
Squid best practices for caching

I have setup squid in for caching .. and have used pointers from post. Though I have high capacity servers, since Squid is able to use only processor core, the CPU usage seems to be really high. Is there a better way to optimize squid to use less CPU ? I have tried using tcmalloc, and disabling ESI.. but none of these help. ...

How to verify that Squid used as a reversed proxy is working?

We want to decrease the load in one of our web servers and we are running some tests with squid configured as a reverse proxy. The configuration is in the remarks below: http_port 80 accel cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query originserver name=myAccel acl our_sites dstdomain...

How do HTTP proxy caches decide between serving identity- vs. gzip-encoded resources?

An HTTP server uses content-negotiation to serve a single URL identity- or gzip-encoded based on the client's Accept-Encoding header. Now say we have a proxy cache like squid between clients and the httpd. If the proxy has cached both encodings of a URL, how does it determine which to serve? The non-gzip instance (not originally serve...

Best method of post processing Nginx reverse proxy response

I'm doing some researching on switching from Apache to Nginx as a reverse proxy in front of a Grails application on the backend. I'm playing around with some URL rewriting and have run into an issue with the response being sent back from my back end. I can handle the location header rewrite but I'm wondering what the best way to process ...

Best reverse proxy for IIS 6?

I want to set up a reverse proxy from one of our intranet IIS sites to point to another tomcat server. Eg, i want the user to browse to 'http://our-iis-server/friendly-url' and for it to reverse proxy to 'http://our-tomcat-server/ugly-url'. What would be the best solution for this? I've narrowed it down to three options:

IIS as reverse proxy

Hi, I'm looking into to having IIS doing authentication in an application being executed on a J2EE server (JBoss). Is there any ways to have IIS work as reverse proxy and propagating the username and/or roles of the user the proxied application (JBoss). And also what IIS version would I need, if it's possible? I have license for IIS, so...

Where should restricting IP address be handled?

We run a reverse proxy in front of our application tier and I'm wondering where the "best practice" place for handling the IP restriction is. Currently, we use the application security to restrict access to specific resources by IP address but this has caused some issues when we moved to running behind a reverse proxy. It's quite easy t...

How to serve all existing static files directly with NGINX, but proxy to Apache the rest?

location / { proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; if (-f $request_filename) { access_log off; expires 30d; break; } if (!-f $request_filename) { proxy_pass; # A...

How can I set up a reverse proxy with mod_proxy without redirecting?

How can I set up a reverse proxy with mod_proxy without redirecting to another server or IP? This will be a virtual host environment. The reason I want to do this is so that mod_proxy handles the communication with the client's browser thereby freeing up web server processes to serve the next request instead of feeding the client's brow...

Apache Config to send sub dirs to different servers - mod_proxy

We use Apache as a reverse proxy server. This has been working well, but I now need to have proxy to serverA and proxy to serverB. Is this possible? If so, what is the config for it? Here is my existing config: ... <VirtualHost 555.55.555.555:80> ServerName DocumentRoot c:/d...

Nginx Reverse Proxy to custom Mochiweb application

I have Nginx as my front-end web server listening on port 80. And certain requests, I've set up nginx to reverse proxy it to a mochiweb based web server that I've written, listening on Port 8000. My nginx configuration for this looks like this: location /mymochiserver { proxy_pass; ...

Apache Reverse Caching Proxy - why isn't it caching?

I am attempting to set up a reverse caching proxy for ad graphics (gif, jpg, swf) serving. The proxying is working fine and sending the request on to the origin server, but I can't seem to figure out why the content isn't being cached. My current config is below. The goal is to cache all requests that match the /ca/ URI prefix. The origi...

How to set up Nginx as a caching reverse proxy?

I heard recently that Nginx has added caching to its reverse proxy feature. I looked around but couldn't find much info about it. I want to set up Nginx as a caching reverse proxy in front of Apache/Django: to have Nginx proxy requests for some (but not all) dynamic pages to Apache, then cache the generated pages and serve subsequent re...

New certificate on Squid reverse proxy

I need to create a New certificate on Squid reverse proxy to replace an expired one. Anyone know how? PLEASE???? ...

WebDAV behind a reverse proxy

I have 2 servers. One Reverse proxy on the web and one on a private link serving WebDAV. Booth servers are apache httpd v2. On the proxy I have: ProxyRequests Off <Proxy *> Order deny,allow Allow from all </Proxy> ProxyPass /repo/ http : //share.local/repo/ ProxyPassReverse /repo/ ht...

Webservice caching reverse proxy?

I'd like to put some kind of caching reverse proxy in front of a SOAP webservice over HTTP to improve both performance and availability. Is there some software that performs this? (Preferably free and easy to install/use). The idea is here: the responses of the webservice vary with the request, but for each request the responses rarely...

Setting up a web interface to http proxies?

I want a way to allow users to go through my http proxy server (Squid, Privoxy, etc.) without having to type the IP/port in web browser settings. I was hoping I could use a simple web interface. I'm envisioning this: User goes to a website on my server ( and types a URL into the form. The user's browser URL ...

How to tell Apache, in reverse proxy mode, to intercept or trap 302 responses from backend server and redirect internally without sending 302 response back to client?

Hi, Does anyone knows how to tell Apache, in reverse proxy mode, to intercept or trap 302 (or 30x) responses from backend server and redirect internally without sending 30x response back to client? Ultimately, the backend server the response is redirected to would not be accessible from the outside (or not listed in Apache conf). My si...

How to use reverse proxy to redirect all url's not on my site to the web

I'm thinking of using an apache reverse proxy and an SSL certificate to secure surfing by various laptops roaming about in wireless land. My thought was have the users set this https proxy as their proxy in their web browsers, but I haven't found a way of redirecting them immediately to pages on external websites like http://www.msdn.mi...

Setting up Wildcard subdomain (with reverse proxy) on apache 2.2.3

Hey All, What I am trying to achieve is the following: I want to have numerous subdomains such as redirect to a url such as Since I am redirecting to a fully qualified domain, I needed to use a reverse proxy to avoid the change of the URL in the browser. (using the [P] Flag and turn...