
Git exclude a commit in a branch

I have a commit, I have stored in a branch, because this should go only to a specific box. I have merged it to the branch master, but not the branch dev, that I use locally. Now, by mistake I merged master to dev and that introduced this commit to dev. I know can git revert sha, to branch dev; but since this is going to introduce a co...

git revert changes to a file in a commit

I want to revert changes made by a particular commit to a given file only. Can I use git revert command for that? Any other simple way to do it? ...

Svn: revert file content changes without reverting any related mergeinfo?

If you've done a merge you may find, before committing the changes, that actually you don't want to accept any of the changes merged into one of the affected files. So you do e.g.: $ svn revert foo.c However this also seems to revert the mergeinfo related to this file. So when you do a subsequent merge it will merge in exactly the same...

Reverting a single file to a previous version in git

Is there a way to go through different commits on a file. Say I modified a file 5 times and I want to go back to change 2, after I already committed and pushed to a repository. In my understanding the only way is to keep many branches, have I got that right? If I'm right I'm gonna have hundreds of branches in a few days, so I'm probabl...

Setting the value of textboxes with one of their attributes (jQuery)

I have a bunch of input text boxes that have the attribute ORIGINAL set to their initial value, so that when the user changes the textbox value, jQuery can highlight items that have changed (by comparing the text box's current value to the ORIGINAL attribute's value) What Im trying to do now is provide the user with a button that they c...

Reverting single file in SVN to a particular revision

Hello, I have a file as shown below in an SVN repo that I would like to revert to a previous version. What is the way to do this in SVN? I want only downgrade this particular file to an older version, not the whole repo. Thanks. $ svn log ---------------------- r179 | xx | 2010-05-10 Change 3 ---------------------- r175 | x...

SVN files edited thru FTP, How do I fix the edited files so they work thru SVN again?

Basically, a 3rd party analyst we brought on to make some improvements to our site decided to edit files directly on the live server threw FTP. Any time we make changes to those pages threw SVN we have PHP parse errors. Things should be edited threw the SVN and committed. We have our working copies setup so we can edit them how ever we ...

Git: Remove specific commit

I was working with a friend on a project, and he edited a bunch of files that shouldn't have been edited. Somehow I merged his work into mine, either when I pulled it, or when I tried to just pick the specific files out that I wanted. I've been looking and playing for a long time, trying to figure out how to remove the commits that conta...

Revert a file on SVN repository but keep local version

I accidentally committed some changes to the repository that were not complete. I do not want to lose my local changes, but i want to revert the file in the repository to where i was before i committed the changes. ...

how to revert position of a jquery UI draggable based on condition

I have an element which is draggable and an element which is droppable. Once the dragged item is dropped on the dropzone I am trying to execute the following jquery psuedo code: if(draggedelement == value){ $(draggedelement).hide(); } else{ $(draggedelement).revert(); } where the revert() function moves the dragged item back to it...

How do I revert the Subversion repository, not my working copy, to a specific revision?

I'm relatively new to Subversion, coming from Source Safe, and it's driving me nuts. Using the Tortoise interface, Commit kept showing me .java files in my bin directory which it said were "missing" - ok, that's a separate question. Basically, when I tried several things to get rid of the spurious "bin" message, Tortoise instead delete...

Reverting a git merge -s ours

Hi, I want to revert a merge because instead of using git merge -s recursive -X ours, I've used git merge -s ours. I've read this blog post about reverting merges, but it doesn't seem to work for my case. So, I have the master branch, and then the topic branch. At some point I merged master into topic, and then merged topic into maste...

rename file and replace old file name with file from previous revision in Subversion

I have a Subversion branch checked out using TortoiseSVN in Windows. I have a file, call it myfile.txt, that I want to rename, say to mynewfile.txt. I want to keep myfile.txt around, however, and just revert it back to a previous revision, say r15. So, I want myfile.txt to have content from r15 and mynewfile.txt to have myfile.txt's c...

Git Reverting a big PUSHed file

Hi All, I accidentally added (git add *) a big file (200+ MB) to a git repository. I commit the changes and pushed it. When I tried to pull changes on some other copy, it was taking too long. I canceled the pull, removed the file (git rm file), commit, and pushed again. But it's still taking too long to pulling on other working copy. ...

SVN: How to undo a reverse-merge?

I merged my checkout of the HEAD revision back to revision 1000: $ svn merge -rHEAD:1000 . --- Reverse-merging r2000 through r1001 into '.': U dir/foo.txt After that, I'd like to undo that and merge back to HEAD revision. My checkout should be at revision 1000 now, so I need to merge everything from 1000 to HEAD. But svn doesn't do...

Is there a way to set HTML5 drag end effect? (i.e. no revert)

When finish dragging a HTML5 draggable element, the element will revert back to its original location. Is it possible to prevent the feedback image to revert? Instead of reverting back, I want the feedback image to disappear after the drag is completed. ...

How can one retroactively branch in subversion, or how can an one record a revert of a merged patch.

Part of the development I have done on a project can not be deployed, and should have been done in a separate branch. I have merged in the backwards changes (via tortoise's "revert changes from this revision" and careful editing), undoing the work that should have been in a separate branch, and committed this inverse patch to the trunk. ...

Is there any way to undo the effects of "git revert head"?

I've accidentally run the command against the wrong branch in my repository - is there a way to undo this change? ...

Is there an easy way to revert the changes that SQL Azure Data Sync Tool does to a local database?

Hi, I tried using the SQL Azure Data Sync Tool and successfully transfered a local database from my dev machine to a SQL Azure account. However, later on I noticed that the tool has silently made a bunch of changes to my local database - definitely not a nice thing to do without any notification or confirmation dialog. Does anybody kno...

git revert merge - neither mainline looks correct

I am trying to revert a faulty merge, but the revert changes from both commands do not look right. This is how I made the merge commit: # merge master into branch: git checkout branch git merge master # resolve conflicts git commit git push Now I want to revert that merge with: git log b2e commit b2e... Merge: de9... cf4... git ...