
Table decoration in Qooxdoo

Hi All, Is it possible to set the background color of one Row in a Table? I need to highlight a row when a condition applies. Something to the effect of < tr font="...">...< /tr> where I can specify the "font" attributes. (I need the whole row to be highlighted) Thanks in advance :) ...

.rows.length, doesn't work in firefox

Hi all, I have a problem with JavaScript code, it works in IE7/8, but doesn't work in Firefox for (var i = 1; i < document.getElementById(obj).rows.length; i++) { var numColumns = document.getElementById(obj).rows(i).cells.length; if (numColumns > 0) { if (document.getElementById(obj).rows(i).cells(numColumns - 1)....

Find Text Cells That Are Too Small to Display Contents

I have a worksheet with cells that may contain text that sometimes exceeds the width and height of the cell. If I don't notice it and adjust the row height, the text shows up as cutoff. Does anyone have a VBA snippet or tool that can locate these cells so I can adjust them? Thanks! ...

Add row to gridview on client side.

Hi, I have's .aspx page. that have GridView let say GridViewParent and Each row have the another GridView as GridViewChild. Now GridViewChild have button AddRow and another controls like DropDownControl,RadioButtons..etc... I want after click the button AddRow there must add row on client side. How can i do same. Please guide me ...

Set maximum displayed rows count for HTML table

Have JSP page with dynamically generated HTML table with unknown number of rows. Have property on backend, that sets maximum number of rows, e.g: max_rows=15. How to limit number of rows for HTML table to max_rows value? Other part of table should be accessible by vertical scroll,it means that user see 15 rows and if to scroll down, th...

How I can Get value of nth row from mysql ??

I tried below code $sql=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `user`"); $result=mysql_result($sql, 6); echo $result; It returns the value of first field of 7th row. But Its works fine till 9th row. And after that it returns again from 1 . So anyone please help .. how I can get value of n-th row from mysql. Thanking You. [email protected]...

Generate id for row in JSF datatable

I am trying to achieve the expand/contract functionality of table rows in JSF using core faces implementation. As answered in one of my earlier thread this is not straight forward to achieve in core faces implementation. So, I thought of using HTML + jQuery to achieve the functionality. I am calling the row with +/- gif as parent row and...

XAML: Can I refer to a Grid row or column by name?

If I name each row and column in a grid, can I set a control's grid.row="Row_Top"? I have defined StaticResources to refer to it but is there a converter or some other method to accomplish this without the resource? ...

Email row that has been edited in a gridview

Afternoon all. I have a gridview that offers a line per line 'feedback' column. Upon updating, a nice little message box says "Thanks for the feedback, we'll be in touch...etc, etc" How would I go about grabbing this edited row of the gridview and send this to an email address? Any help greatly appreciated for a c# .net novice! ...

Listview Row Overlap Problem

I just updated my app and I am getting some odd complaints from people who update it. I am only getting complaints from people with non-stock android phones (phones that manufacturers have modified...HTC phones, cliq, pulse, etc), other phones like the Droid, Nexus work fine. My app (Photo Frame Deluxe) has a list in it with a Image View...

delete row from uitableview crashes

Hi all I simply try to delete a row from a uitableview with the following code: - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView commitEditingStyle:(UITableViewCellEditingStyle)editingStyle forRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { if (editingStyle == UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete) { [self.tableView deleteRowsAtInde...

Select random row from an sqlite table.

I have an sqlite table with the following schema: CREATE TABLE foo (bar VARCHAR) I'm using this table as storage for a list of strings. How do I select a random row from this table? ...

how to insert multiple rows using cakephp

In the cakePHP project I'm building, I want to insert a defined number of identical records. These will serve as placeholders records that will have additional data added later. Each record will insert the IDs taken from two belongs_to relationships as well as two other string values. What I want to do is be able to enter a value for th...

Selecting row while UITableView is in editing mode

I have a UITableView where when I put it in editing mode, I want selective rows to be selectable, however, they are not. Is there a way I can force them to be selectable? ...

How can i sort java JTable with an empty Row and force the Empty row always be last?

I am using JTable with an empty row at the bottom of the table in order to give the ability of adding new line to the table. After insert or writing data in the empty row i am adding automtacly a new empty row below it. (It suppose to act like the Microsoft visual tables) I am using the java default row sorter, The problem is that i n...

Applying foreach in gridview rows doesn't seem to work...

I have a gridview and i am converting gridview rows to a datatable... But i cant able to get the value of a hiddenfield in cell[0] inside the gridview.... DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("EmpId", typeof(Int64))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("FromDate", typeof(DateTime))); dt.Columns.Add(ne...

Finding x,y position of a datagrid / adavancedDataGrid row in Flex

I have flex advancedDataGrid (could use dataGrid if that works better, though i like my meta-column headers), and i want to have a component popup on top of a selected row. The problem is, i can figure out how to reference an actual rendered row of a datagrid (rather than an item of the dataprovider) in order to get its position on the ...

sql add or delete repeat row

I have an output like this: id name date school school1 1 john 11/11/2001 nyu ucla 1 john 11/11/2001 ucla nyu 2 paul 11/11/2011 uft mit 2 paul 11/11/2011 mit uft i will like to achieve this: id name date school school1 1 john 11/11/2001 nyu ucla 2 paul 11/11/2011 mit uft ...

How to dynamically change background colour of datagrid row?

Hi, It seems like there are various hacks out there to change the background colour of the row of a datagrid but all of them seem to happen at render time. See: I have a datagrid where I need to change row colours to red then back to norm...

How can see always selected tableView row? (iPhone)

Hello, I have i problem with tableView selected row. When i select the row it selected, but when i back in the previous navigation controller the row deselected. Can i do that iPhone remember what row was selected and when i push controller it remember selected row and can it be blue? ...