri...

SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 - How do you hide the legend label for a chart?

I am reporting on data that lets say has 10 columns. Now some of my clients have data in all 10 of the columns whereas some may only use 7 or 5... you get the idea. Of course I dont want to have to build a new rdl for each possibiliy. Well in the tabular report I can hide the columns fine if no data exists by using the IsMissing prope...

Web Service and Report Manager don't load (Sql Server Express 2008 with Reporting Services)

I've just installed Microsoft SQL Server Express 2008 (with Reporting Services). My installation is side by side with SQL Server 2005. So far creating reports and testing them in the development environment has worked fine, however I can't get the web server or report manager working. In the Reporting Services Configuration Manager, i...

How do I do a running year for a calendar report?

Here is the Query I am using: SELECT * FROM ra_ProjectCalendar WHERE MonthNumber between @Month and @Month + 12 and FullYear = @Year It works great for this year, but, stops at December of this year. How do I get it to show a running year? ...