I have a Rails application that generates a weekly report and emails it out. I don't want the production app to have any sort of web interface, for security and convenience reasons (don't want to maintain a web interface).
However, I do have a rudimentary web interface to the database that I'd like to keep available in my development...
Hello, everyone. I have an idea to use Activerecord to implement something strange like the example below:
SystemInfo < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :SystemInfo
The idea is, System A can contain System B as its child. So I will generate application's skeleton as:
script/generate scaffold SystemInfo parent_id:integer name:str...
Something like this:
class Category
SOME_CATEGORY = find_by_name("some category")
tried without a problem, but want to know if it is a bad idea, and the reasons if any..
For a specific role (group of users) I added the :readonly to every find on the active record
def self.find(*args)
if User.current_user.has_role? 'i_can_only_read'
with_scope({:find => {:readonly => true}}) do
result = super *args
Of course it raises now ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyRecord...
Netbeans seems to be throwing this error:
"Error: Rake tasks fetching failed with..."
whenever I start it up, though otherwise it's fine. What does this mean?
Since has_one doesn't provide a before_add callback to allow validation,
how do I prevent rails from destroying the old association even when the
new one does'nt pass validation?
susan :has_one :shirt
shirt :belongs_to :susan
susan.shirt = a_nice_shirt
this destroys whatever association was present beforehand,
even if the new shirt is...
Every time I run rake db:create, I get the notice that I have to run "sudo gem install mysql", but I do not have root access and the tech support is telling me that they cannot do that for me since it is on a shared server.
Is there any work around about this? I do not have the option of changing hosting as of right now.
Trying to get Rails exception notifier plugin working. I've installed it in my app...
script/plugin install git://github.com/rails/exception_notification.git
Put this at the end of environment.rb outside of the Rails::Initializer call...
ExceptionNotifier.exception_recipients = %w([email protected])
ExceptionNotifier.sender_address = %("...
This is more of a "why do things work this way" question rather than a "I don't know how to do this" question...
So the gospel on pulling associated records that you know you're going to use is to use :include because you'll get a join and avoid a whole bunch of extra queries:
Post.all(:include => :comments)
However when you look at ...
I keep getting Segmentation faults in the rmagick_processor.rb:52 (part of attachment_fu) while trying to run the test suite for community_engine on a fresh ruby app.
I've noticed I have both librmagick-ruby and librmagic-ruby1.8 which are both ImageMagick APIs for Ruby. Should it be just one? If so which?
I'm using Paperclip with a Ruby on Rails to attach assets to a model, these assets can be any file type and currently thumbnails are only being generated if the asset is an image. I'd like to be able to display a different default image for other files, either by generating a thumbnail of the files on upload, or setting something up wit...
I've upgraded to Rails 2.3.3 (from 2.1.x) and I'm trying to figure out the accepts_nested_attributes_for method. I can use the method to update existing nested objects, but I can't use it to create new nested objects. Given the contrived example:
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :notes
accepts_nested_attributes_for :not...
Hello, I'm using rails 2.3 for a blog app. I'm trying to get caching to work. So far, I've managed to follow along with these tutorials: http://railslab.newrelic.com/2009/01/22/page-caching
I thought everything was working fine. I even managed to get a cachesweeper to work a la the next tutorial in that series.
But I noticed in the dev...
I have a simple idea for a small web application that I'd like to build out, but it requires syntax highlighting in the same manner that Pastie does. I was wondering if anybody knew what library (jQuery, Prototype, any) was used in the frontend, and/or which (if any) plugins/gems were used in the backend.
For reference, you can find an...
my code is
class FatWorker < Workling::Base
def do_work
#some code to export csv file
send_data csv_string, :type => "text/csv; charset=iso-8859-1; header=present", :disposition => "attachment", :filename => "sample.csv"
and I'm calling this in another model
def export_to_csv
Am having a table with quetion_id , nominees and vote_count. In which the values for question_id and nominees are prepopulated from other tables with vote_count as zero.
If the users select some nominees the vote count should be incresed by one. The problem is How to connect the question_id and nominees like for this question_id th...
Hi folks,
I want to comma separate users.names using the handy rails to_sentence method.
Of course users.to_sentence isn't right # => #, #, #, # and #
It looks to me like I'll either have to create an array of the names to use this method on, or give up on using the method...
That said, I'm a total noob so you'll probably have some g...
I am going to write a ContentManagementSystem for RubyOnRails for administration of static pages.
Which features do you prefer to appear in this CMS?
What do you think might be helpful for daily work?
Best regards
I am currently developing a cms and want to reuse the functionality in other projects.
Hi All,
I am developing with Rails on Windows versions. IR 2.0 comes with Rails 2.0.
What is the correct way to upgrade the rails (and Ruby) to the latest version?
Rails 2.3
Ruby 1.9
Many thanks.