
Resource files and satellite assemblies

I am, for lack of a better word, a newbie to Localization and resource files. I am trying to localize an application I am working on and I want to do it using resource files and satellite assemblies, but I can't figure out how to do it correctly. Here is what I have so far: In my project directory: I created the files LanguageText.resx ...

Are there some online resources about compiler principle?

I need some urgently. Thanks for any help. ...

Initializing disposable resources outside or inside try/finally

I have seen two ways of acquiring and disposing resources. Either: Resource resource = getResource(); try { /* do something with resource */ } finally { resource.close(); } or: Resource resource = null; try { resource = getResource(); /* do something with resource */ } finally { if (resource != null) resource.close(); } I was wonde...

What resources do you recommend, in order to learn use case driven development ?

Hello! What resources do you recommend, in order to learn use case driven development ? ...

What are some good C++ resources for effectively using Apache XML Security?

I'm looking for some resources that allow me to understand how to use this library, particularly for signing XML. Most of what I found out there is Java related, and I would prefer to get documentation/FAQs/tutorials on the C++ library. ...

Where Should Exception Messages be Stored

Since I can't use Microsoft as an example for best practice since their exception messages are stored in resource files out of necessity, I am forced to ask where should exception messages be stored. I figure it's probably one of common locations I thought of Default resource file Local constant Class constant Global exception message...

Scala Programming for Android

I have followed the tutorial at Scala and Android with Scala 2.7.3 final. The resulting Android App works but even the most basic application takes several minutes (!) to compile and needs 900 kb compressed, which is a show stopper for mobile applications. Additionally, the IDE runs out of memory every now and then. I assume dex is not m...

Link to resources inside WebView - iPhone

I have a webview in my iPhone application, and I also have some html files inside my Resources folder. When my app loads, I load in a page from my resources into my webview. But , I need to make links inside my webview that point to some other resources (For example, images, or other html files). Just doing a relative link doesn't work: ...

Invalid viewstate for ScriptResource.axd?

The Script Resource and the Web Resource files are generating intermittent errors in my application. I have been trying to chase the cause of the problem but to no avail. I notice that the “d” parameter that is passed is some how corrupted and I can’t for the life of me figure out what’s causing this parameter to be corrupted. I noticed ...

Introduction to Computer Hardware and Organization: Resources?

Hi, I'm looking for a laymen's introduction to computer hardware and organization. Here are some of the topics I would like to cover. Brief intro to electronics. Gates and state machines, intro to register transfer and timing. Basic CPU design. Control. Microprogrammed CPU design. Cache systems. Memory hierarchy:regist...

UML Class Diagram Resources

Does anyone have any good resources for refining my skills in developing class diagrams? Would like any strong tutorials in UML 2.0 ideally, but searches seem to be returning poor results. Also currently revising for a final year exam and really want to try and get my teeth into a practice paper with a model answer, I've searched high a...

What are some good resources for writing a chess engine?

I'm interested in writing a chess engine (mostly as a learning exercise) and would be interested in any resources that people know of that could be of interest or use, anything really: Papers, Books, Theory, Tutorials, anything that could be useful. ...

How to store and retrieve multiple shapes in XAML/WPF?

Seem to be having a lot of problems doing what should be simple things with XAML / WPF - I have created some XAML-based images using shapes like Rectangle and Ellipse to create icons which I need other parts of my application to use - but I cannot seem to find out how to do this - I seem to be able to store a Canvas in the Resource Dicti...

where should I use the resource file?

Should I use the resource file directly in the aspx page like <asp:Literal ID="userManagementSave" Text="<%$ Resources: save_lbl %>" runat="server" /> or creating a sub in the code like private sub setLang() userManagementSave.text = GetLocalResourceObject("save_lbl") end sub ...

default resource provider and SqlResourceProviderFactory in the same application

Hi is it possible to use the default resource provider that uses .resx files in the application but uses an SqlResourceProvider in a sub folder? seems like the only one used is the one configured in web.config of the root? any idea ? ...

Genetic algorithm resource

Lately I'm interested in a topic of genetic algorithms, but i couldn't find any good resource. If you know any good resource, book or a site i would appreciate it. I have solid knowledge of algorithms and A.I. but im looking for something with good introduction in genetic programing. ...

What's the best way to learn more advanced Ruby OOP constructs?

So I've become a reasonably proficient Rails developer, and I'm finding that my bottleneck is now my lack of understanding of more complex Ruby constructs. I'm trying to build some plugins, and looking at some complex ones out there, their OOP wizardry is Greek to me. (I never had much formal OOP training so that's part of the problem.) ...

How do you collaborate with other coders in real time?

Pretend you're hitting me up for some javascript help on IM. How can you make it as easy as possible for me to help you get your code working? I run into this all the time. I'm on instant messenger and someone is asking me a question (or maybe it's me that's asking them) and we have lots of back-and-forth communication trying to work on...

Deitel Live Lessons C# 2008

Hi Everyone, I've been trying to gain a better understanding of C# through books but I tend to learn things quicker with someone explaining them to me. Has anyone tried any of the Deitel live lessons DVD's, specifically the C# 2008 set? Just wondering if anyone has any opinions on them. Thanks! Jon ...

Good source for AWT and Swing principles

Hi. I am starting to work with AWT and Swing in Java. I get some trouble sometimes, with things I don't understand. Latest example: JPanel.getGraphics() returns null in some cases. I would like a source where I can learn the principles and design of these API's, instead of just solving each problem at a time. Any recommendations? Tha...