
Sun RPC: transferring binary files

Hello everyone, I want to transfer binary files to remote server. I am using SUN/ONC RPC (rpcgen on Linux) for my code. I am using C. I have written code for server and client and it works for text files, but when I try to transfer binary files it says the file is corrupted after transfer. I am storing data chunks in character array o...

problem with GWT 2.0 Chrome developer plugin

Hi, I have recently updated the GWT SDK from 1.5.3 to 2.0.0 on a project. I managed to fix all issues but one. I can't use the development mode with chrome. The login page of my application loads perfectly but when I try to log in (i.e. make an RPC) I get the following error: com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptException: (Error): Er...

How can I call a GWT RPC method on a server from a non GWT (but Java) gapplication?

I have a regular Java application and want to access an GWT RPC endpoint. Any idea how to make this happen? My GWT application is on a GAE/J and I could use REST for example but I already have the GWT RPC endpoints and don't want to build another façade. Yes, I have seen http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1330318/invoke-a-gwt-rpc-servic...

Exception while enumerating Outlook Items in C#

I'm trying to write an app that will monitor a few mailboxes and when mail is found grab some info from each item and then once I have a list of the items I can take the appropriate actions. But no matter how I approach it I'm hitting the Exchange enforced 255 RPC connections limit. I'm absolutely stuck as to what is causing the error ...

Xstream/HTTP service

We run multiple websites which use the same rich functional backend running as a library. The backend is comprised of multiple components with a lot of objects shared between them. Now, we need to separate a stateless rule execution component into a different container for security reasons. It would be great if I could have access to a...

RPC/Encoded Jboss solution

I recently posted a question regarding RPC/Encoded Jboss problem since I was having problems with jboss-4.2.1.GA to generate RPC/Encoded WS requests. The solution I found was to have jaxrpc.jar, saaj.jar and wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar files in the EAR file that I deploy to Jboss. I did not have to run Axis as a client from inside JBoss as kindly ...

Is there a difference between RPC and IPC?

Or are they synonyms? ...

How do I make an async call to Hive in Java?

I would like to execute a Hive query on the server in an asynchronous manner. The Hive query will likely take a long time to complete, so I would prefer not to block on the call. I am currently using Thirft to make a blocking call (blocks on client.execute()), but I have not seen an example of how to make a non-blocking call. Here is the...

How to invoke NdrClientCall2() function directly?

Does anybody know how the NdrClientCall2() function in rpcrt4.dll can be called in code or how it can be used? We've gone through the MSDN help - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa374215(VS.85).aspx, but didn't get any examples/samples how to use this function. Please provide help. Thank you. ...

How should I do RPC in Perl with Catalyst?

I've been trying to find a good form of RPC to standardize on, but so far I've ran into a ton of walls and was wondering what the stackoverflow communities view was. My ideal RPC would provide the following: Somewhat wide support in other languages, in that people shouldn't have to write a custom stack to use our server Input validat...

GWT Simple RPC use case problem : Code included

Hello, I am trying to work out how to send a domain object from the server-side to the client-side using GWT RPC. I've coded a really simple use case that represents the sort of thing I (and others?) need to be able to do but presently can't get to work. I have scoured the docs, tutorials and forums but they either show Strings being p...

how to Use GWT RPC in env with separated server: static content server and dynamic content server

Try to use GWT RPC in our application. Our application serve static content and dynamic content with different base url. for example, url to foo.jsp may have http//localhost/context/foo.jsp served by websphere, for img/js inside that jsp, we will have url like http//localhost/uistatic/foo.js, served by iis, and GWT generated code wi...

Flash UI blocked during flex rpc.soap.Operation::send

I've got a Flash UI that does a periodic server call to get some updated information. The call uses the flex sdk's rpc.soap.Operation class. It looks something like this: var wsOperation:Operation = Operation(webService.getOperation(SomeOperation)); wsOperation.addEventListener("fault", wsError); wsOperation.addEventListe...

RPC lib for Python

What RPC framework/lib for python could you recommend me? The architecture is client-server, server should stand high load, and connection tunneled over ssl. I've googled such things as pyro, twisted.spread, rpyc. ...

How set a parameter type as inout when using rpc with gwt ?

Hi I've a sample gwt2 rpc service & i need to set some of it's parameters as out or inout (like out or ref parameter types in microsoft wcf), but i could not find anything about it in gwt documents or related forums :( Can anybody help me please ?! ...

What determines how long does an out of process COM server takes to notice that a client has died?

In a simple windows setup we have a COM singleton that runs as an out of process server. Clients connect by calling cocreate and each receives an interface to the same instance of the server. If clients shutdown normally they release their references. The server has a bit of logic that keeps it alive for a short time after the last re...

Parameter marshaling protocol homework for RPC call?

I have a homework to build on paper a parameter marshaling protocol to be suited to call a method with one variable, or with an array (like a polymorphism). procedure(var1) procedure(array1) How would you define the protocol? How about the method in C++ ...

In which systems are remote procedure calls used in practice?

I was just wondering, for what system would we use remote procedure calls if we were building a system i have an assignment to write about rmc's which i have done but i wanted to give an example along side it, like a real world systrem that isnt already built, like a generic example of when it would be used? i hope this is a valid prog...

fast java/python/C++ ipc

I notice this thread: Fastish Python/Jython IPC, and I have a similar problem, but in different language. I have a Java front-end and a C++ back-end, which I am thinking about rewrite it in Python in some near future. What will be the best IPC? I prefer socket to HTTP, as I am trying to avoid the HTTP overhead. And XML-RPC is an example...

Java RMI + SSL + Compression = IMPOSSIBLE!

I've setup RMI + SSL. This works great. But it doesn't seem possible to slip compression in between RMI and SSL. So that the RMI requests are compressed before they're sent over SSL. I've seen some posts online suggest using SSLSocketFactory.createSocket() which takes a Socket to wrap SSL over a compressing socket. But that seems like i...