
selected single row no function

hey all.. i have a data table..but it can't select one row after click the row.. can you tell me where the mistake?? oTable = $("#datalist").dataTable({ "bRetrieve" : true, "bServerSide": true, "bProcessing": true, ...

WPF DataGrid Row add in codebehind

Hi I am from VB.Net WinForms comming. Now I wanted to write a small app in WPF, listing some files in a datagridview. I used WPF's DataGrid, created some Columns. And then failed to add my rows. Please, can you help me to select the right way to get my filenames, state-text and thumbnails added to the DataGrid Row? In VB.Net WinForms...

How to get the number of rows that would have been returned?

In the following query: SELECT column1,column2 FROM table1 ORDER BY column1 LIMIT 0,30 How can I find out the number of rows that would have been returned were it not for the LIMIT? Edit: I am looking for a way to work this into the query above and not do a separate query. (If possible.) ...

styling the a specific row of flex dataGrid

Hello, I have a dataGrid component in flex. My grid has few rows. I simply want to make the last row bold. I just can't figure how to do it. I thought about an idea : create a factory that gets parameters so that i can pass the itemRenderer the total count of rows. But, i don't know how to check the current row in the itemRenderer itsel...

JQuery add delete row table from another

I have two tables with FIRST and SECOND id. <TABLE ID="FIRST"> <TR> <TD></TD> <TD></TD> <TD></TD </TR> </TABLE> <TABLE ID="SECOND"> <TR> <TD>1</TD> <TD>First Value</TD> <TD><A HREF="#">Add</A></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>2</TD> <TD>Second Value</TD> <TD><A HREF="#">Add</A></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>...</TD> <TD>...</TD> <TD><A HREF="#">Add</A></TD>...

Python Reportlab RML. How to split table row on 2 pages.

I'm wondering if there is some functionality to split table row on 2 and more pages. Cause some information in row can be too long for one page. And if one row longer then page size then it's cause an exception. ...

in slickgrid how I can delete a row from a javascript function

how I can delete a row from a javascript function from a button for example ...

CUDA Add Rows of a Matrix

Hi, I'm trying to add the rows of a 4800x9600 matrix together, resulting in a matrix 1x9600. What I've done is split the 4800x9600 into 9,600 matrices of length 4800 each. I then perform a reduction on the 4800 elements. The trouble is, this is really slow... Anyone got any suggestions? Basically, I'm trying to implement MATLAB's su...

Summarizing rows in Silverlight DataGrid with CollectionViewGroup

Hi All, I have a PagedCollectionView and bound that with the result from a WebService. I have grouped the PagedCollectionView with a GroupProperty and the bound it to a DataGrid. Now I need to show Summarized total for each Group as a last item. Can anyone help me on how to do it using CollectionViewGroup. Thank you. ...

MySQL: Return 0 if row doen't exist

I've been bashing my head on this for a while, so now I'm here :) I'm a SQL beginner, so maybe this will be easy for you guys... I have this query: SELECT COUNT(*) AS counter, recur,subscribe_date FROM paypal_subscriptions WHERE recur='monthly' and subscribe_date > "2010-07-16" and subscribe_date < "2010-07-23" GROUP BY subscr...

Delete top row in Android SQlITE database

Ok, so currently I have this code in my program: public void delete(String id, String name, String phonenumber, String time, String message) { String[] args={id}; getWritableDatabase().delete("texts", "_ID=?", args); } It works fine, and deletes the specified row. However, I also want to implement it so that I can delete the...

iphone UITableView remove and sort row

Hi all, I have a uitableview that show my array of things, I wish add the possibility to remove some row sliding from right to left (like the mails) and the reordering moving the rows up or down.. what's the best way to do this? thanks ...

Append text to existing row in datatable

I'm trying to make a calendar in and I have come across this problem. I want to append some text into an existing datatable row. When I watch my debugger it says:"In order to evaluate an indexed property, the property must be qualified and the arguments must be explicitly supplied by the user.". Dim aantalRijen As Integer = 1 ...

Grab Next Row in SQL

I am trying to grab a field from the next row of this database. I can use the logged on time to determine the logout time but I would like to also grab the next login time so I can determine the logout [logged off] time as well. Any suggestions? Thank you |-LogonDate---|-PersonID-|-LoggedOnTime---| |5/30 12:00pm |100 |3600 ...

How to show the contents of a row as a list, in Android?

I'm creating an Android app, where the user starts out seeing a list of questions. When the user clicks a question, I would like to show him a new clickable list, containing that question and its answer alternatives. My questions reside in rows in the database. The questions live in the first column, while the answer alternatives live i...

JTable change the row height dynamically

i am having trouble changing the height of the my rows dynamically, is there a method i need to overload? --Edit-- Sorry for the short post it was my first ....My problems was really to do with changing the row height depending on the content. So what i have done so far is made a inner class that implements TabelCellRenderer. This is...

iphone UIPickerView select row

Hi all, I have my view that contains the UIPickerView... I tried to make this code: [self.picker selectRow:rowSelected inComponent:0 animated:true]; to select the row with index rowSelected, but this doesn't work... I need to put this in viewdidload?? ...

How come the last 3 rows of cells in my table are not perfectly lined up with the 1st row in my HTML table?

Here is a link my example of the mis aligned table rows Click preview in the upper top left corner of the JS Bin menu bar to see this example in the works. You can see the top 2 borders of the table cells with Email and an input field in them are a bit lower than the top 2 borders of the 2 table cells to the left of them (Username and a...

[IPhone] How to know when moving row is done

Dear all, My app allow user reorder rows in a view, but I want to reloadData after moving is done to change some thing (add some text to the first row). I tried to reloadData in moveRowAtIndexPath method, but it makes the app hang because this method is called many time (according number of rows need to be moved) and the table view is...

[MySQL][Highload] Random row from big query result

Hi all, I need to get 1-2 rows from query result retrived with SQL select on indexed columns without getting the whole record set. For example I will retrieve 10 000 records using query SELECT * FROM table WHERE field 1>1 AND field1 < 10 but I need only 1 random row from this query regarding to highload of my database. I can use ...