
how to hide table columns in jQuery?

I've a table with lots of columns. I want to give users the option to select columns to be shown in table. These options would be checkboxes along with the column names. So how can I hide/unhide table columns based on checkboxes? Would hiding (using .hide()) each td in each row work? May be I can assign checkbox value to the location of...

How to implement frozen rows in a QTableView

I'm looking for an example on how to freeze the last row in a QTableView? ...

What is the fastest way to compare 2 rows in SQL?

I have 2 different databases. Upon changing something in the big one (i don't have access to), i get some rows imported in my databases in a similar HUGE table. I have a job checking for records in this table, and if any, execute a stored procedure, process and delete from table. Performance. (Huge amount of data) I would like to know ...

how to resize row in QCalendarWidget [setRowHeight doesn't work]

Hi I am trying to set row height in QCalendarWidget. I want to have 3rd week of month size bigger than other. setRowHeight doesn't work: Source code QCalendarWidgetMy (QWidget *parent=0) : QCalendarWidget (parent) { view2 = qFindChild(this); } calendar->view2->resizeColumnsToContents(); //calendar->view2->setShowGrid(tr...

How to Edit or Add a New Row in jqGrid

My jqGrid that does a great job of pulling data from my database, but I'm having trouble understanding how the Add New Row functionality works. Right now, I'm able to edit inline data, but I'm not able to create a new row using the Modal Box. I'm missing that extra logic that says, "If this is a new row, post this to the server side UR...

In a Android GridView, how can I assign a background image to a row, instead of a singular cell?

Is that possible via straight XML, or do I have to subclass the GridView class? If the latter, where do I start? ...

jquery add row on click only if it's empty?

The code below works, insomuch that if I click in an input field, it'll add another row. I'm trying to figure out though, how to do that only if the input field is empty? $("#tableSearchData > tbody > tr > td > input").bind('focus', function(){ var row = $(this).closest("tr").get(0); if( row.className....

How to disabled specific row in ListView

Can anyone help me on how can I disabled specific rows in ListView using 2003 language? ...

In Silverlight Grid, Disable row color change on mouse hover on row?

Hi How to disable color change (to gray) when mouse hover on a row of grid? How to disable color change (to gray) when row is selected by mouse click or keyboard/Enter combination? I want to keep the originally assigned row color. Please advice.Thanks AJ ...

MySQL greatest value in row?

Hi! I'm using MySQL with PHP. This is like my table: (I'm using 3 values, but there are more) id | 1 | 2 | 3 ---+---+---+---- 1 | 3 |12 |-29 2 | 5 |8 |8 3 | 99|7 |NULL I need to get the greatest value's column name in a certain row. It should get: id | maxcol ---+------- 1 | 2 2 | 2 3 | 1 Are there any queries that wi...

SQL grouping query question; evaluating a group of rows based on the value of one field.

I've got table vendorparts that lists all my parts and their vendor(s). Parts with multiple vendors have multiple records in this table. I'm trying to write a query that only returns the partid, and vendor of parts that do not have a default vendor assigned. Partid Vendor Defaultflag 1 A 1 2 B ...

jquery append row onclick

*EDIT --- Trying an even more simplified version.... Still doesn't work... Returns $(this).closest is not a function error... * $("#fitable input[name^=f1]").focus(function() { var newRow = '<tr><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>'; $(this).closest("tbody").append(newRow); }); Original Post Pretty new to jQu...

jquery get the index of a row?

Even this isn't working.... $("table#mytable > tbody > tr").each(function(index) { if($(this).attr('id','firstrow')) { $("input[name^=f1]").focus(function() { var newRow = '<tr><td></td><td></td></tr>'; $("tbody").append(newRow); }); } else { $("input[name^=f2]").focus(fu...

Count times ID appears in a table and return in row.

SELECT,, Boats.section, Boats.raft,, river_section.section AS river FROM Boats INNER JOIN river_company ON Boats.raft = INNER JOIN river_section ON Boats.section = ORDER BY DESC, river, Returns everything I need. But how wo...

ASP.NET LINQ to Delete Rows

Dim db As New SQLDataContext Try Dim deleteBoatPics = (From boat In db.Photos Where boat.boatid = id) db.Photos.DeleteOnSubmit(deleteBoatPics) db.SubmitChanges() Catch ex As Exception End Try I'm getting an error that says: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.Linq.DataQuery`1[WhiteWaterPhoto...

How to display a huge amount of constantly changing data in a DataGridView that supports filtering?

Or: How do I filter rows in a 'virtual mode' DataGridView? What I try to do I am writing a log viewer to display live program output. Since the application will run for a long time once started, I'll have to keep and display a huge number of log/data rows (several hundred thousands). The old implementation was a TextBox which was clear...

how can we edit, update,add, delete the table rows dynamically in userinterface using prototypeJS with Ajax

Hi, If i press the any column of the table the entire row will show as editable row format (Ex. if i use ||||..etc. when i click on any column all column should be editable row.) save and cancel options. while we click on save or cancel option work as properly. How can i add, delete, update, edit the rows dynamically using PrototypeJS wi...

ListView GridView and Grid

Hi, If you have a ListView with its view set as a GridView, which itself contains columns for each month do I set a template up for the ItemTemplate of the ListView so that each Item will be three rows high, and be inline with the ListView.View's columns? For example different employee recruits over a year.... each month acr...

Listview with alternating resources in Android

Hi! I have a ListView and an adapter that sets alternating background colors to the list items overwriting getView Method in my adapter. I want to go further and I would to set to each row a Resource background. I try in getView call the method setBackgroundResource: private int[] messages = new int[] {R.layout.message,R.layout.messag...

delete last row in a table android

Hi everybody, My question is quite straightforward. I have a table, with, lets say x rows, with each an id, but i don't know how many rows i have. Now i want to delete the last row of my table for some reason... Is there an easy way to do that in android? I have been trying to use the last_insert_rowid in my where clause...but no luck ...