
SSRS Export to Excel has Wrong Group Footers

I have a SQL Server Reporting Services report that has several layers of groups. The groups have footers but no headers. Each sub-group's visibility is initially hidden and can be toggled from a cell in the footer of its parent group. The report renders fine in the browser. However, when I export to Excel the groupings are wrong. With t...

Use a custom data extension with local (RDLC) report?

I have worked through an article that describes how to implement Custom Data Extensions with Sql Server Reporting Services. Works great. Now I would like to take that same report, convert it from RDL to RDLC, connect it to the same data extension, and process it in local mode. Is that possible? ...

RDLC always showing first record in all columns

I'm new to reports and was using RDLC as they have an option of client side processing. I was using web site datasource as objectdatasoruce and assigning List to the report. Though I see my List has all 3 employees records, but when I run the report I see always first employee information 3 times. I'm using table control and employee d...

SQL Reporting 2008: easy way to share look and feel of reports?

What is the way to go to share a look and feel of a report among other reports in the same project? I want to share the layout, colors, etc. Thanks ...

Report group headings not repeating on every page.

I have an RDLC report with three tables and associated data sets. In my second table, I cannot get the two 'header' rows to repeat on each printed page. When viewed interactively, each table is on its own page and this isn't a problem. When I switch to print layout, e.g. my second table now spans two pages, and the second page gets no...

How to Deploy Reports from one server to another server in SQL Server 2008

Hi all, i deployed the Reports which i developed in local to DEV Reporting server ( i have the credentials to deploy in DEV). Now i want to generate the scripts which i deployed in DEV . Using Reporting services scripter tool generated the Windows command file but when i am double click on that it is always pointing to DEV server but ...

SQL Server Reporting Services - localize reports?

I have some SSRS 2008 reports that need to be localized. That is: Report titles, column headers, etc. all need to be in the user's locale. (Note that in my situation, the User!Language expression may or may not be useful, but that's not the major problem.) The localized strings must be retrievable from a table within the same DB as the...

SSRS Report to read from 2 databases.

I want to compare records between 2 databases on my SQL 2008 Server. The query below works in SSMS. SELECT 'Manual', manual.*, 'Auto', Auto.* FROM (SELECT * FROM TESTINGSOMODS..TESTINGSOManMODS) Manual FULL OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM CHELTONCUSTOMIZATIONS..SOMODS) Auto ON manual.[Order N...

nested subreports affecting main report

I am creating a report using reporting services which formatted as follows: Main report (passing mainid to SP and subreport 1 and 2 )       |---display data from a stored procedure(SP1)       |---Subreport 1 (passing subreport id to SP and subreport 1.1 and 1.2)             |---display data from a stored procedure(SP10)             |---...

How to disable SSRS 2008 manager

Can you disable the SSRS 2008 manager (http://mydomain/reports), while leaving the report server working (http://mydomain/reportserver)? EDIT: Got it! This is how you do it in SSRS: Turn off Report Manager ...

Microsoft.ReportingServices.Interfaces.dll missing for SSRS 2005

Hello, I am missing this DLL reference in c:\program files\SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn. I'm assuming that this is because I didn't install the 2005 client. I installed all of the services for 2005, the database instance, reporting services instance, SSAS and SSIS. I installed the 2008 client though, not the 2005 client, and 2008 databas...

SSRS export to Excel UNFORMATTED

Hey, I'm looking into SSRS with intention of exporting a lot of the reports to excel. The problem is that when you export it changes cell sizes and removes borders to try and keep the original report format. Is there anyway to stop this happening? So that the report exports to excel with the "usual" excel formatting? If it requires an...

Local Report vs Server report in ASP .Net Report viewer control.

Hello All, In one of the ASP .Net site we are currently working we have a bulk load of SSRS reports. We have forms authentication for the site and reports have already been created and deployed in the report server. We are having so many problems with authentication when we set the report viewer control to access the server report. I...

SSRS 2005 giving me "Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined" when trying to customize it

Hello, I'm getting the error "Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined" when customizing it. I've made several changes to the configuration files and UI, but I keep getting this error. It isn't logging it too in the event log nor the log files, which makes it very annoying to debug. So how do I figure out where the ...

SSRS Run report on several parameters

I figured this would be simple, but being new to SSRS I'm not sure. I've created a basic report template, that uses a number of data sources, to display some information about a Site. It takes a SiteId parameter I then want to be able to run this report for multiple SiteId's to produce a report with a page for each site. Is this possi...

SSRS Passing values between list and subreport

So this is like my third SSRS question and I've only been looking at it for a day :S This question may be a little sketchy as I'm still not up with the terminology. Basically I have a list that is bound to a "Select" of SiteId's. Inside this list I have a sub report. The idea is to pass these SiteId's into the sub report one at a time ...

SSRS 2008: is it possible to make a report parameter NOT query-based for some linked report?

I suspect the answer is no, but here goes.. I'm using the WebForms Report Viewer on a public-facing website to allow users to report on themselves or their users (if the user is an admin user). A report has a parameter called Users where an admin can pick a user from the list and generate a report from it. Mundane users can also view t...

SQL Server Reporting Services 2008: How to set the credentials property properly?

No matter how I configure the Credentials property I get a 401 exception when I try to Render the report. Here is my (latest) code: var rs = new ReportExecutionService(); rs.Url = "https://myserver/reportserver/reportexecution2005.asmx"; var myCache = new System.Net.CredentialCache(); myCache.Add(new Uri(rs.Url...

Another rsAccessDenied problem with SSRS

I've read through a lot of posts regarding the problem, but none of the proposed solutions have worked for me. I continue to get an error stating, "The permissions granted to user '\Rich' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied)." If I am logged in as the local administrator account, entering the Reporting Service...

Deploy Report Project by Windows Application

I have a solution file that contains 10 report projects. I publish these projects manually with every change. I want to know that is there a solution to deploy these projects on report server programmatically? ...