
Patterns and Practices. Service layer??

Hi all, Should I be doing my automapping in my service layer or at my controller? I like the Idea of Repository - Raw data IQueryable type stuff with full domain(type) objects. Service layer - Paged, Ordered, Filtered, Automapped View model to return Controller - Push the view with the correct model But having seen some nice stuff wi...

LINQ to Entities: Method cannot be translated into a store expression.

I saw this code work with LINQ to SQL but when I use Entity Framework, it throws this error: LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.Linq.IQueryable'1[MyProject.Models.CommunityFeatures] GetCommunityFeatures()' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression. The repository code is this: public ...

Data Repository Organization

So, I'm developing some software, and trying to keep myself using TDD and other best practices. I'm trying to write tests to define the classes and repository. Let's say I have the classes, Customer, Order, OrderLine. Now, do I create the Order class as something like abstract class Entity { int ID { get; set; } } class Order : ...

LINQtoSQL , repository pattern and lazy load

How do you use LINQtoSQL with the repository pattern? I’m new to L2S and find its lazy loading to be a real impediment to using the repo pattern. Usually, I think of the repository pattern like this: var myCustomer = null; using (var myRepo = new Repo()){ myCustomer = myRepo.GetCustomerForCustomerId(123); } if(myCustomer.Or...

Question on Structure

Hi, I have an ASP.NET MVC 2 project. I've decoupled layers. I have a service layer and a repository layer. The controller calls service methods and only the service layer calls methods in the repository. The problem is: A method in my repository class uses LINQ joins. From this method, I would like to return a type with merging some da...

Ok to return a Viewmodel from repository?

Hello all, Been around here for a while but this is my first question @ so. Scenario: Mvc site. Viewmodels for most pages. Each viewmodel contains models or iqueryables acquired from different repositories. Each source is updated frequently (from outside the scoop of the site) so even if caching local it will be a lot of datasource h...

ASP.NET MVC, Ninject, single instance per request for multiple constructors

Im trying to implement an unit of work pattern by passing an unit of work instance into my repositories. Relevant code from Global.asax. public class SiteModule : NinjectModule { public override void Load() { Bind<IUnitOfWork>().To<SqlUnitOfWork>() .InRequestScope() ...

C# Repository using Generics

I have the following repository that I use for unit testing: public class MyTestRepository<T> { private List<T> entities = new List<T>(); public IQueryable<T> Entities { get { return entities.AsQueryable(); } } public T New() { //return what here??? } public void Create(T entity) { ...

Pattern for retrieving complex object graphs with Repository Pattern with Entity Framework

Hi, We have an ASP.NET MVC site that uses Entity Framework abstractions with Repository and UnitOfWork patterns. What I'm wondering is how others have implemented navigation of complex object graphs with these patterns. Let me give an example from one of our controllers: var model = new EligibilityViewModel { Country = pers...

Repository Pattern: How to implement a basic Repository including a predicate in C#?

I am new to repositories. I just read about implementing predicates and a Unit of Work (Fowler). I have seen repository interfaces like the following: public interface IRepository<ET> { ET Add( ET entity); ET Remove( int id); ET Get( int id); IList<ET> Get(Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate); } ...

How can I share same action logic between controllers with respect the repository pattern

I have CompanyController and DepartmentController: public class CompanyController : BaseBackendController { private ICompanyRepository repository; public CompanyController(ICompanyRepository repository) { this.repository = repository; } ... [HttpPost] public ActionResult BatchDelete(long[] ids) { var e...

C# Lambda Entity Framework: Any way to use a predicate Lambda to choose records by row number?

I want to do paging outside of my Repository, but the Repository returns IList. Since I don't want to pull data unnecessarily, and don't want to create specific Paging methods in my Repositories, Is there any way to filter records by page in the Where extension method? I want to do something like: var myRecords = ProductRepo.Get( p =>...

Is it correct to have 2 methods from my repository running in the same controller ActionResult?

I am creating a store with ASP.NET 4.0 MVC and C# and am fairly new to it. I have come to creating the View page that displays the products within a certain category. On the specific category page I want to have the product list and also want the category name with its relevant description taken from the database. Currently the way I ...

How to create a Generic lambda expression. Many of my entities perform the same Lambda expression predicate.

I use Entity Framework 4. How can I perform a Generic Where Lambda Clause.? I Have many Entity that need the same Where Query. public Func<SupplierTypeText, bool> GetLmbLang() { return (p => p.LangID == 1); } public Func<ProductText, bool> GetLmbLang() { return (p => p.LangID == 1); } public Func<CategoryText, bool> GetLmbL...

Entity Framework 4 Repository returning IList: What C# code could limit which POCO fields populate?

If you populate a drop down list of possible values, you only want the database query to pull two fields, a value and text (like customer ID and Name). However, your Repository returns POCOs, namely the entire Customer record. I wouldn't think you should create a POCO for every single DDL list you need, so how does one specify to a rep...

3 entities execute the same lambda predicate. How creating one lambda expression generic for these entities.

I Have 3 entities. Product LangID ProductName Category LangID CatName ProductType LangID TypeName As you can see, each of them has LangID Property. I Would like be able to create a generic repository that will contain only one function that will return an Func<T, bool> GetLmbLang() public interface IBaseRepository<T> where T : c...

Simple Repository Pattern Question: How to query across multiple repositories efficiently?

If you return IList(T) from your repository ... How could you efficiently create SQL queries when you join the data together? Is it REQUIRED to expose IQueryable / IEnumerable data structures for those methods? This to me is bad. Or Am I missing some basic concept? Right now I have a repository methods like: IList<T> Get( Expressi...

C# code to create AutoMapper DDL values (text,value) from *any* Domain Model Object, providing the two field names in the parameters

What would the C# code be to create a (service) method to return an object (ViewModel for DDL) using AutoMapper and provide the two field names as parameters? DDL is for a Drop Down List: public class DDLitems { public string text {get;set;} public string value {get;set} } My horrible pseudo C# code idea: (yea no idea how to ...

Svn: How to checkout some directory and still be able to update at root.

I have a SVN project at work that looks like this: Repository project |-- docs |-- scripts `-- app |-- trunk |-- branches | `-- development `-- tags |-- Release_1.0 |-- ... `-- Release_5.3 I want my working folder like this: Working copy dir_root ...