
NSMutableURLRequest and a Password with special Characters won't work

I'm writing a small program (using Cocoa Touch), which communicates with a webservice. The code for calling the webservice, is the following: - (IBAction)send:(id)sender { if ([number.text length] > 0) { [[UIApplication sharedApplication] beginIgnoringInteractionEvents]; [activityIndicator startAnimating]; NSStr...

HTML + RPC server

I plan to write a server which will be accessed through both an AJAX Web interface and a client program I will write. The two interfaces will provide similar functions. For example, users can sign up using either Web or client interface (think Skype). The client shall use RPC over HTTP to communicate with the server. Is there any server...

Protocol Buffers Java RPC Stack

According to this Wikipedia entry: "Protocol Buffers is very similar to Facebook’s Thrift protocol, except it does not include a concrete RPC stack to use for defined services. Since Protocol Buffers was open sourced, a number of RPC stacks have emerged to fill this gap." However, there are no examples of RPC stacks cited. Can anyone ...

NFS CREATE File (overwrite) = zero size?

Im implementing NFS and almoste done but the RFC section 3.3.8 says this in its description: mode One of UNCHECKED, GUARDED, and EXCLUSIVE. UNCHECKED means that the file should be created without checking for the existence of a duplicate file in the same directory. In this case, how.obj_att...

how to centralize "loading" screen for GWT RPC?

How can I centralize management of a "loading" icon for GWT async RPC calls? I'm looking for a way to have every async call automatically kick off a timer. When the timer fires, if the RPC has not yet completed, a "loading" icon should be displayed. When the RPC completes (either onSuccess() or onFailure()) the loading icon should be ...

Calling a RPC function in a running Windows service (process) using Python

I have Windows service (acts as a server) that I want to test using Python scripts. This service is written in C++ and exposes several RPC functions that other services consume. I want to mock those other services using my Python program and call those RPC functions from the script. This is the first stage. The second stage happens when ...

Interface Builder and Xcode integration not working

After having installed the iPhone SDK 3.1.2, Interface Builder is not in sync with Xcode anymore. The light indicator at the bottom of the XIB window is grey. IB doesn't see any files from the Xcode project. Xcode is always open when I start IB. I tried rebooting. No luck. I tried removing the preferences files for Xcode/IB. No luc...

C++ RPC tutorial?

Hello everyone, I want to learn programming C++ (native) on Windows platform for RPC communication. I want to learn both server and client side. I also want to learn some advanced topics, like performance and security. Any good recommended materials to read? (BTW: I Googled a few, but all of them either too brief or COM related, I wan...

List of relevant RPC Protocols

I need to evaluate and dig more into the use of Remote Procedure Call Protocols (over the network) and haven't found a comprehensive list of which I could include. There are some I already know from experience like RMI "RESTful style RPCs" XML-RPC SOAP JSON-RPC (CORBA ?) GWT-RPC and other Vendor specific ones, commonly used But I'm...

Not able to access Inbox of Exchange mailbox wiht MAPI.Session Object from VB6 application

I have a vb 6 application whic fetch the emails from Exchange mailbox and copy them in to text file. This was working fine for me. I have a requirement to change the communication protocol to "RPC over https". After implemnting this I am able to login to the mail box throug MS outlook with RPc over https protpcol. My application is not a...

Jira RPC/SOAP GetCustomFields() can only be used by an administrator?

Hi all, I'm currently using the Jira SOAP interface within a C# (I suppose the language used here isn't terribly important). Basically, I'm creating an API and a Winform that wraps some of the functionality of the soap service so that our Devs can programmaticly add bugs when something goes wrong in our application. As part of this, I...

Recommended to use Lingo with Spring?

I'm going through some examples for how to configure asynchronous JMS messaging with Spring, and the book I'm going through, Spring In Action, 2nd Edition (I know there's a 3rd edition out there), mentions using Lingo (http://lingo.codehaus.org/ for messaged-based RPC asynchronous messaging. The latest version of Lingo is a couple yea...

Best approach for creating new RPC/web services in the Java world?

I think this question may end up being a bit subjective so I'm marking it as CW. My team is interested in developing a new set of "web services" for our projects to use. I put "web services" in air-quotes since the term can mean so many different things. The only thing we really need it to mean is that we can expose some set of APIs to ...

MSDN RPC marshal document wrong?

Hello everyone, I am using VSTS 2008 + Native C++ to develop RPC programs (both client and server). I am reading MSDN document for marshalling (The wire_marshal Attribute). I think this sentence is wrong: "For an [out]-only parameter, the server transmits to the client. The server needs the <type>_UserSize and <type>_UserMarsh...

ClassFormatError: 56 while using hessian in j2me

I am trying to use the hessian j2me implementation @ http://hessian.caucho.com/ using java me sdk 3.0. http://hessian.caucho.com/doc/hessian-overview.xtp#Hessian%20Client%20for%20a%20cell-phone mentions the usage for j2me. The application builds without any errors/warning. But, the moment the line where MicroHessianOutput is instantia...

multi-dimensional array transmit issue

Hello everyone, I am using VSTS 2008 + Native C++ to develop RPC programs (both client and server). I am reading MSDN document for marshalling multi-dimensional array http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa374185%28VS.85%29.aspx I am confused about the following statement, and I am confused about what means offline and online, and ...

IPC between Python and C#

I want to pass data between a Python and a C# application in Windows (I want the channel to be bi-directional) In fact I wanna pass a struct containing data about a network packet that I've captured with C# (SharpPcap) to the Python app and then send back a modified packet to the C# program. What do you propose ? (I rather it be a fast m...

Python JSON RPC server with ability to stream

I have come across several guides and packages on implementing a python JSON RPC server, e.g.: http://json-rpc.org/wiki/python-json-rpc http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/552751 http://pythonpaste.org/webob/jsonrpc-example.html They all do a good job in the sense that the server/application implementation is very...

WTSQueryUserToken Fails, getlasterror() returns 1723

I have a windows service that is running under the credentials of the system account. The service periodically polls windows for the active console session id, i.e. the interactive logged in windows user, and then retrieves the user token associated with the active console session id by pinvoking the wtsapi32.dll function WTSQueryUserTok...

Flash RemoteObject Weborb connection without services-config.xml (no Flex)

Context : I'm working on a Flash application developed with FDT and compiled with Flash CS4 (I need a huge library). It should connect to various Weborb services. Weborb is properly configured. My services are properly executed, and values returned, via the management console. Weborb examples as well as various tests compiled with Flex ...