
Getting java.rmi.UnmarshalException: unrecognized method hash: method not supported by remote object

Hi Friends, I am new to RMI technology. When I am running the rmi client program, I am getting the exception : java.rmi.UnmarshalException: unrecognized method hash: method not supported by remote object. I am using jdk1.5 The argument of the remote method is the Serialized object. These are the server code... This is the Remote Inte...

RMI Activation Strange problem

I am trying to get an RMI activatable server to work - but no luck so far. Actually the server seems to run, but the client triggers a strange exception. I have 3 projects: client common server Common is shared code between client and server (such as remote interfaces). Steps I follow (been adapting this tutorial): start registr...

JBoss RMI Transaction

Hi, How can i can achieve remote transaction while using Remote EJB (over RMI/IIOP or RMI/JRMP). Is that JBoss 4.0 support this kind of transaction or should i use jotm or atomikos? Thanks in advance ...

Java RMI - client to server call

Trying to get an understanding on how the RMI is working (I have a simple application that uses RMI and seems to work just fine). My question is : What happens when an rmi call is made? What happens on the way from an rmi client to an rmi server? ...

Web Services vs EJB vs RMI, advantages and disadvantages?

My web server would be overloaded quickly if all the work were done there. I'm going to stand up a second server behind it, to process data. What's the advantage of EJB over RMI, or vice versa? What about web services (SOAP, REST)? ...

RMI interface loading

Hi Guys. Have a question related to how RMI loads the interface classes. So here is my set up: An interface that defines the operation that the rmi server performs. Common public interface Computable<T> extends Remote{ public AnalyticalServiceOutput<T> compute(Request request) throws RemoteException; } Server Computable<Map<S...

Distributed computing using java RMI and CORBA

following is the problem i am facing. i will explain it will an example If there is an IT department that makes use of Java RMI and another department which make use of CORBA, if i happened to integrate those two departments spending least amount of time with least budget what are the approaches I can take could someone help me t...

RMI binding same object twice but presenting different interfaces

Hey guys, I have an interesting one for you here! I have one object, called Server, that implements two RMI interfaces, CSCP and ISCP. I need my Clients to be able to communicate on the RMI CSCP interface, but know nothing of the ISCP interface, and I need other servers to communicate with it on the ISCP interface but know nothing of th...

Java RMI equivalent in Cocoa ?

I need to port a Java Application which uses RMI to Cocoa Touch ( iPhone/iPod Touch ). It's a small application, maybe 600 lines of code thanks to the RMI simplification. But I was wondering what are my options to replace the RMI code in the iPhone/iPod Touch platform. Thanks!. ...

Running an RMI application from Command Prompt

Hello Stack Overflow... I have been developing a (somewhat complex) application using RMI to read a file and JSON its contents. I have been coding this app on Netbeans 6.7, therefore I have a folder structure as follows: Under C:\MyApp: -build --- classes ------- MyApp <--- That's a package. My .class files are in there. Also, I ran...

How Fast Might RMI Be?

I have seen this question (answer: JGroups) and I'm thinking about implementing something with JavaGroups or straight RMI but speed is of the essence. I'm not sending large amounts of data around (content of MIDI Messages, so 3 bytes each, no more than say two messages every three milliseconds) and this will be all on the same machine. ...

Why does JVM does not terminate when using RMI

Hi! I just read the Trail on RMI from sun at http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/rmi/implementing.html When I run the example, the JVM does not terminate although main has finished. Is RMI spawning a Thread somewhere internally? What is the behaviour of multiple Threads spawned in main, after main exits? Is it a clean way to let ...

What is rmic in RMI?

Hi I like to know what is rmic in RMI and how does it create proxies for me.. ...

sun.rmi.server.LoaderHandler.urlsToPath() takes lots of CPU

I'm trying to optimize an app that makes a lot of RMI calls. According to JProfiler, more than 30% of the CPU time is spent in the sun.rmi.server.LoaderHandler.urlsToPath() method, which is apparently getting called during marshaling. This method calls URL.toExternalForm() Is that normal? I haven't yet figured out which objects are gett...

separate rmiregistry and server application

Hi! I'm developing a basic application that starts the rmiregistry at the server: try { // create the registry and bind the name and object. registry = LocateRegistry.createRegistry(thisPort); registry.rebind("rmiServer", this); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw e; ...

Java - Authenticate user using web application's security framework without Http requests

Hi, So I have a Tomcat server within a Java web application, authentication is done using Tomcat's usernames and passwords specified in the tomcat-users.xml file, and form based authentication (posting to *j_security_check*). I have now also registered a remote object (using Java RMI) that I want to access from outside of the web contex...

Is there a concept or implementation similar to java RMI in dot net (C#) ?

Is there a concept or implementation of RMI like concept in .net? Can we program network programming in C#/VB just like RMI in java? Such as stub,skeleton,registry like concepts. ...

Java RMI - automating in an IDE

I've been able to get the java RMI running in linux / windows through some command prompt action (http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/rmi/hello/hello-world.html goes into the gory details) but wondering if there is a way to do from within the IDE (i use netbeans). Perhaps through an ant script or something? how do you do ...

Java RMI - UnicastRemoteObject: what is the difference between exportUnicastRemoteObject() and extend UnicastRemoteObject()?

hi there! i'm preparing for an exam and I'm having a question that I hope someone here could answer me. Its about RMI and remote objects. I wonder why there is so much difference between these two implementations. one is extending the UnicastRemoteObject whereas the other is exporting the object as an UnicastRemoteObject. I don't really ...

Desktop Sharing in java

Hi, I want to create a very simple RMI code which just share the desktop. I have created my classes and also remote interface.in the Share class ,I have an execute method which will return the image of the client's desktop.but I don't know that how can I get that image ?or how can i store it? please help me,thanks. Share class: class ...