
How to localize MVC with database backed resources

I have read most of the literature Google and SO provides on this (correct me if I've missed something). What I am trying to do is to localize an MVC site using resources, I want the compiletime safety of strongly typed resource files (ResX) but the flexibility of the ASP.NET 2.0 Resource-Provider Model, or something similar to that. I ...

Is it possible to define string arrays in .resx resource files?

Currently, I do this: Names -> "name1|name2|name3" Resource.Names.Split('|'); Is it possible to define those names as an array in the resource file so that I don't have to parse by splitting every time? Something like the following perhaps? Names[] -> "name1" Names[] -> "name2" Names[] -> "name3" Resource.Names; // is of type strin...

What is the best way of localization LOCBaml or Resx based localization?

I came through this . But, this didn't answer what I'm looking for. I'm creating a CustomControl in WPF. I would like to provide localization support. The control contains, images, strings etc., Any help would be greatly appreciated...

How to load different RESX files based on some parameter

I have an ASP.NET3.5 (C#) ASPX page that is internationalized in 10 different languages. The page is very complex in its structured with dozens of nested views driven by a state machine pattern. EDIT: I am using the meta:resourcekey syntax in every asp control, which allows to use declarative syntax for Implicit Resource expressions. ...

Where does a resource file go when you compile .NET website?

I have local resource files for my web application. I want to know the location of the .resource file once the compiler creates it from the resx file. The reason i wish to know this is so I can compile on the local server and copy the .resource files to live and avoid a complete redeploy for simple text change. Thanks, Shawn ...

Programmatically generate Designer.cs for resx file (ResXResourceWriter/ResXResourceReader)

I'm creating/updating resx files in TFS using ResXResourceWriter/ResXResourceReader which doesnt generate the .Designer.cs file. I saw that Resgen creates the .Designer.cs. How can i call that programmatically to generate the .Designer.cs at a certain TFS file path? Is it something like this? ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new Process...

category localization resx or database?

Hi, I would like to request opinions in order to approach internationalization of a website in C#. I´m working with resx files to define strings of text. I would like to know if its possible to use resx to define categories - eg: commerce website - or its preferred to use a table in the database with a foreign key to table category?. ...

Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture. - Resource file sharing problem

I have a normal class library. Recently, I localized this class library. I also have another Silverlight class library, Which is basically a linked file project <Link>Reports\Reports.cs</Link> In that, I have included the same resx file as link reference as I done for other files. While running, it throws the following exception. ...

ASP .net application finds local resource files in Web Development server, but not local IIS

When I run the application using the Web Developer it works fine. However when I run it using local IIS I get the following error: Any ideas? Thanks!! The resource class for this page was not found. Please check if the resource file exists and try again. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current...

What is the recommend way to create a custom culture and associated resource files for a specific Client?

I have client that wants to specifiy their own version of localized content for a subset of my string resources. For simplicity here is basic example: Lets say I have 2 localized strings (showing english content) PageTitle="Hello World" PageDescription="This is a more wordy version of Hello World!" I wish to localize these so I have re...

Naming resource strings in .NET apps

How do you usually name localizable resource strings in your RESX files? I used to do it manually, taking special care about resource naming and usually end up with something along these lines UsernamePasswordLogonFailure But with the new Resharper there is a functionality that detects and picks up string literals in code and gives yo...

Visual Studio 2008 resx files editor

Hi I need to make some translations of external application forms (I try to add a new language support). I have only form's resx files. Can you recommend any simple tool which allows me to translate form's texts (only texts if it's possible)? ...

Silverlight ressource constructor always return to internal

When I modify my ressource file (.resx) add text or modify, the constructor of my ressource, always go to internal, and after that when i run my silverlight i have an error in my binding XAML. It's there a way to avoid this scenario ? I need to go in the designer of my ressource, and put the constructor to public to solve the problem I...

WPF and Localization...

Hi, I've a quite obvious problem. Here's the situation: - my WPF application is primarily written in German - I've to use resx-files (standard way in the company) - the fallback-language must be English. - the german resources are the base for all translations (including English) I've tried many combinations with "[assembly: NeutralReso...