
DDD confused with Repository Pattern and Reports

I am new to DDD and the Repository pattern, so my understanding of it might be totally wrong. But I am trying to learn it. Having said that I need to create an application, which shows the zones of a store. I create a ZoneRepository for that purpose, which works so far with my few methods. Now in that application I also need to show the ...

maven snapshot repositories

My project depends on a 3rd party library that only has snapshots in its maven repository (no releases, which seems strange, but that's how it is). Every time I do a full build (and clean my local .m2 repository) maven will obviously go and grab the latest build. My repository proxies the one with the snapshots in it, is there anyway to...

How to commit subversion revision with every commit in order to refer between two repositories.

Consider software spread in two separate repositories, Pub and Priv. Pub repository is public. Priv is closed. An continuous integration server builds both Pub and Priv when either side changes. It then creates downloadable binaries from Priv that are available to users of Pub. Those binaries are labeled internally and on the file name w...

List of Top Repositories by Programming Language

One of the main reasons I like Perl is CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) and the ease of finding, installing, and testing of packages it provides that solve a problem I was already trying to solve. I would like to know of any similar repositories for PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, C++, Javascript, etc..., or better, a comprehensive li...

Problem using OrderBy with the entity framework and ObjectContext.CreateQuery(T)

Hi, I'm having troubles using this method: public ObjectQuery<E> DoQuery(string columnName, int maximumRows, int startRowIndex) { var result = (ObjectQuery<E>)_ctx.CreateQuery<E> ("[" + typeof(E).Name + "]").OrderBy(/*???*/).Skip<E>(startRowIndex).Take(maximumRows); return result; } I'm not sure what needs to go in the ...

Svn: How do I list all files ever committed to the repository?

Hello, everyone! How could I let SVN list all files which were ever committed to a repository (if possible, along with location and revision). More exactly: I need all ever existed paths. If someone knows how to do a fulltext search on the entire repository (including all revisions), this would help me even better. Example Let's say...

where to put the validate logic? In Service or Repository?

I have some logic like this, before save the stock into the db, i will check whether there is stock has the same stock code in the database. My question is where should I put the logic, in the service layer or repository layer. here is the sample code: option 1: put in the service layer, i put the IsAccountAlreadyExists Method in the ser...

Getting Nexus to download dependencies from a repository with no .index file

I've just setup the latest version of Nexus for our company, and it's working great. We've added several 3rd party repositories, and one of them does not have an .index file present. So it appears that Nexus can't index it, nor can the local maven ask for deps in that repository. Definitely unfortunate. Is there any way around this a...

How to import an already checked out svn repository into Eclipse?

Hi, I have a svn repository I have checked out and have in my local hard disk. Now, how do I import this into Eclipse? When I choose File->Import and choose SVN, there is only an option to checkout a project from the server again. File->New project seems to be for projects we are creating new projects from scratch. Kindly point out the...

ASP.MVC: Repository that reflects IQueryable but not Linq to SQL, DDD How To question

I want to create a DDD repository that returns IQueryable Entities that match the Linq to SQL underlying classes, minus any relations. I can easily return Entities minus the relations with a Linq select new {field, field, ... } projection. How do I code the Repository Entity class? How would I return an object from the repository havi...

Changing username in SVN+SSH URI on the fly in working copy

I am using SVN+SSH to check out a working copy of repository from an SVN server on which all developers are members of a developer group and have full read/write permissions on the repository directory and associated metadata: svn co svn+ssh://[email protected]/path/to/repository Several developers work on the same working copy that...

Branching code for different platforms in SVN

Note: my code is written in flash but this is a SVN-related issue and is not a flash-specific. I have a code library targeted at Flash Player 9 stored in an SVN repository. I want to create a modified version of the code targeted at Flash Player 10. What are the best practices for maintaining both versions of the code? Should I create ...

Ruby gems repository

I'm trying to set a gem repository on one of our local servers. Here are the steps I'm running, that I've followed from several guides. 1) I create the BASEDIR folder /var/www/html/gems 2) sudo cp -r /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/someGem /var/www/html/gems 3) sudo gem generate_index -d /var/www/html/gems However, when I run this, I get...

Can't append one list to another in C#... trying to use AddRange.

Hi I'm trying to append 1 list to another. I've done it using AddRange() before but it doesn't seem to be working here... Here's the code: IList<E> resultCollection = ((IRepository<E, C>)this).SelectAll(columnName, maxId - startId + 1, startId); IList<E> resultCollection2 = ((IRepository<E, C>)this).SelectAll(columnName,...

Linqtosql - Returning custom class with interface

Why can't I return as a new custom class ( which implements ISite? public IQueryable<ISite> GetSites() { return (from site in Db.Sites select new,; } ...

How do I check out a subversion repository from a network share?

I have a Subversion repository on my laptop in my room (windows Vista), but I want to check it out to a computer upstairs (Ubuntu Linux). I put the repository on a network share but I'm not sure how I can check it out to ubuntu. Note that I don't have subversion server set up on my laptop, I'm just trying todo a checkout from a network ...

Can I setup CVSROOT with remote access?

I created a cvs repository in my school network account, I would love to have the access to it using my local machines at home. I tried, at local, setting CVSROOT variable to be "myUserID@schoolServer:/u/myUserId/cs/csvroot", but it complains, about the $CVSROOT value, when I tried to use it. I also tried "cvs -d " option, but still not ...

How to manually disable/blacklist Maven repository

In my base project I use dependency of JasperReports which has non-existent repository declaration in its pom. When I run every Maven commad there is dependency looking for commons-collection in this Jasper repository so I need to wait for timeout. This is my base project and is used as dependency in my others projects so again I need to...

Returning Custom Classes as IQueryable so doesn't have 'has no supported translation to SQL' error

I have the below call in my repository where I return IQueryable of Node (my business object class) then I have a filter function in my service layer which adds to the IQueryable call and filters the repository function GetNodes by id. When I return the FilterById as a list (so it executes) I get error -- The member 'bo.Node.Id' has no ...

Multiple SVN Repositories or single company repository

Should we have one single repository for all the company, which contains many development projects, or a repository per project? Any ideas on experience / best practice? ...