

Here is the setup I tried using CMake 2.8.2 to reproduce the problem: /test.sh: /CMakeLists.txt: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME test) SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION 1.0) LIST(APPEND CPACK_GENERATOR RPM) SET(CPACK_RPM_POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT_FILE "test.sh") INCLUDE(CPack) then: mkdir build && cd build && cmake...

Can I use rpm to expand the macros in a specfile?

The concrete example being I have lots of specfiles with Source0: or other Source lines containing macros. How can I have these macros expanded without actually starting a build on the specfile or writing my own parser? ...

Java-implemented equivalent of rpmbuild tool?

Is there an implementation of the rpmbuild that is written in Java? Alas, the build server is running on Windows and yet the build process for a particular Java-based application needs to generate an rpm via which to be able to install it on RedHat Linux servers. The build server (Hudson) needs to stay on Windows OS as it also runs ...

Required JDK 1.6 rpm for x64 Redhat

Hi, I downloaded the jdk-6u21-linux-x64-rpm.bin from Sun and installed the Java. During execution the rpm which got extracted is jdk-6u21-linux-amd64.rpm. I am trying to build an application which requires libjvm.so. And in the above JDK it is found in /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_21/jre/lib/amd64/server/libjvm.so As a result , I am getting a c...

building rpm for Fedora:13 on openSUSE Build Server

Hi, I've been trying to build the latest package of "rpm" for Fedora 13 in the openSUSE Build Service, ( totally unmodified, taken directly from F-14 ) but for some reason, after building, when it gets to all my other packages, the OBS stops because installing the packages gives me a "cpio" error. Did I do something wrong, or is there s...

RPM Requires i386 version of a package

Not really certain if this belongs here... but... I am successfully building an RPM for Centos, the problem is that it is a 32bit binary (don't ask..) - the requires part of the rpm spec only installs the 64bit/x86_64 version of a required library. I am linking against libicu, and I want the rpm to automatically install the 32bit versi...

Is there a way to get an installed RPM's signature Key ID programatically?

As displayed by rpm -qi package? I don't really want to parse the output of rpm -qi. I'd much rather use rpm -q --qf, of which I can control the format and is not subjected to a future version's aesthetic whims. But the only useful tag I can find in the man page is SIGPGP, which gets me the entire signature, not only the short key id. ...

Is it permissable to repackage a third-party application as an RPM?

A Linux application we have developed relies upon the presence of licensed, third-party applications to which we defer some internal processing. Our customer has requested that we package our software as RPMs for deployment in their environment --- the question is how best to handle the third-party dependencies which do not provide RPMs....

creating a RPM to simply unpack a tar ball

I am writing a .spec file for a rpm that is simply going to unpack a tar ball into some directory on the filesystem So where do I put the original tar ball? All the examples I have seen download the original tar ball from the internet. But that is not so in my case. Should I put the tar ball in the %files section so that it becomes par...

Tracking deployed application's files

Hi, What do you guys use to deploy and application and track their files in production? I mean tracking if the file was not changed directly in the server? thanks ...

will yum break if I use rpms from the ius community project?

I followed this tutorial: http://blog.boxedice.com/2010/01/19/updating-python-on-rhelcentos/ because I wanted to install python2.6 on a CentOS 5.5 machine without breaking yum. And i was successfully able install python2.6. My question is that after completing the above commands the next time I try installing packages will it automatica...

twisted on centos missing mail.smtp?

I'm trying to get buildbot running on centos5, and getting the following error: File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/buildbot/status/mail.py", line 14, in ? from twisted.mail.smtp import sendmail, ESMTPSenderFactory ImportError: No module named mail.smtp I have the following twisted packages installed (and don't see anything e...

source code compilation directly in ide

Hi, I am new to Linux, before this i have worked on ms os and have done lot of programming there. Now I m here on fedora 13,and want to compile source codes such as (.src.rpm or .tar.gz) in some IDE whether it be Eclipse ,Kdevelop or else . but the problem is, I want to load the source code into IDE and edit & build directly from there...

rpm installation fails due to depencency /bin/sh not found

Hi,i am trying to install a package using rpm, for which i have created a different database using rpmdb --initdb --dbpath $HOME/myrpmdb and specifying that path in the --dbpath while insatlling. The error i am getting is root@jason:su rpm --dbpath $HOME/myrpmdb -ivh XXX.rpm error: Failed dependencies: /bin/sh is needed by XXX and /...

Is linux packet update server connection secured ?

hi, I'm distributing custom applications for redhat. I want to set up my update server to have the client applications auto-updated. I need the update process to be secured. Can the connection to the update server secured and certified ? Is there an encrypted update method ? With server certificate check ? Thanks. ...

Failing an RPM install programatically in a spec step

I'm making an RPM. This particular RPM has requirements that can't be expressed as RPM prerequisites, lets call them a particular filesystem/disk configuration. Currently the failure happens after install, at runtime, when the requirements aren't met. I can check for the required prerequisites in the %install, section of my script. How...

Maven RPM Plugin does not generate the scriptlets specified

Hi all, I am trying to create an rpm package with the help of the rpm-maven-plugin. All goes well until I try to have it generate the %pre scriptlet (or any scriptlet for that matter) The pom.xml excerpt is: <plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>rpm-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.0-beta-2</versio...