
How do I compose an existing Moose role into a class at runtime?

Say I define an abstract My::Object and concrete role implementations My::Object::TypeA and My::Object::TypeB. For maintainability reasons, I'd like to not have a hardcoded table that looks at the object type and applies roles. As a DWIMmy example, I'm looking for something along these lines in My::Object: has => 'id' (isa => 'Str', req...

Forms Authentication (restrict an area)

Hi all... I'm developing an website using mvc with MySQL and I need to make a simple restrict area for the user update some informations in website. So, I had created an area in mvc application called "Admin", and I know how to protect it using Forms authentication and Autorize attribute! It works fine, but in each controller of ...

Faking User Roles in Sitecore 6.2

The Faking User Roles document in SDN appears to give exactly what I need. I have a few "roles" that I have access to through stored procedure calls I don't control, read-only, via a CRM I don't have direct access to. Unfortunately, I can't find the method AddRole, or even the class UserItem, by its present name. Does this functionality...

Role management with ASP.NET inbuilt controls

I am using the ASP.NET inbuilt login and role management solution (creates table like aspnet_Users etc. and gives access to MembershipUser and the such). However, at this stage I am a bit stuck with the following: 1) I need to be able to Suspend, Unsuspend and Delete (not necessary remove from table, just disable) users from my app. Is...

Default SqlRoleProvider in backend code.

How do I access the default SqlProvider in a DAL? I've only ever done this before from webforms. ...

SqlRoleProvider fails to connect to DB.

I have the following config for roles using standard SqlRoleProvider, but I get an error when I try and open the Security page in the wweb site Admin tool: <roleManager enabled="true" defaultProvider="AspNetSqlRoleProvider"> <providers> <remove name="AspNetSqlRoleProvider"/> <add name="AspNetSqlRoleProvider" ...

Is it possible to cache by membership role in mvc?

We have a bunch of pages that get really high traffic, and as such we have the following in web.config: <caching> <outputCacheSettings> <outputCacheProfiles> <add name="defaultCache" duration="900" varyByParam="*" location="Any"/> </outputCacheProfiles> </outputCacheSettings> </caching> and the following attribute on...

Equality of $is_admin for custom created role users

Hi friends, I have created a site-admin role for my client to edit page contents. Are users under this site-admin included to $is_admin condition? I tested and as I see it is not unless I miss something. So, what is the equality of $is_admin for my custom created role users? Appreciate helps!! Thanks a lot ...

Getting user roles programmatically in Oracle SOA Suite 11g

Someone knows how to get a user's roles in a Oracle SOA 11g BPMN application from a backing bean in a TaskFlow?? I need to know the role of the user in order to activate some fields, my idea is to get it from the backing bean and do something. is there a better way to do this? ...

ASP.NET: dependency injection and roles

I have a page using an injected BLL service: a simple service returning a set of objects with a function like this: public IMyService { List<Foo> All(); } There is a default implementation for normal users. Now, i need that users in administrative role can view more objects, with another implementation of the service. Where can i con...

How to create ASP.NET 4.0 pages contain controls under roles (Admin or not)

Hello world! I want to build web pages using ASP.NET 4.0 (C#), and I want some controls to be appear for the admin role for example. And disappear for the normal user. I suggested the (Multiview) standard control! The question is: Is this method PERFECT? or there are many better methods to apply? Thanks all :) ...

Restrict Area to a given role

I have an area setup in MVC2, called Admin/, which I want I only want Users who belong to the role "admins" to have access. I know I can decorate each of the methods with [Authorize(Roles="admins")], but this seems tedious when your talking about multiple controllers with multiple actions. Is there an better and cleaner way? ...

Merging organization unit and business roles in ASP.NET web application

In real-world enterprise web applications for enterprise businesses, we always need to limit the access to the data by the user's unit and role. Consider that we have an enterprise company with many shopping stores in a country. So the company has headquarter which has view access to all invoices and statistics for all branches. ...

Email users in a role (forms auth. sharepoint)

Hey guys. So... I've got a MOSS 2007 set up with forms authentication. I've also set up some roles with some users attached to these roles. Now, when I add a role to a site (site settings-> People and Groups) and I choose to send a welcome email, the users attached to that role don't receive an email. Is this even possible in MOSS 200...

Manage User and Roles

In my WPF Desktop sample Book Store application I want to manage Users and Roles. With multiple Users I want to achieve below points 1) Application Should have multiple user 2) User has 3 categories a) Admin b) Manager c) Employee 3) Application can have multiple roles like, add books, sale books, Update Stocks, Generate Purchase Orde...

How can I get user role from my custom module?

how can I know in Drupal if the role of the logged-in user ? In the $user variable there is not role information.. I need to specify specific php code depending on the user role in my custom module. N.B. In $user there is a field 'role' but it always contains "authenticated user". What I need to know is the specific role (I've created ...

.NET MVC - Windows Integrated Authentication + Authorization

Hi Guys, My question is similar to a crapload out there.. I have a simple app to be hosted internal to my company (accessed on the intranet). its an MVC app with windows integrated authentication. I have all the code to authorize a user against AD, but how do i implement this in the client (web.config + global.asax etc) Do i use the...

CREATEDB through a ROLE for a User in PostgreSQL

I have created a ROLE with name Admin and I have given it all accesses (including CREATEDB). I have created a User ekekakos who is member of Admin role and inherints from it. When I am trying to create a new DB with ekekakos I am getting the following message: ERROR. PERMISSION DENIED TO CREATE DATABASE. When I enable the option CAN CREA...

How do I implement a custom role provider which supports sub roles?

Are there any good guides on how to implement a custom role provider which has support for parent and child roles? I have a requirement to have high level Role permissions as per the usual Role provider functionality. However, I also have a requirement to further breakdown permissions into sub roles. I toyed with the idea of having fur...

[Authorize(Roles="Admin")] attribute asks user to login instead of access denied?

Updated: Thanks to the help here I've created the following solution: public class CustomAuthorize : AuthorizeAttribute { protected override void HandleUnauthorizedRequest(AuthorizationContext filterContext) { // Returns HTTP 401 - see comment in HttpUnauthorizedResult.cs // If user is not logged in prompt ...