
How to convert an array into MySQL Table?

What I want to do is: $array_data = array( "a" => array(1, 2, 3), "b" => array( 1, 2, 3 ) ); $table_converted = CONVERT_TO_MYSQL_TABLE( $array_data ); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $table_converted )) { echo $row['a'] . " union " . $row['b']; } Thanks! ...

how to create a custom remove row button in jqGrid?

I have a button says remove selected button. On selecting a particular row or multiple rows I want delete it from the jqGrid..How can I achieve this ? can I use delGridRow method. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks! ...

Move a row from one gridview to another.

I'm not sure how to go about this. Currently, in the first gridview, is a list of groups a member has access to. The second gridview is bound to a table that contains a list of every type of group and has an Add button which adds it to the first gridview and updates a table adding that group to a member. This is what I am trying to do:...

Add a new row to an existing dynamic datatable

I have a dynamic datatable, created from a database. I want to add a new row (blank), so there is an option to choose nothing in a combobx. Everything works ok, without adding the new row. But when I add a new row, the combobox displays nothing. What am I missing? Here is the code Dim DT As New DataTable DT = DS.Tables("CallStatus...

Dynamic row generation.

Dynamic row generation in GridView. I have one button called 'Add New Row' and database Fields: First name, Last Name, Location, Status status --- Working, Suspended, Resigned If i click the 'Add NewRow' button then i should get new row in gridview and All fields(First Name, Last Name, Location) should be text fields. Status field s...

Jquery/javsacript onclick display next row

I have a table that has a row that is hidden using display:none. I want to show the row when a button is clicked. How can I do this?? <table> <tr> <td> <button class="shownextrow">Show Next Row</button> </td> </tr> <tr style="display:none"> <input type="text" name="input"/> </tr> </table> ...

Picker does not recognize the last row

Hello! This seems like pretty standard code straight from the doc, so I'm not sure what I am doing wrong... My 3-component picker doesn't look right when it loads, with the selection indicator being placed too low across the picker (so the grey bar is correctly placed, but the clear raised-looking overlay is too low). Then, when I sel...

javascript, how can I access a specific child of a row?

using javascript, how can I access a specific child of a row? javascript (not jquery please) eg: second of where ID=id33322010100167 <table> <tr id="id33322010100167"> <td>20101001</td> <td>918</td> <td>919</td> <td>67</td> <td>CAR PROBLEM</td> </tr> <tr id="id33322010100169"> <td>20102001</td> <td>913</td> <td>914</td> <td>62</td> <t...

[ExtGwt-Gxt] RowExpander With Dynamic Content

Hi All, I want to create a grid with a RowExpander. The problem I am facing is that each row has different information to be displayed in the expanded area. For example, each row represents a subject and the expanded area displays the grades related to this subject (exam1, exam2, etc.) as follows: +math exam1 Excellent exam2 ...

WPF, DataGridRowHeader, binding to collection

Hello! I have a simple DataGrid. I want to make that every DataGridRowHeader has it own Content. I specified RowHeaderStyle like this: <DataGrid.RowHeaderStyle> <Style TargetType="DataGridRowHeader"> <Setter Property="Content" Value="{Binding Source={StaticResource RowHData}, Path=Parameters}"/> </Style> </DataGrid.RowHeader...

Picker row defaulting to next-to-the-last

I have a standard picker (copied out of the docs) with 6 rows. The row count is correctly logged as 6. When I try to select the last row: [delpicker selectRow:5 inComponent:0 animated:NO]; it selects the 4th row instead. But when I try to: [delpicker selectRow:4 inComponent:0 animated:NO]; it selects the correct, 4th, row...

How to refresh a specific row in WPF DataGrid?

I know there is Row.Items.Refresh() which I assume will refresh the whole DataGrid. Is there a method to refresh a specific row only? ...

mySQL query to find duplicate row..

Exmaple: [empid date bookid] ---------- 1 5/6/2004 8 2 5/6/2004 8 1 5/7/2004 8 1 5/8/2004 6 3 5/8/2004 8 2 5/8/2004 7 In this table,I need to get empid 1 as output..since it has bookid 8 more than once.. thanks in advance.. ...

SQL - Is this possible?

I have a table that looks like this: -------------------------------------------- | Date | House# | Subscription | -------------------------------------------- | 3/02/10 | x | Monthly | -------------------------------------------- | 3/03/10 | y | Weekly | -------------------------------...

How do I use rows-as-fields in a SQL database

I've got a SQL related question regarding a general database structure that seems to be somewhat common. I came up with it one day while trying to solve a problem and (later on) I've seen other people do the same thing (or something remarkably similar) so I think the structure itself makes sense. I just have trouble trying to form cert...

Cross-DB LOB's in row or separate table?

Best Practices Are Not That said, about to undertake a schema with some LOBs and many folks have requested a separate table for LOB data. Most LOB data when working with Oracle exceeds 4k bytes and can be declared to be stored out-of-row. For a cross-DB availability, a good idea to simply put the LOB data out of row logically? ...

Qtreeview, resizing a line when it's been selected

Hey all, I'm using Qt 4.7.0, a Qtreeview with multiple columns. What I want to do is "simple" : I want a line to increase its height, when it's selected. Will delegates be enough to do this ? I've been through some stuff with a QTableView : m_pMyTableView->verticalHeader()->setResizeMode(QHeaderView::Interactive); ... QSize Abstrac...

using R - delete rows when a value repeated less than 3 times

Hi I have a data.frame with 10 rows and 3 columns a b c 1 1 201 1 2 2 202 1 3 3 203 1 4 4 204 1 5 5 205 4 6 6 206 5 7 7 207 4 8 8 208 4 9 9 209 8 10 10 210 5 I want to delete all rows where the same value in the column "c" repeated less than 3 times. In this example I want to remove rows 6, 9 and 10. (my real d...

What's the best way in javascript to delete row from html table? Table's td contains colspan and rowspan more 1 and it is a problem.

What's the best way in javascript to delete row from html table? Elements contain colspan and rowspan more 1. Function deleteRow() in DOM doesn't take into account colspans and rowspans. ...

is it possible retrieve 2 values from this code ?

a href="deleteresnext.php?rid=< ?php echo $row->rid ?>" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to cancel reservation?');" >Delete can i retrieve 2 values using this code ? because i need it to another php file, i would like to retrieve rid and roomid by the code above ? need help urgent and thanks -renz ...