
How do I offer a beta feature to select users? (rails)

We want to start letting our users help us test our feature changes before a wider release. Our rails app already has roles but I don't know how to we should go about implementing a beta feature without moving the whole app over. Some issues I can't think of solutions to: A beta feature may require a database migration. How can yo...

Checking a Moose role against a non Moose class.

Hi, let's say you've got a Moose class that requires an attribute that does a Role: package MyMooseClass; use Moose; has 'a' => ( does => 'MyRole' ); Now, I'd like to build an instance of MyMooseClass like this: my $instance = MyMooseClass->new( { a => $a_non_moose_stuff } ); Where $a_non_moose_stuff is an instance of a non-moose ...

PostgreSQL, how can i restrict access to code in a function for a user?

I found out how to deny all access to tables for user in a schema. REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA test FROM user; But what can i do to restrict access to all functions in a schema, so that user couldn't read the code? I was trying this: REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION test.test_function(text) FROM user; Yes, it has restricted the ability ...

WCF RIA Services Authorization

Hi guys, Assume we have two groups "Admins" and "Users". Admins are able to use any operation available in the service but the users can only use some of them. Should I add the "Admins" group to every single operation or if I just write it on top of the class will do the trick? Thanks. ...

Problem with WCF Ria Services RequiresRole attribute

I have a User class that implemented the IUser interface and is used in the AuthenticationService of my WCF RIA app. Whenever I apply the RequiresRole attribute to one of my operations I get Access to the operation is denied error even though WebContext.User.IsInRole("Managers") on the client side returns true. Does anyone know why I g...

Is there any API for creating custom server roles in Windows Server 2008?

Subject is self-explaining ...

Programming != Job Description

I'm currently in a situation where many people on here likely find themselves: I love to program, I do a lot of fun side projects, but it is not my profession. I work as an Electrical Engineering project manager, but at one point I wrote a software application that solved a tricky signal processing problem early in my career. Now the c...

encrypting service side, decrypting on client (aes)

I hope this is clear enough: I have an Authentication service which queries my aspnet role provider database. Authentication service passes the role details back to the client inside the User object. Using the role, I query my web.config to determine values that a user can see. Security team has done a review, and they can see the Role...

dynamically mapping roles to controllers in ASP.Net MVC

I am currently hard coding the authorized roles in the filter in my MVC applications like so: [Authorize(Roles = "Administrator,Manager")] I'd like to eventually have a way to map the roles to each controller, so that the site admin can handle assigning what roles can perform each set of actions. string roles = DoSomethingToGetAllowa... membership api integration with php

Hi guys, Fairly new to this so go easy ;-) Just looking for some general advice really. I'm currently creating a front end system to integrate with a back end system that someone else has created. My front end system just consists of a website, a sign up form where customers can register. This is integrated with our payment partners ... MVC Membership Redirect Depending on Role

I have two types of roles [Admin, HelpDeskAdmin]. I have a single logon view(both users go to same link to login) and I want to check their role once logged in and redirect to their respective admin pages once authenticated. The code below doesn't identify the logged in user as being in the role the first time and reloads the logon pa...

ASP.NET MVC Role Providers for MySQL

Hi, I tried to setup role provider, using this article. It worked partially - provider created some tables in MySQL, but I cannot access it from ASP.NET Configuration Tool. I get following error, while trying to add some roles (Roles->Create or Manage Roles): A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a c...

Roles lost after being set in Global.asax Application_Start()

Hi, In the master page for my site, i have added several LoginView controls that use roles to determine if menu items should be displayed to the logged in user. In my Global.asax Application_Start() event i am adding roles for a set of users as defined in my Web.Config file (as additions to those already in Active Directory) - Like so:...

Editors for different parts of Wordpress

Hi team, I'm preparing my page (not published yet) and need Your help. I didn't find any answer in forums about roles and capabilities. Have you heard about plugin or an other solution, that allows editor to publish only in his category/page. I have 10 departments, in each of them 1 author and 1 editor. I need to ensure that editor from...

How do I implement custom role authorization with ADFS in ASP.Net MVC2?

I'm pretty new with ADFS and and Custom Role authorization so any help (and a lot of patience) would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to set up ADFS with custom authorization. I have the ADFS set up to return me a claim, from there I can get a username from the name token. However, I already have an existing roles table which I need t...

Setting user roles in controllers?

I need to be able to manually authorize my users in my controller. I get my authentication from an AD, and then in my controller, I want to map up the userID I get from the AD, to my application's internal userID. Grab the userId from the UserRole table, and then set it in the controller, however, I don't know how to set the role in the ...

ASP.NET role information not being persisted

I have an ASP.NET webforms website that uses the .NET MySql connector and MySql as a back-end. I'm using role-based authentication to protect certain areas of my site. The problem is that the user's role information is not being persisted after I move my site to the server (works fine on my local development machine). What is happening i...

How can I access a user role in Drupal from a separate application?

Is there a plugin/standard HTTP API for accessing user roles/permissions in a Drupal 6 instance from other applications, e.g., on different hosts? Our organization uses Shibboleth to allow easy authentication across all our hosts, but I'd like to use our central Drupal 6 installation to manage user roles rather than storing roles data i...

Avoid hard-coded roles in MVC?

I understand that in mvc to implement role based security at the controller or action level for my site I could paint the class or method with something like the following: [Authorize(Roles = "DOMAIN\GROUPNAME")] (I use windows authentication) Previously in I might have done this with a location section in the config. The pr...

how should I render views when users habtm roles. cake

ok here is my issue... user habtm groups(roles) i have views for admins, boardmembers, managers, and vps. so when an user have just one role the app reads the role and we're going fine... BUT when he/she/it have two or more roles it just take the first one and dissmiss the others... the questions how should i manage those role so...