
activescaffold @records manipulation in a before filter

Hi All, I would like to call @records.collect{|r| r.set_some_virtual_attribute(@context)} before rendering an activescaffold index view, but if I do this : controller FooController < ApplicationController before_filter :change_things, :only => :index active_scaffold :foos protected def change_things @records.collect...

How do I get data from a hash?

Given this hash that comes though :params "positions"=>{ "1"=>{"x"=>"50", "y"=>"30"}, "2"=>{"x"=>"22", "y"=>"53"}, "3"=>{"x"=>"68", "y"=>"35"} } How would I do this? (doesn't work, but attempting to show what I want to do) params[:positions].each do |position| end I know, painfully beginner ...

How to create a Global Accounts system to use across several apps?

I'm developing several apps at the moment which will require a global accounts system across all of the apps and I'm unsure of what's the best way of going about doing this. The most obvious option is to have each app connect to 1 database but that would require duplicating the MVC login code across all the apps which would make updatin...

reuse action mailer template

How do I reuse the same action mailer template for multiple mailer "actions"? In ActionController, you can do ... render :action => 'another_action' I'd imagine the same thing can be done in ActionMailer, but I couldn't seem to find the right method. If it's relevant, I'm on Rails 2.3.2. Thanks! ...

Using attachment_fu, how do you edit an existing photo, update only thumbnails, and leave original unedited?

After a photo is uploaded and created using attachment_fu, is there a way to edit just the thumbnails and leave the original as it is? I understand how to do the resizing or cropping, but it's applying the edits to all of the thumbnails and the originals, which is how I'm sure attachment_fu was intended to work. For example, say in a p...

Should ActionMailer raise_delivery_errors be true or false in production?

If true it will send an error message to the user. If false delivery errors wont be noticed. What's the recommended way to handle this? ...

ruby on rails sqllite problem

Hi, Am trying out Ruby on Rails in Windows XP using the Hello World example. Encountered this error ? Not sure how to fix this When I downloaded sqllite from the website, copy the dll to windows/system32. then run "gem install sqlite3-ruby". It shows up with lots of "No definition for _wrap_sqlite3_*" then in Firefox, http://loc...

Sendmail vs SMTP

A rails application in production should use smtp or sendmail to send mails? ...

Validating date formats in rails

My simple date validation regex is not working correctly... validates_format_of :dob, :with => /\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}/, :message => "^Date must be in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy" What am I missing here? I'm trying to validate that a date is in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy - When I enter what should be valid data, I still get th...

belongs_to association query method doesn't exist

The "association?" query method that the Rails docs say should exist when I create a belongs_to association doesn't actually get created: class Author < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :posts end class Post < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :author end >> p = Post.create(:author => Author.create) >> NoMethodError: undefined me...

missing attribute in activerecord

I have models Foo and Bar. Bar has column foo_id. When I call Bar.foo_id I get the error missing attribute: foo_id Keep in mind that this is not an undefined method error and the column definitely is in the db. What are some common causes of this? Thanks ...

What is the standard way to dump db to yml fixtures in rails?

I've seen some plugins and custom rake tasks to dump the active db to fixtures, but I'm not sure what the prevailing technique is. Basically, I want the opposite of rake:db:fixtures:load so that I can put basic db information (the admin user account, for one) into svn for when we deploy. I don't want to have to create fixtures manually ...

Rails `link_to` method posting multiple times

[see later answer for more] I think this is just a simple rails question, and mostly on how i've named my models and reference them in my view. So a little background, I'm using the vote_fu plugin, which I think is great, however I'm having a hard time getting the voting to work from a link as follows: <%= link_to "vote for", current_u...

Link_to action in nested controller?

So I've created an action, lets call it 'raise' in the controller 'elevator'. 'elevator' is nested in 'building'. What routes should I create, or what link_to url can I make so /buldings/2/elevators/4/raise will work? Thanks, Elliot ...

Recursively creating an indexbar (UL, LI based)

I'm using awesome_nested_set for my central website structure. I want to be able to build a UL/LI based indexbar off of the nested set but also want it to take advantage of the low database intensiveness of nested set. When I was using acts_as_tree I had a recursive function that built the indexbar. It just called itself if it encountere...

Rails 2.3.3 - Setting to production mode

How do I set the application to production mode? Okay, this must be a no-brainer but I'm about to deploy my first Rails app and I've got everything setup properly: Ubuntu Hardy, Passenger, MySQL. However, it's still running in development mode. I've only been able to find documentation for older versions of Rails and want to make sure t...

Adding find condition to all Active Record Models in Rails

Is there anyway to add a find condition to all Active record models? that is I would like this query ExampleModel.find :all, :conditions=> ["status = ?", "active"] to behave the same way as ExampleModel.find :all in every model Thanks!! ...

Headless replacement of selenium and watir for testing Rails and Merb applications

Are there any future plans to replace selenium and watir with mechanize + johnson? ...

Status model design pattern

I'm running into problems implementing statuses for a model. This is probably due to wrong design. There is a model which has a status. There can be multiple instances of the model and only a few predefined statuses (like: created, renewed, retrieved etc.). For each individual status there is some calculation logic for the model. E.g. m...

Adding an autoincrementing SNO column in Rails Scaffolding?

Is there a way in which I can create a serial number (SNO) column through scaffolding in Rails which increases on adding a record, decreases on deleting a record and cannot be modified manually? ...