
Best ASP.NET reporting engine with custom reports creation ability

We need to choose the reporting engine for our ASP.NET application. The main functional requirement is an ability for end users (not programmers, just normal users) to create custom reports. We will be using SQL Server as a database so I am aware of some options: SQL Server Reporting services, Crystal Reports, Active Reports, even Windwa...

How to do number formatting to 1 decimal point in SSRS?

Hi, I have a SSRS report with full of number fields. I would like to have that to be displayed as in one decimal. i tried to use F1. it gives me only one decimal points in html rendering, but in excel exported version it shows 2 decimal points. How can i have just one decimal point both ecxel and html rendering. Please comment. Than...

Is it possible to use Open Type Fonts (.otf) in SQL Reporting Services (2008)

When you try to select a font of type .otf that has been installed on Client & Server then the font does not appear in the dropdown list of available fonts. The font can be used fine in word. ...

Client application receiving duplicate reports

I have an application that sends a report path and parameter collection to a Microsoft Reporting Services server. One of these reports is very long running and when users try to generate reports within a few seconds of one another, one will receive a duplicate of the report requested by the second user. This doesn't happen as a glitch,...

Reporting Services 2008 - Long subreports cause page break

Similar to this question, but I have one "master" report which contains many subreports. Everything works great until one of the subreports, when rendered (to PDF, for example), will take up > the space left on a page. In this case, the page breaks so that the subreport starts on a new page. Sometimes this looks incredibly awkward when...

How to do Jump to URL in SSRS?

Hi, I have two reports , in same forder in reportserver. i wanted to link both the reports back and forth passing parameters. I tried to use jump to Report passing parameter, it works but opens the report in the same window. I am looking for opening the report in a new window , so tried to use the Jump to URL using this expression. ...

SSRS 2005 PDF Export Issue

Good Afternoon, My report's page size is 8.5" by 11" with .5in margins all around. When I preview the report in BIDS, it renders in portrait. A change to landscape in page setup fixes this. However, when I export to PDF and view it in Acrobat, the last column of my report rolls to page 2. Instead of a 2 page report, I have a 4 page ...

how to create a SSRS bar chart that has a non numeric value on the x-axis

Hi, i am looking to create a simple bar chart using SSRS 2005..below is a sample data. i want to show the target date changes for the relases.. so, in my case, release types need to go the category group(y-axis), and meeting type is the series, and date is the data value(x-axis) . But, date type value on the x-axis is not working as expe...

Reporting Services: Two Tables One Sum

My report is as follows: One table provides financial information with sums at the group footer (Grouping is called "StockTable_Shipped"). The group is controlled by a boolean value (1=shows shipped data, 0 = shows received data) The second table is a variance report for data that has been shipped (boolean value of 1) and has a sum at ...

ASP.NET web app can't use multiple impersonation for authenication

I have a app (uses windows authentication for access) which (stipulated by the security team) needs to connect to a remote SQL Server 2005 using integrated security.Because of the fact that it is remote SQL server I needed to impersonate a custom account (impersonating the original caller would not work) via : <identity imperso...

SSRS - How to build a simple multi-column report?

I am new to SSRS, so forgive my newbieness. I am using Sql Server 2008 and I want to show 1 single field from a table in multiple columns in the report. Just like if I were to print labels. How can I achieve this? Example: Instead of printing: Names Report Andrea Austin Barbara Bob Bruno Cathy Chis ... I want to print in columns (say...

How do I read inconsistent nvarchar data as decimal data

For SSRS 2005 report how do i read inconsistent nvarchar data values from database as consistent numeric decimal data for plotting a line chart? the nvarchar column has lab readings to be plotted on a graph as nvarchar(15) datatype. sample column with inconsistent data as shown sample columnvalues: 00123 102 (NULL) 333 456 N/R No Resu...

How do I read inconsistent nvarchar data as decimal data

For SSRS 2005 report how do i read inconsistent nvarchar data values from database as consistent numeric decimal data for plotting a line chart? the nvarchar column has lab readings to be plotted on a graph as nvarchar(15) datatype. sample column with inconsistent data as shown columnvalues 00123 102 (NULL) 333 456 N/R No Result 567 ...

SQL Reporting Services - Multiple Snapshots?

I have a report that has a snapshot generated weekly based on a default value for a location. Now I need to have that same snapshot run on the same report except with a different default value. Is there a way to do this without creating a new report with a slightly different default value? ...

Reporting Services - Report Paramaters Losing State

I am embedding a report into my ASP.NET app using the report viewer control. When I change a paramater value and click View Report, I'm losing my paramater selection. Any ideas? ...

Printer delivery extension and empty report

I have implemented a printer delivery extension based on MS example in SSRS 2005. Everything works fine, however, I run into a problem when the dataset is empty. I get a single blank page. If there is no data I would rather not send the job to the printer. Anyone have any experience with this or ideas how to solve my problem? ...

calling a C# assembly from a report in reporting services

I added a reference to a custom assembly in a report services (2008) report. It works great when I call from a textbox (e.g, =Assembly.Class.Function() ), but when I wrap it in a custom code block: Function GetString(ByVal key as String) as String return Willow.Reporting.Localization.Resource.Get(User!Language, "WAR", "Title", key) ...

Can I specify a separate "screen" and "print" view for a report in MS Reporting Services?

I guess this is not quite a "programming" question, but it is bothering me none the less. I am the author of a fairly complicated report with a lot of drill-downs and dynamically displayed elements. The business users I'm writing the report for like the drill-downs on the screen, but when they print, they want to see the report complet...

MOSS 2007 and Sql Server Reporting Services from dev to prod

When building a MOSS site in a development environment and incorporating Sql Server Reporting Service (SSRS) web parts how would I then go about moving these to a production environment? Would I need to duplicate the work to configure SSRS and then move these any pages/web parts that are referencing the SSRS? Would appreciate anyones t...

Configuring MOSS and Reporting Services on a Domain Controller

I'm working on a pretty standard MOSS virtual development environment. I have MOSS, sql 2005 and the machine is also the Domain Controller. I'm now doing some work with Reporting Services (SSRS) and integrating it with MOSS. I therefore installed SP2 to give me the option in SSRS of SharePoint integrated mode. I also installed the SSRS...