
SSRS Report Custom Prompt Layout

Is it possible with business intelligence development studio to create an SSRS report and easily customize the way that the prompt fields are laid out (mainly the location)? It looked like it defaults to grouping them horizontally, I would want to perhaps group the prompts into section. I'm just getting into using SSRS so my knowledge i...

Report Builder 2.0 Data Source Credentials Prompt

I have two saved shared data sources that are virtually identical but have different names and have been deployed to the report server at different times. They both live in the DataSources folder on the report server and I have rights assigned at the folder level. One is named PDB and one PDB2. They both use the same SQL Server account...

SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 -- Open UNC File Link

Is there a way to open a create a link to a file using SSRS 2008? When I try to select anything other than any http address in the action of text box the "go to url" does not work. ...

Rendering a Report in SQL Server Reporting Services using SOAP API

Is it possible to render a report in SQL Server Reporting Services using SOAP API without specifying the format such that you get the report toolbar? ...

SQL 2k8 reporting services authentication through DMZ

I have SQL 2k8 server and reporting services installed on a server inside a domain. I also have a webserver that is outside the domain. I'm trying to run a reporting services report from the webserver (either through a URL or the report viewer component). I have managed to authenticate (as detailed in this post ), and now the report ki...

SSRS 2005 - Capturing RAISERROR message

I am checking whether a user has a permission to view the report through dataset stored procedure and if the user doesn't, raiserror is called. Is there a way to display a different message from SQL Server Reports 2005 when a stored procedure (that populates report dataset) raises error (through RAISERROR) instead of returning data? He...

DSV (Named Query) vs. Database View

Please provide guidelines on when to use DSV's as opposed to database views. Any performance issue using one vs. the other? Environment: SQL Server 2008 ...

SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services Authentication

<Authentication> <AuthenticationTypes> <RSWindowsNTLM/> </AuthenticationTypes> <EnableAuthPersistence>true</EnableAuthPersistence> </Authentication> Whenever I have the above settings in my rsreportserver.config file I can view reports in my web application but I can't access the Report Manager. But whenever I have the...

SRS Report Page Orientation

Hello, I am new to creating SQL SRS (SSRS) reports in visual studio. I am impressed so far but I cannot find out how to set the Page Orientation in my new report from Portrait to Landscape. I would think this would be in the Report/Report Properties settings but it is not there? How do I change the Page Orientation from Portrait to...

SSRS 2008 Truncate Textbox Contents

In Sql Server Reporting 2008, is there a way to truncate the text if it exceeds the bounds of the width of the textbox? Right now it always wraps to the next line, and even though the textbox diallows its height to stretch vertically, the wraparound is still attempted and it is obvious to the report reader/user. I wish the portion of tex...

SQL: creating a string array and query = like all strings in array

I have SQL Server 2005 Report that takes a parameter in a query string that searches customer names. The problem is some customers like to put in a middle initial so when the user 'John Smith' this does not bring up 'John Q. Smith'. Using only sql, how would I split a string into an array by whitespace then search records matching each ...

Removing Unused Columns from a Bar Chart

I am creating a departmental bar chart that shows time frames for a set of tasks. Some departments share tasks, others are unique. I have the chart running except that I don't want all possible tasks listed for every department. I would only like to display those tasks that the department actually did. Here is an example of the data (#...

Automatically deploying changes to a web application

What's the best way to automatically deploy changes to a database driven web application? Is there a single product out there that can modify the following... Website (dlls, aspx, css files etc) Database Schema (add tables, columns, etc) Database data (modify table contents) Reporting Services reports I've seen various separate prod...

Report Services: Controlling page breaks inside a table

Hi I'm using a table on my report to present the data. Since it was a lot of data and I wanted to print the report on a A4 page, I split each row into 3 different rows. My problem is when the report goes to the second page, I want it to break before or after the 3 rows. example: name age address contact name ...

Reporting services in Sqlserver

i know crystal reports very well and i work on this for last 3 years. I wanted to learn Reporting services of sqlserver so which is the best resource to learn the Reporting services quickly ? ...

How to Create a MsWord TOC without automation?

I'm using Aspose.Words to construct a Word Document programmatically (C#) on a server. The dynamically generated documents can be imported by clients via a web interface. Everything is great except I'm unable to generate a TOC. I've already exhausted my options with Aspose. Updating TOC fields is simply not a feature that Aspose curr...

Setting the minimum column width in SSRS

Greetings. For the life of me, I can't remember how to set the minimum width on an SSRS column. When I render the report in 'Preview' mode it looks fine, but when I set it up as a subscription to go out via email it gets scrunched together. Appreciate any help. Thanks! ...

SSRS - tracking report usage

Is there an easy way to track who is running a given report in SSRS 2005, and at what time they are running that report? We have about 80 reports in our SSRS implementation, and are trying to see if there's any that we can safely put out to pasture. If we could easily see somehow which reports aren't being used, that would help us. An...

Exporting Reports from SSRS Report Manager

I have several SSRS reports which have a textbox at the bottom with a link to a privacy notice page. Some of my users will export these reports to an Excel workbook or a Word document. When the users export the reports, the reporting engine does not include the link in the office documents. When exported as as PDF or HTML, the link to th...

Set sqlAuthCookie for SSRS Execution Service

I am trying to execute a report as a pdf in c#. I have everything working great, except for the sqlauth cookie. If I use an iframe and render a dummy report, then use that sqlAuthCookie cookie (set by report server) in the code-behind, it works, so I know my syntax and method , etc is correct. What I need to do is add the sqla...