
Ideas for decorating a property on a generated class?

Hello. I am generating a class that contains MANY properties on it (around 150) using the CodeDOM API. This class is basically an object that represents a row found in an Excel worksheet. The code for generation investigates the target worksheet, extracts the header row based on user-input, and generates the row class. Additionally...

Get the number of Rows returned by a OleDbDataReader ASP.NET (VB)

Hey, After connecting to a database using DataReader, how can I count the number of rows ? Thanks. ...

JTable after setDefaultRenderer Row selection problem

This is my JTable Renderer class. After I applied this to my jTable, when i click on the row it only highlight the cell instead of whole row. I tried to setRowSelection(true) and setCellSelection(false) but still no use. class jTableRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer { public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable tab...

How to check if certain row in textarea is empty?

How to check if certain row in textarea is empty with javascript? <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script> <script> $(document).bind('keydown',function (e) { if(e.which==13) { function isRowEmpty( idOfTextArea , row ){ return $("#" + idOfTextArea )[0].value.split("\n")[row-1] == ""; } alert(isR...

Various items in a ListView row - screenshot example

Hi guys, i want to achieve this kinda of row look in my app. I already have a ImageView/TextView layout, but i want that 'positive' little image in the right always being displayed at the exact same place! Thanks! ...

android image in listview that thinks "outside" the box

I want to have an ImageView that is part of a listview row item, but that appears to both in and out of the row. is this possible? if so, how? many thanks in advance... ...

PostgreSQL: dynamic row values (?)

Oh helloes! I have two tables, first one (let's call it NameTable) is preset with a set of values (id, name) and the second one (ListTable) is empty but with same columns. The question is: How can I insert into ListTable a value that comes from NameTable? So that if I change one name in the NameTable then automagically the values in List...

openxml - inserting a row, moving others

Hi there, I am using openxml to create an excel report. The openxml operates on a template excel file using named ranges. The client requires a totals row at the end of the list of rows. Sounds like a reasonable request!! However, the data table I'm returning from the db can contain any number of rows. Using template rows and 'InsertB...

PHP - How to count fields in row?

How can I count how many fields there are in this row: $row['number'] while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo ' <td class="alt">'.$row['number'].'</td> $number = $row['number'] } ...

android repeater-like functionality

is there any type of 'repeater' type functionality in android? I have a relative layout (inside a row in a listview) and inside that I'd like to have a series of TextViews be displayed one after the other (as if they are child rows in the listview row). The issue is that the number of those "child rows" will vary. is there any way to ...

how to remove table row based on contents of one of the cells in the row (with jquery)

hello, i'm trying to delete one row in a dynamically generated table; the problems is that none of these rows have any class or ids generated and i can't get at the code. it generates code like this: <tr> <td class="label">Who referred you?</td> <td class="data">somebody</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="label">terms</td> <td c...

jQuery - add / remove table rows

From my selection on the right I dynamically construct (clone) a set of rows to the left. There I also add a REMOVE button. I can't call a jQuery function from that button. Also upon clicking the REMOVE button how can I set the checkbox of the respective row on the right to its previous state (checked). There is all the code below. Thank...

Inserting row to end of table with UITableViewRowAnimationBottom doesn't animate.

I have a quick, probably basic question regarding UITableView in iOS. I'm trying to insert a row at the end of my table. It works with every animation except UITableViewRowAnimationBottom. If I specify this particular animation, the cell appears at the end of the table, rather than animating. My code is essentially as follows: - (void)...

Is it possible to create a mediawiki table where the columns are filled in by multiple templates?

Wikimedia explains how you can create a table based on multiple templates, where each row is formed from a single template. Is there anyway to do the same for columns? It sounds easy but I could not get it to work. Instead my page displayed multiple tables instead of multiple columns. Here's some code: Row page {|class="wikitable sort...

jqGrid Insert New Row Custom

I have looked around and have yet to find a decent answer. I wish to add a new row into my grid from my own custom button, without using their add buttom or edit forms. Something like: $("#grid").jqGrid('insert',{"id","col1","col2"}); I want to be able to programatically insert new rows and not have to use their form. Any help woul...

Twitter like row hover reply,delete links in jquery....

Is there any plugin or how to display twitter like row hover reply,delete links in jquery.... Any suggestion.... EDIT: I am iterating my json data via jquery, $.each(data.Results, function() { divs += '<div class="resultsdiv"> <a href=Clients/Show/' + this.ClientId + '/>Details</div>'; ...

SQL Server Row by Row operation

I am trying to do some operation in column 'Increment' based on previous row record in column 'Value' e.g. row_num| Period | Measure | Decay 1 | Jan 08 | 10 | 2 | Feb 08 | 18 | 3 | Mar 08 | 7 | 4 | Apr 08 | 67 | i would like to update column 'Decay' based on a formula row_num| Period | M...

[JQuery] JQgrid set row height

Hi, I am using JqGrid with javascript. I would set the height of each table row but I have not understand how to do. This is my code: function jobList(){ var json=doShowAll(); alert("jobList() ==> php/get_job_status.php?value="+json); jQuery("#jobList").jqGrid({ url:'php/get_job_status.php?value='+json, datatype: "xml", col...

SQL -- Derive Date Difference Column

+------+-------------------------+ | proc | endTime | +------+-------------------------+ | A | 2010/01/01 12:10:00.000 | | B | 2010/01/01 12:08:00.000 | | C | 2010/01/01 12:05:00.000 | | D | 2010/01/01 12:02:00.000 | | ...| ... | So basically the data I pull from SQL will look somethin...

Why im getting wrong number of rows when using group by, limit and group_concat in mysql?

Hi everybody, i'm doing a query where i want retrieve some records when i do the query without 'limit' the result returns me the correct number of rows, but when i use limit the result returns me the half of the rows. the query im using is something like this: SELECT WGI_TaxoName.ScientificName, WGI_Locality.Locality, IFNULL(C...