
Installing programs in different Linux machines with very limited acccess

Hi, I have to log into Linux servers from different customers and use there essential tools like SVN, etc. Most of the times I get no root access, and usually the administrator is on holidays :) so I have to get the way to use this tools there. Sometimes this is very straightforward process, just compile the code. But in some of the cas...

Forcing conflicting virtual packages

Hey! I've got a generic package that requires a config file and multiple packages that can provide said config file. So, to define "myserver", I've got: myserver.spec Requires: myserver-config (the config package) myserver-first-config.spec Name: myserver-first-config Requires: myserver Provides: myserver-config (another con...

How to match string/dir in a path using bash scripting

I'm trying to create a Makefile that uses information from the path to create a relevant rpm name. Suppose I have two different possible paths: PATH1 = /usr/local/home/jsmith/code/main PATH2 = /usr/local/home/jsmith/code/dev/ver2 If "main" is detected in the path, I want to detect and append "main" to the rpm name. If "dev" is detec...

How can I get a list of licenses from intalled RPMs?

We've been asked to list all the software and licenses used in our organization. Without deciding the value of this request, I'd like to get my Fedora laptop to answer the question easily. rpm -qa Gives me a list of packages, but no license data. My next step is to take that output and write a script to query each package's license. ...

gem2rpm includes all dependencies instead of including only runtime dependencies

Version 0.6.0 of gem2rpm includes all (development and runtime) dependencies for a given Gem. Example: Rack Gem (http://rubygems.org/gems/rack) Version 1.1.0 has no runtime dependencies, but six development dependencies. Console output of gem2rpm --dependencies rack-1.0.1.gem is: rubygem(test-spec) >= 0 rubygem(camping) >= 0 rubygem(...

Rpmbuild - setting name of created .rpm

Hi I've been trying to find out what's the easiest way to set a fixed filename during rpm creation. Can it be set somewhere in .spec file or as rpmbuild parameter? The default name depends on version and release number. Name of my rpm has to be always the same. thanks sync ...

Etiquette for adding repository during rpm/deb install

We're distributing a commercial application for Linux and we currently make it available for download as a .tar.gz, a .rpm, and a .deb. We're setting up both RPM and DEB repositories to make upgrading easier. Is it appropriate to add our repository to /etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/yum.repos.d automatically as part of the initial instal...

How to use an RPM option in a yum upgrade?

I need to upgrade an RPM installed via YUM, which has an fatal bug in its postun section. This will get run (and delete the program's user, which is what I want to not happen) when I run "yum upgrade". I know that if I were using rpm directly, I could just use the "-nopostun" option to skip this section, but I don't see a way of access...

Problem with glaux.h locating

Hello, I try to compile code, that beggins with: #include<stdlib.h> #include<GL/gl.h> #include<glaux.h> with command: cc -o test test.c -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -lMesaaux -lMesatk -lMesaGL -lXext -lX11 -lm But one of errors I got is: test.c:3:18: error: glaux.h: No such file or directory Then I try: yum provides ...

Installing sSMTP from SSH

I'm on a Web Hosting Buzz reseller account. They have some very stringent mail sending rules, including blocking of authenticated SMTP socket mail sending using PEAR. It was suggested in WHB forum that this was possible with sSMTP. I've since gotten SSH access and googled how to install sSMTP from SSH: rpm -Uvh http://download.fedora.re...

How to set the rpmbuild destination folder

I noticed rpmbuild (-bb and --buildroot options) creates the .rpm in different locations depending of what OS are you using: GNU/Linux Ubuntu <= 9.04: /usr/src/rpm/... GNU/Linux Ubuntu >= 9.10: /home/rpmbuild/... GNU/Linux Fedora: /usr/src/redhat/... So how can I set manually the destination folder for all OS? ...

Linux rpm installs but cannot erase. Why?

My Perl code installed several (4) rpm files as root. the next install removes them (rpm -e) before installing a newer version. One does not remove, with rpm -e giving the error that it is not installed. However, later when the updated file is installed, the message is given that it is already installed. Manual attempts to remove give...

Understanding how rpmbuild works

It seems that the RPM logic is quite different from what I know already and I am having some issues understanding the "RPM logic". For my work, I have to create a documentation on "How-to create a RPM package on Red Hat 5". I'm used to Debian and it's derivatives (Ubuntu, and so on) and thus to Debian packages (aka. .deb files). From ...

Packaging multiple rpms in one file

Hi, Is it possible to paqckage multiple rpms into one file. I have got two bundles one of which requires that the other be installed. I would like to create a single installable out of them in such a way that this installer will first invoke pkg 1 and then install pkg 2. Is this possible? What about deb packages? Sorry if it a basic ques...

Building both devel and normal version of a RPM package

Hi, I have a library from which I'd like to create two RPM packages. While I found several links on how to create a basic RPM package, I can't find how to create a devel package (see this question if you wonder what a devel package is). What do I have to do to generate both devel and non-devel versions of my RPM package ? Thanks. ...

Can rpmbuild ingore files in buildroot?

I have a target directory that is checked into svn. I use the target as the --buildroot when I run rpmbuild. This causes rpmbuild to loose it mind because of the .svn directories in each directory. Is there a way to tell rpmbuild to relax? I looked at svn export target target-build, but it only knows about files tracked by rpm. Perh...

How to set the build area for rpmbuild per-invocation

I'm modifying an automated build, and want to tell rpmbuild to use a specific build area when invoking it. This is similar to an existing question, but more specific. I don't want to run any of the build commands as the root user; the aim is only to have an RPM, not to install anything into the system. I don't want to require the user...

Displaying information on non-installed RPM package?

Hello I googled for this, but couldn't find how to query a non-installed RPM file for its information: # rpm -qa blackfin-jtag-tools-09r1.1-2.i386.rpm # # rpm -qi blackfin-jtag-tools-09r1.1-2.i386.rpm package blackfin-jtag-tools-09r1.1-2.i386.rpm is not installed # # rpm -q blackfin-jtag-tools-09r1.1-2.i386.rpm package blackfin-jtag-...

Problem in creating .desktop file, CentOS

Hi I have created XYZ.desktop file. And the code for that desktop file is given below XYZ.desktop Version=1.0 Encoding=UTF-8 Name=XYZ GenericName=Generic Piece Of Software Exec=startXYZ Icon=/usr/local/XYZ/XYZ.png #Categories=Network;InstantMessaging; StartupNotify=true Type=Application Terminal=false Name[en_US]=XYZ startXYZ #!/bin...

How to take user input during install

So when I create a debian package, I am able to write a post-installation shell script that runs just fine. Currently mine is configured to do echo "Please enter your MySQL Database user (default root)" read MYSQL_USER echo "Please enter the MySQL Database user password (default root)" read -s MYSQL_PASS DBEXIST=0 CMD="cre...