
jquery ScrollTo laggy perfomance in IE, Opera, FF

I am using jquery scrollTo plugin and I am having laggy performace. Animation is not SMOOTH!! Especially in IE! demo page: Animation looks great in Chrome!! And another problem is with resizing. When you resize the browser, overflow:hidden, doesnt work anymore. Can you just let me know where the problem migh...

Save an image Resized with PHP

I am working on improving my Facebook app. I need to be able to resize an image, then save it to a directory on the server. This is the code I have to resize: <?php // The file $filename = 'test.jpg'; $percent = 0.5; // Content type header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); // Get new dimensions list($width, $height) = getimagesize($filenam...

jquery theme builder question

The button I created from the JQuery theme builder is too big. How can I resize the button and text while keeping everything in the same proportion? Here is the button CSS: .ui-button { display: inline-block; position: relative; padding: 0; margin-right: .1em; text-decoration: none !important; cursor: pointer; text-align: center; zoom: ...

auto-size iframe cross domain

I am making a web widget using iframe and javascript and i would like to make my iframe resizable to it´s content (which is loaded from other domain). I have done some search(inclusive here at StackOverflow) and i find a couple of topics but i couldn´t find any conclusions about this issue. Is this possible or not? Because atm i have ...

C# resizing issue

I have a form with a TableLayoutPanel docked to it, and with a textbox, image, treeview and listview within that panel. When the user resizes the form, these controls resize with it, but there is a noticeable delay if the user resizes quickly or if the user maximizes the entire form; the delay is so considerable that I was able to scree...

Java : Resizing a multidimensional array.

I have a multidimensional array built from Strings that is initially created with the size [50][50], this is too big and now the array is full of null values, I am currently trying to remove these said null values, I have managed to resize the array to [requiredSize][50] but cannot shrink it any further, could anyone help me with this? I...

How to resize a button depending on its text

Hey all, In the process of translating an application with C# + Winforms, I need to change a button's text depending on the language. My problem is the following : Let's say I want to translate a button from "Hi all!" to "Bonjour tout le monde" ! As you can guess, the button's size won't be the same if I enter english text or french ...

How do I resize images and keep the proportion / aspect ratio with jQuery?

Hi, I have images that will be quite big in dimension and I want to shrink them down with jQuery while keeping the proportions constrained, i.e. the same aspect ratio. Can someone point me to some code, or explain the logic? ...

iPhone/iPad stretchy, resizable buttons - subclassing UIButton

I want to be able to make custom buttons which have an image background using a scale9 type background image meaning the width of the button can be dynamic. I have seen example on the web of people doing this on a per button basis but it seems to me that wouldn't it be better to create a new object which subclasses UIButton which you can...

UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit iphone sdk gives poor quality image

Hopefully a quick one? I am creating a custom uitableviewcell and have added an imageview. I have some PNG images which are around 200x200 in size. I want to create a thumbnail to put in the tableview, but when I resize the image, it results in a poor quality image. I use UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit to resize it to a 50x50 frame. ...

Frame resizing issue in Tk/ttk python

I'm creating a GUI using Tkinter/ttk in Python 2.7, and I'm having an issue where a Frame will resize itself once a widget is placed inside of it. I am new to Python and haven't used Tkinter before. example: ROOT = Tk() FRAME = ttk.Frame(ROOT, width=300, height=300, relief='groove') FRAME.grid() ROOT.mainloop() will produce a groo...

Resize and Center image with jQuery

Hello, Looks like I haven’t explained myself well. I do apologize for that. I have edited this question to make it more clear. The scenario We have a website that doesn’t host the images. What it does is a reference to an image in other server. The plan Resize images keeping proportions. Center resized images. Flexible so it c...

Resize NSArray Programmatically

Hello, I have been trying to figure out if it is possible to programmatically resize an NSArray, by code similar to this: NSArray *resize = [NSArray arrayResized:oldarray size:10]; Which would a new NSArray (Not a NSMutableArray if it is possible) that has the elments after the end of oldarray padded with [NSNull null]. ...

Javascript resize text as an image

Hi, I was wondering how to resize a div containing some text by setting a width and height so it would stretch to fill that area like an tag? E.g. when you set the width and height attribute of an image, it resizes the image to fill that area. I need to take an arbitrary width and height value and stretch a div containing text to those...

UIImage reduce byte size

I am using following code to resize an image - it all works well and as expected... Resize UIImage the right way I use interpolation quality as kCGInterpolationLow and UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image,0.0) to get the NSData of that image. The problem is that the image size is still a bit high in size at around 100kb. My question is ca...

Dynamically change the size of a javascript/jquery dialog box to the size of an image

I have a javascript/jquery question. I have a custom jquery dialog box setup in my project. I set this up with a div and an image tag. The image is populated with a filedownload link. <'custom jquery dialog' runat="server" ID="dialogView" AutoOpen="false" CloseOnEscape="true" Modal="true" Title="" Visible="true" > <div runat="se...

Correct way to use sizeThatFits: and sizeToFit with UILabel?

Hi there At the moment I have a label being sized correctly using [aString sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize:lineBreakMode:] but I've introduced rotation into my device and with a flexible width and height this results in my UILabel stretching width ways (because its set relative to the main view) but not then contracting height-wise to co...

Difference between to widgets to track down a resize problem in Qt

Hello everyone, Here are two designer .ui files : resize_not_ok.ui is a QTabWidget. In its first tab (layout being a QVerticalLayout) there is a QPushButton and a QVerticalSpacer resize_ok.ui follows the same structure, but the QTabWidget is inserted in a QWidget. This top-level QWidget has a QVertical layout with only the QTabWidget ...

Image resizer with 8 handles and drag & drop

I'm currently building a simple app that overlaps one image on top of another. The top one needs to be draggable and resizable. Initially I thought jQuery UI would be a good idea, there are two main issues with it: For some reason, Chrome doesn't like both behaviors even when they're imposed to different elements. I need 8 handles, jus...

Shrink and Crop a UIPickerView in iOS4

How do you shrink a UIPickerView in iOS4? Nothing works for me: - Changing the frame value in the .xib as text - Setting the frame I can shrink using a transform, but I want to hide the background and see only 3 or 1 rows. Yes, this question has been asked before ..