Hello, I'm trying to remove the object with the oldest updated_at value when the rjs is executed.
page.insert_html :top, :messages, :partial => @message
page[@message].visual_effect :grow
Message.old_messages.each do |m|
page.delay(1) do
page.select('.message').last.visual_effect :fad...
I am using jQuery with rails. I am trying to make a PUT request to update a task. The call is made successfully. However, the javascript code returned does not execute. The code is returned alright but it just does not execute.
Here is the jQuery put request i am making.
$("#droppable_<%= bin.id -%>").droppable({
drop: function(e...
I use the rails 3.0.0.beta
Is there any new syntax to write RJS, here is an example
def remote_create
@photo = Photo.new(params[:photo])
respond_to do |format|
if @photo.save
# add @photo's thumbnail to last import tag
format.js {
render :update do |page|
page.insert_html :bot...
I am attempting to beautify my routes so that they follow the syntax of lists/name-of-list/id as per here: http://gregmoreno.ca/how-to-create-google-friendly-urls-in-rails/
I have defined a new route like so:
map.list_permalink 'lists/:name/:id', :controller => 'lists', :action => 'show'
Everything works fine, but my existing ajax met...
I use Rails 3.0.0 Beta
following an action, my RJS view returns JavaScript, but the code is not executed
In Firebug I see in my response
$('polaroids').insert("<li>\n <a title=\"4204497503_a0c43c561d.jpg\" href=\"#\">\n <img alt=\"4204497503_a0c43c561d.jpg\" src=\"/system/photos/279/original/4204497503_a0c43c561d.jpg?12688573...
So I have a scenario where my jQuery ajax request is hitting the server, but the page won't update. I'm stumped...
Here's the ajax request:
type: 'GET',
url: '/jsrender',
data: "id=" + $.fragment().nav.replace("_link", "")
Watching the rails logs, I get the following:
Processing ProductsController#jsrender ...
Hi All,
I got RJS error: TypeError: element is null while using ajax.
I used in view
<%= periodically_call_remote(:url=>{:action=>'get_user_list', :id=>'1'},
:frequency => '5') %>
in controller
render :update do |page|
page.replace_html 'chat_area', :partial => 'chat_area', :object => [@chats, @user] if @js_update
I'm trying to follow this post http://stackoverflow.com/questions/576240/how-can-i-unobtrusively-disable-submit-buttons-with-javascript-and-prototype but I can't get it to work. The form triggers an RJS function, so I need to keep the helpers' onclick events intact. The RJS returns/reloads the same forms along with two new texts. I'm r...
I would like to make one of the div's hidden while rendring. After page is loaded I would like it to appear on the page using virtual_effect.
I know how to do it in JS / jQuery. Is that possible with pure Ruby code using Prototype?
update_page_tag doesn't really solves the problem It work ok with :highligth, but I can't get it to work...
I'm trying to come closer to a solution for the problem of my previous question.
The scheme I would like to try is following:
User requests an action from RoR controller.
Action makes some database queries, makes some calculations, sets some session variable(s) and returns some RJS code as the response. This code could either
update ...
After having Googled and hurting my brain for hours on this, I finally decided to post this question. Here's the code...
<%=link_to_remote_redbox "Link", :url => {:action => :action1, :id => @some.id}
def action1
render :layout => false
def action2
do some p...
I have a list of images where user can arrange their orders.
When user uploaded an image, I want the list to still be sortable.
I am using a similar upload that was described here: http://kpumuk.info/ruby-on-rails/in-place-file-upload-with-ruby-on-rails/
Please help.
Here are the code for upload in view file:
<% form_for [:admin, ...
How can I scroll the page to a partial, which got inserted via rjs?
page.insert_html :bottom, :comments, :partial => 'comment', :object => @comment
I want to insert a user in the userlist only if the user object (@row) is not nil. How do I do the insert conditionally in an rjs template?
page.insert_html :bottom, :userlist,
render(:partial => "user", :locals =>
{ :user => @row, :myid => @row.id })
thanks much.
Hi all,
I try to implement a vote feature in one of my rails projects. I use the following codes (in vote.rjs) to replace the page with a Partial template (_vote.rhtml). But when I click, the vote number can not be updated immediately. I have to refresh the page to see the change.
page.replace("votes#{@foundphoto.id}", :part...
I just started using RJS which is awesome however I am used to putting visual effects in the link_to_remote and such and I'm not sure how to trigger actions before and after remotes are triggered.
Take this link for example:
<span id="<%= "edit_comment_link_#{comment.id.to_s}"%>" style="float:left;">
<%= link_to_remote "edit", {...
I have a multiple file upload form(html5) and want to update my view as soon one of the images is transfered to my image server.
Currently I upload the files with ajax and use response_to_parent to update my upload view when all images are transfered to the image server.
Is it possible to call a Javascript function from the cont...
I'm running into a little hiccup with my AJAX creation of comments for posts. Everything works great but I am doing this in the index.html.erb view so the create.js.erb is finding the first div that says "comments" and inserting the comment there.
I know how to create a post specific div by using:
<div id="comments_<%= post.id %>
I want to display a modal window with an error message, when the user has entered something invalid in a form, but render another action if everything is ok. However, when I try to display the modal window with
render :js => "jQuery.facebox(#{...})"
only the actual javascript called is displayed:
try {
} catch (e...
There are several questions about this already, but they are from awhile ago, so here goes:
I have this half-made project that was built using prototype, but am looking into moving to a javascript library I am way more familiar about: mootools.
Is there a way so I don't have to change any of my current rjs? e.g. remote_form_for
Thank ...