
Closing Resources When BlackBerry Application Quits

What's the best way to close resources in a BlackBerry application? I use the resources throughout the life of the application and would just like to register some listener to be called when the app is just about to quit. Is there a simple hook that's called before the app is closed? ...

learning to program Windows drivers

what would you recommend for a resource on learning to program drivers. i am working my way through Programming the Microsoft Windows Driver Model, but i was wondering if any of the examples are vista compatible. additionally, the book is more of a reference of the kernel functions so far. is their a resource that will take the beginner ...

open resource with relative path in java

In my java app I need to get some files and dirs. This is the program structure `./ ./package1/ ./package1/resources/ ./package1/resources/repository/modules/ -> this is the dir I need to get ./package1/resources/repository/SSL-Key/cert.jks -> this is the file I need to get` gui class lo...

Best way to save a Stream to a file in 3.5?

I have a Stream object that is populated with the contents of an XSD file I have as an embedded resource on a project I am working on like so: using ( Stream xsdStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream( xsdFile ) ) { // Save the contents of the xsdStream here... } Within this using block I would like to prompt the user with a Sav...

Java: Load a resource contained in a jar

In my application I load resources in this manner: WinProcessor.class.getResource("repository").toString(); and this gives me: `file:/root/app/repository (and I replace "file:" with empty string)` This works fine when I run my application from the IDE, but when I run the jar of my application: java -jar app.jar The path become...

Why does text from Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream() start with three junk characters?

I have a SQL file added to my VS.NET 2008 project as an embedded resource. Whenever I use the following code to read the file's content, the string returned always starts with three junk characters and then the text I expect. I assume this has something to do with the Encoding.Default I am using, but that is just a guess. Why does this t...

Do 2D arrays use more resources than 1D arrays in Java?

For example, would a full int[50][8] use more resources (RAM and CPU) than 8 full int[50] arrays? ...

Loading/Using Resource Dictionaries from a WinForms hosted WPF control

I have a Windows Forms application that needs to host a WPF control at runtime. I have the basic hosting and interaction complete (using an ElementHost control) and everything works fine until I try to do something that requires the WPF control to make use of some custom resource dictionaries that are defined. (The WPF control and all of...

Can a static library contain managed resources?

In VC6 I had a large application linking with some DLLs and a static library "sharedlib". Each DLL would also link with this library. The app had its own resources, the DLLs had their own resources, and the static library also had its own separate resources. Of course I had to ensure that the static lib's resource IDs didn't clash anywh...

What advice would you give to authors of programming books, blogs, web casts etc?

This post was inspired partly by two programming books I read recently and partly by Jon Skeet's advice on answering technical questions helpfully. Most of the stackoverflow questions on learning resources (books, blogs etc.) are along the lines of "Where can I find a [resource x] on [subject y]?" I'd like to turn this around and ask, ...

How to get the available translations from a dll.

Hi, Is there a way to get the available resource translations of a .net dll? Our software is being translated in some different languages, and I would like to give the user the choise of what language the software is in, although I would only like to let them choose only between the languages it has been translated in. ...

Hrez.exe Where do I find it?

Hi All, I have a Dmake file that uses: REZCOMPILE = C:/hrez/hrez.exe I have googled and I cannot find HREZ anyplace. Where does one get it? -Jason ...

In .NET, What is the difference between Embedded Resource and Resource ?

Hi Does someone knows the difference between Embedded Resource and Resource ? Because these two resources type are stored in the assembly and accessible with Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream. Thanks, ...

Deploying .jar file: Why can't I load icon files?

I'm exporting a simple java project that includes two directories; src and Icons. Icons is a directory that contains three .png files. I'm exporting to an executable .jar file using File -> Export. The export works properly and the .jar file contains the Icon directory. But I can't get the correct path for the .png files when the projec...

Avoiding duplicate icon resources in a .NET (C#) project

I'm using Visual C# 2008 Express. I'd like to use the same icon for the application (ie, the icon shown for the .exe), and for the main form. Unfortunately, VC# doesn't seem to be very smart about this, and insists on duplicating the icon data. There doesn't seem to be a way of selecting an "already embedded" icon for use in the form or...

How to retrieve Image from Resources folder of the project in C#

i Have some images in resources folder in my project but i want to change the picture box from these resource files of the project ...

How do I define RESTful routes in Rails for a resource which has multiple key fields?

My User model has the usual id primary key, but it also has a unique login which can be used as an identifier. Therefore, I would like to define routes so that users can be accessed either by id or by login. Ideally, the routes would be something like this: /users/:id (GET) => show (:id) /users/:id (PUT) => update (:id) ... /users/lo...

How to add more that one resource to a XAML window?

I have a little problem right now and I don't know how to fix it. I want to add two resources to a window. One is a XAML File style resource, the other a ValueConverter Class. Both of them work if I use only one resource at a time: <Window.Resources> <ResourceDictionary Source="Resources\MyStyles.xaml" /> <Window.Resources> or ...

What are some of the best non-english general programming resources?

It may be my own limited perspective, but it seems that a majority of computer programming websites and resources are English-only or English-mostly. Certainly the role of English in the development of programming languages has been a factor, as discussed in some other SO questions. So I'm curious, what are some of the important (well t...

Free icons and images to use in my projects

This is not a programming related question, but I think that it might be useful for a lot of people here. Where can I find some quality free icons and images to use in my projects? (usually my apps are freeware or opensource) I mean icons to the toolbars and things like that. ...