
Handling relations between multiple subversion projects

In my company we are using one SVN repository to hold our C++ code. The code base is composed from a common part (infrastructure and applications), and client projects (developed as plugins). The repository layout looks like this: Infrastructure App1 App2 App3 project-for-client-1 App1-plugin App2-plugin Configuration project-for-cl...

svn: always create new repository in some root dir

Hi all, I've just installed Subversion on a Windows XP Pro box. Can I configure SVN in such a way that it always uses the same root directory to create a new repository with: svnadmin create ? So that if I do: svnadmin create myrepository it will automatically create a repository in for instance: D:\data\svn\repositories\myrepos...

How to move a project to a new SVN repository?

What's the best/easiest/fastest way to move a project from a local copy to a new repository? The machine hosting the original repository died and i am in the process of recreating a repo on a new machine from local copies. EDIT: i should have mentioned that all the clients are Windows machines and only one has cygwyn (to support the rm...

Best place to get PHP generic code examples

Aside from the PEAR repository, which I find often has quite messy code with a lot of it using old or deprecated methods and techniques, I was wondering if there was a great place to find simple (and not so simple) PHP examples of some generic functions and good pieces that people have written. A good example would be the PEAR spreadsh...

git when changing the repository

Hi, I am used to pull from a git repository of someone. Today he moved his repository to another address. I wonder if there is some way for me to pull from the new address and to get the info of what changes he made with respect to last time before his moving? What I have done is "git clone newaddress" under my repository pulled from hi...

TortoiseSVN: How to completely remove all the information of a project (working copy) from the repository?

I was using TortoiseSVN for backing up some very large binary files, which I no longer need. I want to recover back this disk space from the repository. All these files/folders were maintained under a single project (working copy) in TortoiseSVN under a single directory. How do I delete all the versioned files and information related to...

svn commit showing updated files as added

I checked in (modified )some of the files recently . When i'm trying to watch the Logs from my local machine every thing is perfect .(the checked in file shows modified status.) But When i try to watch the Log History from someone else's machine ,the checked in files are showing as newly added . Would someone suggest the reason for th...

How does SelectByKey work in the Repository Pattern?

Hi, I'm implementing the repository pattern found here Implementing Repository Pattern With Entity Framework One of the methods he has is SelectByKey. In the comment called Key field impementation by [email protected], there was a suggestion to make it a little more generic of an implementation: I would like to add a simple mechani...

How do I protect my Python codebase so that guests can't see certain modules but so it still works?

We're starting a new project in Python with a few proprietary algorithms and sensitive bits of logic that we'd like to keep private. We also will have a few outsiders (select members of the public) working on the code. We cannot grant the outsiders access to the small, private bits of code, but we'd like a public version to work well eno...

How to set different username by repository in Mercurial ?

I am working on projects for different clients using Mercurial as a VCS. I know how to set a default user, but is there a mean to set a different user for each project ? ...

Looking for a suggestion for a git website repository/branch structure

I am looking for suggestions for how to structure projects using git repositories and branches. Assume I want a remote repository, and my project is a website that uses a Flash widget. The Flash widget is compiled from source code that I've written. To deploy my website, I would like the production server to just be another git client...

Can Nexus/Artifactory store a copy of an internet Maven artifact?

I would like to have Nexus (or Artifactory, we're not decided yet) store a copy of an artifact when it is downloaded from a public repository on the internet (like Maven Central). Basically, if you don't have the jar in your local repo and the repo manager doesn't have it either, I want to ask the repo manager for the jar, have it send ...

Subversion repository has a small file size compared to working copy!?

Hi there, I'm using Versions app on a mac to handle a SVN repository for my files. My working copy is around 6MB yet my repository is only 1.4MB, and I am holding 5 revisions in the repository! How can this be? Mike ...

Github error: Repository under migration.

Hello together, There are two accounts on github I'd like to use. The first, my private one, is working correctly, I'm able to set up new repositorys, clone and push as I like. Then I signed up with a second user two days ago. It is meant to be my 'official' working account. So I try to set up some repositorys from this user. It seems ...

Testing Real Repositories

Hi, I've set up unit tests that test a fake repository and tests that make use of a fake repository. But what about testing the real repository that hits the database ? If this is left to integration tests then it would be seem that it isn't tested directly and problems could be missed. Am I missing something here? ...

debian repo: Is there a way to include a complete URI for the download path in the Packages.gz file?

I have several DEBIAN repositories I would like to "virtually" consolidate i.e. have one location for the Packages.gz file whilst having the "download links" for each package listed be located somewhere else (not the same server). Is this possible? Example: Repositories X, Y, Z Virtual Repository V with Packages.gz entries X1, X2 e...

Linq Expression in nHibernate...

I have an interface, called IRepository. One of the methods in this interface is: IEnumerable<T> FindByQuery(Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate); I then have (for example) an IUserRepository, that implements IRepository. In my implementation of IUserRepository, currently called LinqToSqlUserRepository, i have implemented the FindByQ...

Is it possible to set up a private Mercurial repository on Google Code?

I like the fact that Google Code is a free option for Mercurial hosting but, in the test project I set up I couldn't find a way to designate the repository as private. Ideally I would like to work on a project privately until it is ready for the world to see and only then open it up to others. Is there any way to do that on Google Co...

Is there a fast way to get rows from a table by range as IQueryable in C# LINQ to SQL?

like say I want to make a method in my repository like public IQueryable<Item> GetAllItemsByRange(int start, int end) and then I just want to pass like (1, 100), (101, 200), (201, 300), etc so I can get back ONLY that range without having to get EVERYTHING at once thanks! ...

How to ignore folder during subversion merge

Hi, I have a whole bunch of changes that I need to be merged in to my branch but I want to ignore a specific folder during the merge. Is it possible to do this using Subversion? If so then how can I do it? EDIT: The folder that I want to ignore is in the repository but I don't changes to be made to this folder during the merge ...