
jQuery - dynamic div height

I'm trying to resize a div on pageload and window resize. The code bellow is placed before </body>, and it works fine on pageload, but does nothing on window resize. I tested the resize function with an alert, which triggers on resize, but the height remains unchanged. <script type='text/javascript'> $('#main-content') .css({'height...

How can I make my form resize more smoothly?

When resizing a form with many controls, the form looks bad because of flickering. What are some tips to have a smoother form resizing? ...

How can I set the MinHeight of a StackPanel to be the combined height of its contents?

I have a StackPanel with several CheckBox controls inside it. How do I prevent the StackPanel from shrinking and obscuring the CheckBox controls when the window is resized? <StackPanel Margin="12,89,12,62" Name="stackPanel1"> <CheckBox Name="chkOption1" Width="157" IsChecked="True" Margin="6">Do this thing</CheckBox> ...

WPF Window with Style=None cover taskbar when Maximised after app initialization.

I want to achieve the same effect as Windows Media Player or Browser based Flash players which take up the ENTIRE (not even the taskbar is visible) real estate when maximised. This works fine if the WindowState is set to Maximised and the WindowStyle is set to None in XAML so the app is started in that state. Problem is I want to start ...

Div height based on content

I am having a page load within a content div when the document is ready. However, I also have some links that load different pages into that same content div whenever the user clicks on them. I am trying to establish the height of the content div to control something else, however once the height of the div is set on page load, I cannot ...

resizable Grid Row and Grid Item

Hi all! I have a mx:Grid component in my flex application. But I would like to resize it by clicking and dragging in the border. This component doesn't allow doing that. Does anybody know any custom component to do this? I want to put a panel in each gridItem of this Grid component and resize it. ...

How can I make images so that appengine doesn't make transparent into black on resize?

I'm on the google appengine, and trying to resize images. I do : from google.appengine.api import images image = images.resize(contents, w, h) And for some images I get a nice transparent resize, and others I get a black background. How can I keep the transparency for all images? Original :

WPF shrinking child panel.

Hi, I'm working on a UI for a WPF application. I have in my window Stack Panel with some Expanders inside. In each Expander are some controls, one being a List Box. What I want to do is have the List Box resize (shrink or grow) when the window is resized. At the moment, when I re-size, the expander are getting clipped off but the listbo...

Limiting File Size when Resizing with GDI+

I am resizing uploaded images as follows: var bmPhoto = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb555); using (var grPhoto = Graphics.FromImage(bmPhoto)) { grPhoto.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighSpeed; grPhoto.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighSpeed; grPhoto.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.Low; grPh...

how to control browser resize

How to avoid the resizing of html elements while browser tries zoom it. ...

In Qt4, how to check if paintEvent is triggered by a resize?

In a Qt4 application, is it possible to tell inside a paintEvent() handler whether the repaint was triggered by a resize or not? I have a widget which is very slow to redraw (a complicated plot), and I want to speed up resizes by just blitting a resized pixmap while the widget is being resized, and only redraw the widget when the resiz...

My page layout breaks in IE7, rights itself if I hover over/open a menu item...

As you can see if you go to the link below in IE7/AOL, the layout breaks if you resize the window. However, click the products menu tab and it rights itself. I haven't a clue why or how to fix it, and it looks sloppy. On resizing the page, the logo and breadcrumb trail div stay where they ought to be, but my horizontal nav menu and ev...

YUI Panel Resize issues

I am having trouble while using the YUI panel as a dialog. I have a dialog object created with javascript on page load: $J = jQuery; dialog = new YAHOO.widget.Panel("dialog", { width: "300px", fixedcenter: true, close: true, draggable: true, zindex: 4, modal: true, visible: false }); Then when I call my loadDialog() function from eve...

How to automatically resize popup window or modal dialog for content change

I have an iframe that can appear in a jQuery modal dialog, a popup window, or just as part of a page. The height of the content of this iframe can change as elements appear and disappear, and I need the containing iframe, along with the modal dialog or popup window where applicable, to change height as necessary to be 'just right' for t...

resizing a child makes other child images to scale?

Hello I have this crazy situation when a child I modify height over the edge of it's parent, force another child of same parent display it's inside images scaled. If resized child don't pass the design time height of parent, no scale occur. Thumbs are loaded at runtime and simple added to a mc that is added to brother of resized mc. ...

resize a image in an href link

looking at the code below, i can show an image with a smaller size <a href="images/image.jpg"><img src="images/image.jpg" width="300" height="214" border="0"></a> but what if i want the href link to show the image with a smaller size as well. so lets say the original image.jpg is 1500x1200 and in the link i want to show it 800x600. ...

resizeTo in JS gives me "Access is denied" error, how to know if browser is ready?

Hi All, I have a web app, whose UI is written in GWT, where for various reasons I need to resize the active window when the server reports things. To do this I use a JSNI function which uses resizeTo and everything works great. I did a small test and tried sending a few updates from the server and got an "Access is denied" error from the...

Resizing N # of squares to be as big as possible while still fitting into box of X by Y dimensions. (Thumbnails!)

I have N squares. I have a Rectangular box. I want all the squares to fit in the box. I want the squares to be as large as possible. How do I calculate the largest size for the squares such that they all fit in the box? This is for thumbnails in a thumbnail gallery. int function thumbnailSize( iItems, // The number of items to fit...

column resize in flex 3

look at this code (couldn't paste it here it doesn't fit)it represent my real app structure: mxml source code EDIT: the relevant part of the code: <mx:VBox width="100%" height="100%"> <mx:HBox width="100%" horizontalScrollPolicy="off" height="100%"> <mx:VBox width="100%" verticalScrollPolicy="off" height="100%"> ...

How do I suppress flicker from the webbrowser control in .Net, when it is resized?

Not all pages do this, but a good example would be Mostly if you are resizing the window larger, opposed to smaller. Lots of content flickers horribly in this case. I've seen some posts on the net attempt to claim sorts of double buffering will stop this, but I've yet to see any example of the proper implementation. Thank yo...