
Rewrite from https to http

I have 5 sites on one apache server. One of the sites is with SSL. So when the other sites are accessed with https then they are redirected to the SSL site which is incorrect. E.g. (with SSL) (normal site no SSL) If I access then I get the content from How can I fix so https:...

Refactoring multiple instances of ecommerce software into single code base

Disclaimer, I am technical support and sysadmin for my company, not a developer. I'm not after the specifics, simply an idea if what I'd like to acheive is possible or not. We host hundreds of instances of our in-house classic ASP legacy ecommerce software application and due to countless customisations by clients and ourselves, version...

Url Rewrite with a CMS - Dynamic Rewrite

Hello, I would like to change URL Rewrite working in the CMS of the company I'm working for I have already done a little one: eng/MyFolder/16/MyCategory.aspx MyFolder/index.aspx?FolderId=19&LanguageId=1&SiteItemsCategory=16 with: {R:2}/index.aspx?FolderId={Folder:{R:2}}&LanguageId={Language:{R:1}}&ItemsCategory={R:3} I use rewrite...

How do I get Zend working with IIS 7.0 (rewrite module v2) and windows 2008?

My website seems to only load the index page regardless of what path it is given. Does anyone know of any known issues with getting Zend working correctly with IIS 7.0 (rewrite module v2) and windows 2008? I'm getting desperate with this and can't seen to find any suitable solutions? I can put a phpinfo() screen shot on if it helps? ...

.htaccess rewrite subdirectories to null

Hello, I want the browser location bar to show http://dir/ when I really am in http://dir/subdir/subdir. How do I do that? Thanks in advance! ...

RewriteCond Check if file exists in a subdirectory

I'm using Iirf v2.0. I have the following directory structure: / /library /library/index.php /webroot /webroot/images /Iirf.ini Where I have a library folder which contains my application, a webroot folder (which contains images, stylesheets etc) and an Iirf.ini config file. I'm wanting to redirect all requests to /library/index.php...

URL Rewriting-Page display - rewrite rule in .htaccess

For URL Rewriting, i have got the output for static URL But , for dynamic URL , i am getting partial output only. I have placed the .htaccess file in the root directory only. Here is the code: Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^booking/price/([0-9]+)/?$ booking.php?price=$1 What will be the solution ? ...

mod_rewrite: rewrite specific URL

Hello. I want to rewrite a specific URL, I'll show an example so you'll understand what I mean. First, my current rewrite rule: RewriteRule ^/?([a-zA-Z0-9/-]+)/?$ /index.php [NC,L] Now I want this URL: http://example.tld/foobar?test Rewritten to: http://example.tld/foobar Note: only for /foobar?test! E.g. not for /somethingelse?t...

Submitting a form via GET to a rewritten URL.

I've got a website where URLs are rewritten in this format: Which gives rise to pages such as: Is there any way to make it so th...

Problem with similar rules IIS 7 Rewrite

I have 2 similar rewrite rules, that is killing each other. These are my rules: <rule name="Product rewrite"> <match url="^product/([_0-9a-z-]+)/([0-9]+)" /> <action type="Rewrite" url="product.asp?id={R:2}" /> </rule> <rule name="Article rewrite"> <match url="^([_0-9a-z-]+)/([0-9]+)" /> <action type="Rewrite" url="article.asp?id={R:2...

ZEUS Server - Wordpress prettier URL rewrites with an exception?

hey guys, i bet there are a lot of regexp and rewrite nerds out there. I have a kind of a big problem with a current wordpress website i'm working on. my hosting provider gave me the following script to enable prettier urls for my wordpress blog on their zeus servers. this works really fine except i'm having one problem: heres the cod...

ReWrite . htaccess URL's

hi all this is my first question, i know i have read heaps of other post on ReWrites but i still can not get this correct. simple URL i have now: /articlesView.php?id=6&title=Fisher-&-Paykel-Australian-Age-Championships!-2006 i would like to change it to: /articles/6/Fisher-&-Paykel-Australian-Age-Championships!-2006.php any help woul...

*.wav files do not function properly in php

When attempting to view a *.wav URL on our webserver, the data doesn't transfer properly. We are using apache2 with php5.10. Among the apache rewrite rules is: RewriteRule ^(.+)\.(wav)$ /wav.php?wav=$1.$2 [L,NC] And the relevant code from wav.php is: <?php $image = getPassed("wav"); header( 'Content-Type: audio/wav'); set_include_pa...

IIS 7 rewrite module

I have 2 domains and path for one of theme is this example and other where dir1 and dir2 are directoryes in host where are hostet pages, how can i use rewrite module to remove dir1 and dir2 form the URL. The web applications are in asp net MVC.. Sorry for my bad english ...

Problem with duplicate urls after rewrite

Hello, Can you help me solve this problem, please. In my .htaccess file I used this rewrite rule: rewriteRule ^country/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/(.*)/(.*)?$ search.php?loc1=$1&loc2=$2&loc3=$3 [L] To get this kind of urls: /country/13/196/2693/germany/frankfurt Everything works fine, but I get unwanted duplicate URLs also: /...

IIS7 Rewrite issue - Multiple websites

Hi have an issue with the rewrite mod for IIS7 I have several websites in this example (,, All of these domains point to the same folder (g:\websites\seasons\htdocs) Now the complicated bit. gets rewritten to g:\websites\seasons\htdocs\domains\summer\ so any file in this folder...

Rewrtie - ignore strings in URI

Hi! I have some problem with rewrite rules. Now my config looks like this: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond ${REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-l RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/video/(.*)$ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /video/index.php [L] So links works fin...

Problem with htaccess URL rewrite rule, query string is being appended to resulting URL

I have a set of rewrite rules that are supposed to process a URL that has anywhere from 1 to 5 parameters. So my URL might look like this: or Here are my rules in this example: RewriteRule ^([^/.]+)/?$ /staticpages/process-selection.php?param1=$1 [E=rwdone:yes,L] RewriteRule ...

Nginx: Rewrite file extension

Guys, How can i rewrite a .swf file extension?? This is my syntax which does not work: rewrite ^/directory/swift$ directory/tools/swift_file.swf last; ...

Rewrite rule for apache htaccess that checks for existence of certain GET params

Hi, I just can't find a solution to this... I have several dynamic page links that look like http://DOMAIN/PAGENAME?&amp;param=a/param2=b&amp;tx_ttnews[tt_news]=114&amp;param3=c No I want to have a rewrite for certain "tx_ttnews[tt_news]" values, i.e. if it exists (or certain other numbers) I want to redirect to a completly different ...