
Development standards for SQL Server supporting services?

I am trying to find some development best practises for SQL Server Reporting Services, Analysis Services and Integration Services. Does anyone have some useful links or guidance they can offer on this subject? ...

Reporting Services Dynamic Parameter Contents Based on Other Parameter Settings

Is it possible in reporting services to populate a parameter based on a value selected in another parameter? We are looking at replacing a set of existing reports in a legacy reporting platform that does this a lot. ...

New project: SSRS vs. Crystal Reports?

I'm essentially brand new to the reporting world, and I've been tasked with creating a series of reports, and I'm trying to figure out how to best start. Since we're a Microsoft shop, using VS 2005 right now, Crystal Reports and SSRS both look like possible candidates. But I'd like to improve my chances for picking a winner out of the ...

Reporting in Rich Text

I've built an web application which allows the users to view and make notes on a list of calendar events. The notes are edited in a WYSIWYG editor that outputs to HTML text (but could also output to RTF), which is then saved as text in an MSSQL05 database. Now I've got to add a printing function to the calendar application. Pr...

Reporting Service Textbox control maxlength is 32000?

If yes, how to enlarge it? Or there is the alternative solution to solve this issue? ...

Back UP file RDLs Creation in SSRS 2008 Automatically

Back UP RDLs Files Creation in SSRS 2008 Automatically when we save it. Can we resolve this ? Like if there is report which name is AssetAmount.rdl so when we updated it and save it then there is an autogenerated Rdl created as AssetAmount-BackUP.rdl AssetAmount-.rdl so there are two rdls files in a same folder ...

How to modify Team Foundation Server reports to exclude weekends?

I would like to modify the Team Foundation Server built-in MS Agile template reports to exclude weekends. For example, here is the dsWorkItemHistory dataset for the Remaining Work report: WITH MEMBER [Measures].[Date Key] AS [Date].[Date].CurrentMember.UniqueName SELECT { [Measures].[Date Key], [Measures].[Cumulative Cou...

SQL 2008 Reporting Services Question - tablix visable

I have a report that has two tablix on it. I'm trying to control the visibility of the tablix using an expression. When i hard code in a boolean value of 0 or 1 the visibilty works. When i put in something like the following =cbool(iif(First(Fields!bGeneralQuestionDisplayed.Value, "ClassificationNarrowed")=1 ,1,0)) it does not work...

SSRS 2008 smart label

Hi All, I have a 3-D pie chart and wish to show the smart label. My problem is the smart label only takes the first value in the data field series. I need to display for all the values in the data field series as label outside the chart. Can anyone point to me what am I missing? Thanks for any input. ...

missing data source instance ? -> blank report viewer

hi, i am getting an error message in the report viewer( A data source instance has not been supplied. already used m_ReportControl.EmbeddedReport = "C2.ReportProjectSimple.rdlc"; m_ReportControl.DataSource = new ReportDataSource("C2.Project," this.m_ProjectFilter.Projec...

Reporting Services 2008: manual deletion of an Attribute from an Entity problem

I'm modifying my Report Model in Visual Studio (2008). If I refresh my dsv file (after changes to the underlying database), then manually reflect the same changes in the smdl file, it seems that any time I delete an Attribute from an Entity it somehow corrupts the ReportModel project. Deleting an attribute removes a reference like the f...

Add a link to windows file share (\\servername\folder\file.txt) as hyperlink in Reporting Services report RDL?

I know how to add a hyperlink to an http:// address, but it doesn't seem to work with file:// address when I want it to point to a file on the file share. Tried the following: file://\\server\folder\file.txt file:\\server\folder\file.txt \\server\folder\file.txt All 3 methods above work in Windows Start Menu's Run... box. But just no...

API for subscription management for SSRS?

We're setting up a reporting service for a website, and right now I'm leaning towards using SSRS...but I'm trying to make sure it will really do everything we need. One thing we need is the ability for people, through the website, to create a report and have that report automatically sent out at various intervals. Sounds very much like...

Multiple results in Subreport on RDLC causing Error

I have a report with an embedded subreport. The subreport has a table on it that shows a list of values and is itself embedded in a table on the main report. The problem I am running into is that when there is one result in the subreport, it displays and works fine. If there is more than one result, I get the "Error: Subreport could not ...

Use SQL 2008 SSRS and SSAS on a SQL 2000 Instance and Database?

The ERP system that I use is "stuck" in SQL 2000. The vendor states that it will not work, even in 2000 compatibility mode with any version of SQL higher than 2005. Due to corporate red tape I cannot use SQL 2005. Can I install 2008 on the same server as a separate instance and then use the tools of 2008 to create SSRS and SSAS proje...

Microsoft Report Viewer Control not displaying report Part Deux

hi, what to do if RefreshReport is already used ? ReportDataSource and RDL is setted. ...

What are the best strategies to debugging SSRS?

I am looking for ways to track down where an SSRS error is occuring. I have a report that is about 90 columns wide with multiple formulas. The problem that I am having is that on one of the formulas there is a divide by Zero error. I have implemented the answer from Robert Harvey in this question but I still get the error. I know th...

PHP ASCII Table Library

Is threr a de-facto standard library for creating ASCII "tables" in PHP? Basically, I want some PHP code that, when handed an Array or other data structure will output tables that look something like the mysql command line client's results +--------+---------------------+----------------------------------+ | fld_id | fld_name ...

Text file as data source in SSRS

I need to use text files as data source in SSRS. I tried accessing this with ‘OLEDB provider for Microsoft directory services’ connection. But I could not. The query is given below. Also let me know how to query the data ...

vant view dataset with microsoft report viewer

I have a dataset, the dataset is using a stored procedur to fetch data. i have filled the dataset and everythings is okej.When iam using the debug i can se that the dataset is not empty. but i cant view it with the microsoft report viewer. here is my code please help. private void frmPrint_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ...