
Richfaces Support

how can i add rich faces support in my simple application in JSF any good tutorial which help me i am using eclipse and tomcat ...

JSF / JBoss Seam how-to: splitting one List<Item> over several ListBoxes (h:selectManyListbox)

I'm using these classes: ShoppingCart <-ManyToMany-> Item <-ManyToOne-> ItemCategory All of them are JPA @Entitys with relevant getters and setters for relations: Shopping cart: public class ShoppingCart { ... @ManyToMany public List<Item> getItems() { return items; } ... } Item: public class Item { ... @...

I want to scroll without a scrollbar (in a table element/cell)

I'm building a Seam application and we've been using Richfaces for the front end. In my application, I have a rich:dataTable, and in that dataTable, I have a column in which the values are longer than the column width. What I would like to do is to be able to scroll in that table-cell.. without having to use the scrollbar. For exam...

How to combine JSF togglePanel to trigger visibility of some other div/element/?

I was looking through a number of websites, but i couldn't find out how to use a toggle panel to change the visibility of another element. Please see the example.. <rich:togglePanel switchType="client" stateOrder="panelOneOff, panelOneOn"> <f:facet name="panelOneOff"> <rich:toggleControl> <h:outputText value=...

rich:jQuery not working in IE8

Hi , I want to trigger a new click event (on the same button) after a button from a modal panel was clicked. Something like click to simulate double click on that button. I used this code: <a4j:form> ... <rich:jQuery name="testClick" selector="#myButton" timing="onJScall" query="trigger('click');" /> <a4j:commandButton id="myButton" ....

JSF/Hibernate NotBlank validation.

I have a simple JSF+RichFaces form with some fields and obviously a backing bean to store them. In that bean all the necessary properties have validation annotations (jsr303/hibernate), but I can't seem to find an annotation which would check if the property (String) is blank. I know there's a @NotBlank annotation in spring modules, but ...

For a4j:jsFunction, does reRender or oncomplete happen first?

Hello, I have a jsFunction that I am running, and would like javascript to be performed after re-rendering is finished. I'm guessing that the javascript in "oncomplete" is called -after- re-rendering takes place, but don't know for sure. Any thoughts? Thanks. ...

JSF - Error accessing inherited properties/methods with EL

I am trying to get a generic tree backing-bean to work. I have one generic class called ACLTree, and then an implementation of it. In my JSF document I try to access a value per #{}. But I get an ELException: javax.el.ELException: /modules/useradmin/acl.xhtml @30,55 value="#{ACOTree.root}": java.lang.IllegalAccess...

Rerender RichFaces error message after ajax request

I am using custom ajax-called javacode that does some processing on the server. In this process various errors can occure that I add to the FacesContext via addMessage(). I want to display these messages in the same <rich:messages>-tag that I use for my validation errors. Do you know a way to display these messages in the <rich:messag...

Reset of page index of rich:datascroller

In my application i am using rich:datascroller, i navigate to some page by clicking next in datascroller. when i click on refresh it is not going back to the first page and it is staying in the same page. I had also have reset the datascroller using the below method public void resetDatascroller() { if (datascroller != null) { ...

ViewExpiredException in JSF

I am using JSF and have javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD to client in web.xml. What I want to happen is, when session times out and I try to redirect to another page, it must redirect to sessionTimeout.jsf and on click of a button on that page, it must redirect to login.jsf. I have designed sessionTimeout.jsf. Whenever session expires and...

JSF never renders page without redirect rule

We have two forms where we need to pass values from one to the other. We pass the parameters successfully, but the second page never renders in the browser. The browser just hangs and the request never completes. If we add the redirect rule to faces-config.xml, the page renders but the parameter value is reset to null. Here's our naviga...

WARNING: Target component for id thumbnailSelector not found

I am getting this warning in my jsf application when I upload an image through rich:fileUpload. <rich:fileUpload id="file" required="true" listHeight="50" immediateUpload="true" maxFilesQuanity="1" uploadData="#{entryHandler.uploadItems}" fileUploadListener="#{entryHan...

In richfaces form based error message possible?

I would like a catch-all display of any errors or exceptions. For instance I would like to catch 500 responses to AJAX requests and display the summary in a text field. More so I would like a single message area for the entire form (w/o specifying a separate message tag for every input or button). How can this be implemented using richfa...

Set JSF backing bean variable when clicking componentControl and displaying contentMenu

I have a rich:componentControl which sets a parameter called applicationId and displays a rich:contextMenu: <rich:componentControl event="onRowClick" for="ctxMenu" operation="show"> <f:param value="#{item[1].applicationId}" name="applicationId"/> </rich:componentControl> and here's the rich:contextMenu: <rich:contextMenu id="ctxMenu"...

Unhighlight a Row in a rich:ScrollableDataTable

Hello, In my application I need a user to be able to select a row in a table. When they are done working with the data from that row they click a cancel/reset button to reset some other page elements. What I need to do is to also have the reset button unhighlight or unselect the highlighted/selected row in the datatable. I have been ...

Unnecessary Session Beans in Ajax Enabled JSF Frameworks

I've noticed that when using Ajax heavy JSF 1.2 implementations like Richfaces you're somehow forced to declare more managed beans than you'll want as Session scoped so that state can be maintained across multiple Ajax requests; there are components that will just stop working. For instance, I developed this application lately in which...

rich:Jquery not working when use in a facelet component

I've created a component that manages postal codes using mask with a rich:jquery, Here the code of the component: <h:inputText id="#{id}-postalCode" value="#{myBeanPath.postalCode}" size="7" /> <rich:jQuery selector="#postalCode" query="mask('a9a 9a9')" timing="onload" /> It works fine in a standard jsf page, but not when it's in ...

Skipping a nested <a4j:region>

I have a JSF file with a rather large form, the form consists of 3 parts: user data (a set od calendars and data inputs), user items (a data table and a small table with some inputs and a button that adds a new entry based on the information provided in the small table), others (something like user data). I have one huge and every part ...

TinyMCE removes double slashes

Hi How do you disable automatic double-slases removing? When I put base64 embeded image (< img src="...///...==" alt=""/> in html mode it auto removes double slashes and so the image is corrupted... ...