
How to hide certain on SQL Reporting Services 2005

I created a report in SQL Report Services 2005 and everything is coming out right but on my comments field I am getting bunch of HTML Tags which I dont want to show. See below the sample of my report comments field data. I really appreciate somebody let me know how to hide these tags not to show on the output of the report in my comment ...

How do I prevent gaps in SSRS elements due to expanding matrix?

I have a report with three charts, and underneath them a matrix. The matrix expands horizontally at run time, leaving a big horizontal gap between the first and second chart. How do I fix this? In HTML I'd just throw a <br clear="all"/> in there to ensure that the matrix isn't affecting the formatting of other elements. Horrible mspain...

Problem with Two Datasets in the same layout in SSRS

IN my SSRS project, I created two datasets that I want to use in the same layout. In my layout, I added two tables. I drag columns from one dataset to one table, and they are all fine. Then I drag columns from the 2nd dataset (same column names as those in the first dataset) to the 2nd table, and it becomes First(....) , as if it think...

Passing date parameters to Oracle Query in SSRS

I have an SSRS report that uses an Oracle datasource. I have a query; select * from myTable t where between Date '2009-08-01' and Date '2009-08-04' + 1 This query works, both in Oracle and from SSRS. It gets all rows from myTable when the column is between 08/01/2009 and 08/04/2009. The column is of type Date() N...

How to link report parameter with query parameter in SSRS?

I have a query in SSRS (against oracle) select * from myTable where t.user = :myUser However, when I go to preview tab, it does not give me an option to input the myUser value. I thought the whole point of adding a parameter is so that user can interactively enter values? What exact steps am I missing? ...

Reporting Services - set datasource dynamically, possibly via ReportViewer

I have some reporting services reports in 2005. The use a shared data source in a rds file Ideally I want them to use a connection string that is passed in from a configuration file, ideally via ASP.NETs ReportViewer control. Is this possible? ...

Visual Studio Solution Shared Data Source for Report Projects?

Hi All, Simple question... I have a VS 2005 solution that encompasses several reporting services projects. Currently, each project has it's own shared data source making changing the database target very tedious. Is there a way to share the data source across the entire solution (i.e. all the projects in the solution will use the da...

How to create more than one group in List , SSRS 2005?

Hi, I am using List in one of my report. My list is having a detail grouping on a field , and controls like subreports. NOw my requirement changed a bit and i need to have an outer group to the group what i have now and a page break on the outer group. How do i do this , i tried using the same list , couldn't get an idea how to crea...

SQL Reporting Services and Excel

The basic setup is that I have a web application that calls SQL Reporting Services to run reports. The reports have the option of returning in PDF or Excel format. The code in the background runs the report, gets the results and writes it out using httpResponse.BinaryWrite(). Most of the reports work fine. IE recognizes the excel fil...

SQL Query to get Matrix reporting

My "FeedbackSummary" table structure is GivenBy varchar(50) GivenTo varchar(50) Points decimal(15, 2) Sample Data Alice Janet 4.50 Alice Bruce 3.50 Bruce Alice 2.87 Bruce Janet 4.75 Janet Alice 5.45 Janet Bruce 3.78 What I am trying to achieve GivenBy_GivenTo Alice Bruce Janet Alice NULL 3.50 4.50 Bruce 2.87 ...

SQL Server Reporting Services - Report Model: API (build custom report builder)

I am looking into the idea of creating a custom report builder and data tool to replace the ssrs report builder. I am wanting something more like a query builder and data export tool rather than reporting. The thing I want to use is the report model. I want users to select field from report model, render the sql, then exec sql and retu...

Why is Site Setting showing for anonymous user Sql Server Reporting Services 2008

I am new to SSRS 2008 and I have ran into an interesting issue and it has me scratching my head. It seems to be applying the roles but it lets a user that is in none of the Reporting roles change site settings. I have searched configuration files and cannot find out where this can be changed. I know there are System Roles and Report Role...

What can cause garbage on prints with reportserver?

I develop a Winforms application written with framework 2.0, which has some Server Reports in Report Server (SQLServer 2005). This reports in the test enviroment are printing just right, but in production weird things happens (as ussual). Sometimes, the windows spooler sends the print job to the printer and the printer acknowledge the ...

Examples of great looking SSRS pdf reports

Hi, I am trying to make a case of using SSRS as an option for some great looking reports. Is there a place where somebody can point to? I am looking for some great looking fancy data driven reports built using SQL Server SSRS ...

looking for some cool Silverlight chart Demos

Hello everyone, I am currently using Reporting Service of SQL Server 2008, and I think the user interface is not very elegant. And I want to use Silverlight as user interface to render reporting service backend data. Two questions, Is it possible? Reporting Service exposes interface which Silverlight could retrieve data and render? I ...

SSRS 2005 local report access fail

I'm using SSRS 2005 on a Windows 2008 server. I have a local user account with which I can run the reports from another machine. However, when I'm on the same machine, I cannot see the reports (the /reports page only shows the header and no report). I'm using Windows Authentication and ASP.NET impersonation for authentication of SSRS....

Report Builder 2.0 Create a dataset with Parameters

Hi All, I cannot get my dataset to recognise a parameter supplied to it. I have created a report parameter "ProjectID". (In Report Parameter Properties, Name="ProjectID", Prompt="ProjectID"). In Dataset Properties|Parameters, Parameter Name="ID", Parameter Value="[@ProjectID]". When I click on the Filter button in Query Designer, th...

How do I solve a hidden expression error message in SSRS?

When I try to run a report I get the following error message ' the hidden expression for the table 'ordReqn' contains an error: Input string was not in a correct format. I have gone to the hidden properties on the table and selected 'False' from the dropdown list. I tried doing a custom expression using False. I tried '1' and '0.' I get...

[SSRS 2005] ReportViewer duplicate toolbar on bottom of report?

Is there a means to duplicate the toolbar so it shows at the top and bottom of the report page? It can be a pain on long reports to scroll up to the top of the page in order to use various functions. In my searching, I found this link about extending the ReportViewer control. Has anyone worked with it? ...

SSRS multi-value parameter using a stored procedure

Group, I am working on a SSRS report that uses a stored procedure containing a few parameters. 2 of the paramters I am having problems with because I want to have the option of selecting more than one item. Here is what I have (in short). CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspMyStoredProcedure] (@ReportProductSalesGroupID AS VARCHAR(MAX) ,@Repo...