
How to get a table into the page header in Reporting Services; or fake it?

Is there any way to get a table into the page header with an associated data source, or at least fake it? ...

How do I pass parameter TO SSRS report FROM ASP.NET page which has the reportviewer for the report.

I have an ASP.NET page which has report viewer control to access reports from report manager. I need to pass report parameter from this ASP.NET page to the report server. I want to pass region number based on user logged in, which is displayed on a label in ASP.NET page. Thanks. ...

SSRS not working from remote locations

I have couple of reports that i developed and are sitting on http//localhost/reports. I have everything else setup including sql server 2005 config tools. The reports run fine when i run them on my own machine, where IIS and sql server 2005 are both loaded. But they dont work when i try from other computers. I have the dir security to wi...

Sharepoint/WSS Reporting Services Integration woes

after a number of failed attempts i seem to have successfully installed the Reporting services add-in to my WSS farm. However, I seem to be missing most of the enhanced functionality eg no report library template, no report center site template. the only additional functionality available is the report viewer web part. background: 2 ser...

Reporting Services: Multi-page Report - Show Page subtotal

Hello, I was assigned to evaluate if the RS (Reporting Services) are adequate to our application and I was given a list of requisites. One of them is: Assuming: 1. Having a table containing lines products and their prices 2. Being this table long and would span across multiple pages I need to be able to show the sum of the prices...

SSRS 2008 Export Report to Image Only Exports First Page

Ok, so i am working on exporting my SSRS 2008 Reports to an image. What I would like to do is Export each individual page as an image. From my code, I can only get it to export the first page of the report. Any help would greatly be appreciated. Dim warnings As Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.Warning() Dim streamids As String() ...

Passing parameter via url to sql server reporting service

I'm trying to pass a parameter via the url to SSRS and it appears not to work! I'm trying to pass a userId (string) via the url which will be passed to the database and used by the query. base url: http://blah/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=MyReport tried this but it doesn't work: http://blah/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=MyR...

When to use RDLC over RDL reports?

I have been studying SSRS 2005 / 2008 in the past weeks and have created some server side reports. For some application, a colleague suggested that I look into RDLC for that particular situation. I am now trying to get my head around the main difference between RDL and RDLC. Searching for this information yields fragmented information ...

SSRS Grouping on a field, even when there are duplicates

I have a report in Reporting Services and there is a group that is based around a field value. I want the group to repeat itself on the report as many times as there are rows with that field. The problem is that using Field!field.Value seems to only pull distinct values. Since my dataset has rows that have duplicate values, they are n...

Reporting services matrix control colour in excel

I have just written a report using the Matrix control in SSRS 2005. I have coloured the rows and columns and when I preview the report the colouring is applied. Same with export to pdf. Only when I view the exported report in Excel do I get a problem. The report colours are rendered properly other than the Matrix controls. (they are re...

Sql Server Reporting Services and Multiple Sharepoint Farms

I was wondering if you can have a single SSRS 2008 server be used for two different sharepoint farms? I have a SSRS 2008 box and would like to have two different reporting instances, one for each farm. We're in the middle of a transition from WSS --> MOSS, and I need to be able to support reporting on both. It seems when you run the...

SSRS Report from Oracle DB - Use stored procedure

I am developing a report in Sql Server Reporting Services 2005, connecting to an Oracle 11g database. As you post replies perhaps it will help to know that I'm skilled in MSSQL Server and inexperienced in Oracle. I have multiple nested subreports and need to use summary data in outer reports and the same data but in detail in the inner ...

Rendering SRS Report & Sub-Report And Multi-threading

Hello, I wrote a procedure that compiles many of our invoices using MS SQL Server Reporting Services. The procedure cycles through all the invoices for the month, loads the RDLC file, and renders the report. Note that the report also includes a subreport. The rendered report is then converted to PDF and saved on the disk. This works fi...

Report Builder - Set datetime parameter

I have a report that has parameters StartDate and EndDate. I would like the EndDate parameter's time part to default to the end of the day when selected from the drop down. For instance, if a user selects 5/15/2008 from the dropdown, the value shown in the box should be '5/15/2008 23:59:59' not '5/15/2008 12:00:00' Its pretty easy to d...

ASP.NET Report viewer Control Print Button gives error

Hi to all I created a report by using ssrs 2008., and by using VS 2008 report viewer control i am loading in web App. Two Problems I am facing :First One is I) Print button not working , at the moment i clicked Print button, First one small window opened with 'Printing is progress..' after that i got error 'An error occurred...

SSRS '08 System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission ERROR

Hi All I'm getting a rather frustrating error from Business Intelligence Development Studio (Visual Studio 2008). I have a report that contains 4 sub-reports, these sub-reports may or may not contain data, and as such their HIDDEN property is controlled by an expression: =IIF(ReportItems![SOME TEXT BOX].Value = 0, TRUE, FALSE) The co...

Converting SQL2008 RDL file to SQL2005

How do I convert a RDL file that was created using the SQL2008 designer to work on SQL2005 Reporting services? ...

Right reporting solution in a .Net environment

I have a reporting requirement in my web application for which I am looking for off the shelf solution. I don't have any experience of reporting softwares so thought of checking with SO community if anyone have any idea of reporting solution which fits my requirements. The application will be developed in .Net and apart from other funct...

SSRS 2008 Deployment

Whenever I wish to debug a single report (.rdl file, Report Definition file), it always deploys everything in the solution. Can someone recommend a deployment strategy in order that I can localize deployment to the specific report I am working on, and not clobber the other reports in the solution? Those may have been worked on by another...

SSRS 2008 NULL Parameters

How do you pass in null parameters into a SQL 2008 Report? The code that interfaces with the ReportExecution & ReportService2005 web services always yields an error upon executing the ReportExecutionService.Render() method, after I set the parameters (not including the nullable one) via invoking the ReportExecutionService.SetExecutionPar...